Mario's RC Models
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Eco Speed

Key Biscayne

Owner of the Site is: 
Mario Verweij

Ronald v/d Wijden and Jean-Paul Verweij helped with this site.

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I dont know how jet, but i think it can be fast!

Manufacturer: Graupner
Type: Eco Speed
Length x beam: 53 x 21.5cm
weight: 1.2kg

Motor: 1x600 BB 8.4v
Speedcontroller: Schulze slim-50be
Battery pack: 2x 5 cells 1700mah

I bought this boat from a friend of one of the saildays, because i was looking for another fun looking boat that also can be made fast.The first owner, Paul Wijnstra, bought that boat several years ago, because i wanted to make a rescue boat of it when something has happened with his other boat on the water, but that didn't work. Official sailing races are being held with this boat, but it is not my intention to race with it. It's more for the fun and to play with it. Also officially the boat runs on 7 cells, but i wanted to go a little furter. My intention is to drive on 10 cells split in 2 x 5 with a standard 600 motor. I think that that makes the boat fast. Very fast.
When the weather is going to get better, i gonna take it for a spin, and then i let you all know if it worked. First i must get it ready.