Meg & Joe at LaFiesta 2000
Photo: © Dennis Cormier, Montreal Canada
Joseph Larose and Meg Pedrick at
LaFiesta Competition, Victoriaville, QC

About Meg Pedrick
About Joseph Larose

Vermont DanceSport dancers are coached by Bobbi Davies, ISTD of Champlain, NY.

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Vermont DanceSport


MIT Open DanceSport Competition, April 24-25, 2004
Meg and Bill (her dad) represented Vermont Dancesport at this competition and danced very well, placing first overall out of 45 competitive couples in the Internediate International Standard division, and placing approximately fourth overall out of 33 couples in the Advanced International Standard division.

As was true last year, it was a wonderful competition and a great weekend. Many of the top universities (Harvard, Brown, NYU, among others) had large teams there representing their schools.


Our photos from the 2004
MIT Open DanceSport Competition

What is DanceSport?
Meg & Joe featured in Burlington Free Press
Notes from Meg and Joe's attendance at the Blackpool Festival held May 25-June 1, 2001 in Blackpool, England.