
Sound: “B”

Position: 3rd Aett, 2nd Rune {18}

Rune of the containment and release of energy leading to continued growth. The continual renewal and rebirth on all things. The rune of liberation and becoming.


· Nurturing
· Rebirth
· Growth
· Transition
· Concealment
· Ancestry
· Protection
· Spirit

Tree: Birch

Color: Dark Green

Element: Earth

Numerical Value: 18

Astrological Correspondence: Virgo

Tarot Correspondence: The Empress

Magical Qualities:

· Works with feminine energies
· Understands the forces of transition
· Conceals and protects energy
· Revitalizes the Spirit; personal empowerment
· Increases intuitive ability
· Gathers and directs earth, air, fire, water

In Divination:

Going with the flow, dispersing resistance, defining your will, and growing deeper and higher are keynotes of this time. The time is ripe for flowering forth; self renewal is at hand. Fulfilling your potential and becoming will evolve you spiritually to another level. This is either a new beginning, or the end of a cycle. Take hold of things in your life.

Its time to look at what you see as ‘failure’. You are probably the obstacle to your own growth. Stop stressing, reacting and resisting.  Let go of the old and open up to the beauty in Life.
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