Delving into Insanity...

** Gothamites + Dumasians + Villains + Others **

Real name: Jean Paul Valley
Age: approx. 24-25 years now
Father: Ludovic Valley
Mother: Unknown woman of Order of St. Dumas and a she-beast (simian)
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Current location: Gotham
Powers: Based on the SYSTEM

Azrael is an angelic assasin, trained from birth through drugs, physical workouts, and hypnosis to become a lethal weapon of the Order of St. Dumas--to punish the unobediant, destroy the unfaithful, and terrify the unrighteous. The zealous faith in Saint Dumas and the Order was instilled in Azrael in addition to the variety of martial arts, weaponry, fighting tactics, etc. He has been genetically engineered, as have all Azrael's, to achieve maximum, inhuman strength, stamina, speed, agility, etc. through his "half-animal" breeding. As a fetus, the Grey Abbott tortured him with volts of powerful electricity (a form of "skyfire," see above) to generate an innate, pure, angelic rage. Growing up was lonely for him, as he was isolated from the "un-holy masses" by his father and the Order, for Azrael must be an angel among men. He was enrolled as a very good computer science student at Gotham University. It was when his father died, while he was in college, that Jean Paul took over the role of Azrael. Trained by the Order's Nomoz, he became a fearsome angel of vengeance. But, hating the bloodthirst that he had, he rejected the Order and the killing. He became employed by Bruce Wayne who he had rescue after Carlton LeHah (a member of the Order who had went insane, the killer of Az's father) had abducted Batman. Life was fine for a while until Bane began his bid for domination of Gotham. After Batman was incapcitated, he took over the role; however, his conditioning by the System (the Azrael persona/Azrael training he received) began to reassert itself and he became violent and unresponsible to the innocents in his drive to punish the guilty. Finally, healed, Batman returned and reclaimed the Mantle of the Bat. Wandering in Gotham, the broken Jean Paul began to desire to control his System. Thus, began his journeys in the series AZRAEL.

Now Jean has become an "Agent of the Bat" and works for Batman in a sense. He has assumed a new mantle/costume, but the powers still are in effect in this new guise. Gotham has currently been ravaged ("No Man's Land" series) and time will tell if Gotham and its costumed heros can weather these hard times.

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All Azrael images, etc. © of DC Comics et al. No infringement intended.

Page updated 18 Feburary 1999. • Page created 18 February 1999.