
Sound: “L”

Position: 3rd Aett, 5th Rune {21}

Rune of the context of becoming, or evolutionary process. Rune of the matrix of action. Rune of upward growth out of roots in unconscious unfoldment and
blossoming in the light.


· Fluidity
· Life Force
· Birth

Tree: Willow

Color: Deep blue-green

Element: Water

Numerical Value: 21

Astrological Correspondence: The Waxing Moon

Tarot Correspondence: The Star

Magical Qualities:

· Tunes into the watery flow of life
· Increases awareness of Light within
· Understands and integrates emotions and desires
· Washes away negative energies

In Divination:

Laguz is a potent Rune for Initiation; a symbol of the expansion of life. Your intuitive side is awakening, and drawing you toward merging with all. Yin and Yang are calling to be reunited. It is time to let go of any mind games or defenses. Recognize your inner Wisdom. You are flowering, flowing..

Don’t strive against the flow of the river. Its time to center yourself. Get away from the noise that is stress-full, and don’t resist if you want to go within.
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