
Position: 3rd Aett, 1st Rune {17}

Rune of balance and justice, ruled from a higher rationality. Rune of sacrifice of the self for the well-being of the whole.


· Justice
· Order
· Victory
· Support
· Self-sacrifice
· Faith
· Loyalty

Tree: Oak

Color: Bright Red

Element: Air

Numerical Value: 17

Astrological Correspondence: Libra

Tarot Correspondence: Justice

Magical Qualities:

· Increases Faith
· Evaluates and properly discerns what needs to be done
· Reaches successful completion of patterns
· Builds spiritual energy
· Teaches order for benefit

In Divination:

Tiwaz embodies the mystery of spirituality and faith according to divine patterns. Qualities of discrimination are required to establish the old patterns from the new. Recognize the old through watchfulness, Wait for the right time to act; develop patience. Follow through on all necessary steps for your growth; develop the perseverance to overcome difficulties, and the courage to move steadfastly forward. You will awaken to a new self trust if you follow your own guiding star.

Are you losing energy, fighting against reality, being hasty, or attempting to overpower others? Ask yourself: Where am I going? What am I doing? Am I truly being myself? Are you lacking in self confidence and In the faith in something greater than yourself?  Be honest with yourself, and then from that center, get ready to face others
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