ZeroStar - Sailormoon SailorStars Sailormoon S

The Story
Sailormoon R
Sailormoon S
Sailormoon Super S
Sailormoon SailorStars
The Story
About Me
Neptune staring at Minako's pure heart
Uranus - World Shaking!
Mercury stopping the Demon from spreading

After the final battle with Black Moon, Chibi Usagi went back to the future Crystal Tokyo. When the senshi thought they were living in peace, their new enemy, the Death Buster arrived on Earth and attempt to look for people's pure heart. When three of the "real" pure heart which known as talisman, combined, it will form a Moon Chalice which is a very powerful tool. They resides under the building of Mugen Institution/School.

The Death Buster wants the cup to destroy the Earth and change it into a suitable planet for them to live. The Inner Senshi do not know about the alien's trespassing and Rei was being attacked by the Death Buster's alien which known as Demon. When Rei's pure heart was almost being taken away, 2 mysterious soldier appear and finish off the Demon. They were Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, 2 Outer Senshi of the Solar System with greater power than the Inner Senshi. Their mission is not to protect the princess, but to find the three talisman in order to save the Earth. Both of them do not fight along with the others and even treat them as enemy as well.

Usagi's power of the Ginzuishou was faded away since she use the power too much in the battle with the Black Moon. She then combine her power with Mamoru's to restore the power of the Ginzuishou. Later, Chibi Usagi come back to join them as the new Sailor Chibimoon. As the story goes on, both the Inner and Outer Senshi's identification had exposed. Uranus and Neptune was being tricked and trapped by Eudial, one of the Witches 5 of Death Buster. She succeed to steal away Uranus and Neptune's pure heart (the real talisman!) but then being taken back by Sailor Pluto, the owner of the third talisman. The three talisman combined and formed the Moon Chalice which increased Sailormoon's power to become Super Sailormoon.

In the same time, the Moon Chalice have its weakness. When the three talisman combined, it not only form the Moon Chalice but also will awaken the last senshi of the Solar System, the senshi of death and rebirth, Sailor Saturn. Since Saturn's tasks is same like the Death Buster, the Outer Senshi wants to kill Hotaru, who possessed Sailor Saturn's soul.

Hotaru later being transformed into the evil Mistress 9. She steal away Chibi Usagi's Ginzuishou together with her soul and the final battle with Death Buster begin. Pluto sacrifice herself to save Uranus and Neptune from the helicopter explosion and Sailormoon was been caught by Mistress 9. The four guardian god could not get into Mugen's building and could only try to block the Demons from spreading to the town. Hotaru finally died and her awaken soul transform into Sailor Saturn. Saturn returned Chibi Usagi's soul and her Ginzuishou to her body. Since the Moon Chalice was destroyed, Sailormoon cannot transform into Super Sailormoon. Saturn take the responsibility and sacrifice herself to destroy Pharoah 90's heart. She then reincarnated and reborn as a baby while Pharoah 90 been turned to dusts. Haruka and Michiru take Hotaru as their daughter and leave the Inner Senshi.