Azrael's Celestial Temple: Site Info
Pondering this Spinner's Work...

I originally started the Azrael's Celestial Temple website around June of 1997. It was then the second website on Azrael. Now it is one of many. Unfortunately, I never kept up with the new sites; I didn't frequently update - it was a starting page for a dedicated fan...myself. After a long period of no updates, I finally decided to update the page. It's extremely sparse as before, the primary component being my own analysis of Jean Paul's/Azrael's character. Even though I haven't updated as much, I have remained a fan of Azrael, being a long-term subscriber.

The theme of the page is in line with the tradition of fire imagery within the comic as well as the associated colors of Azrael in myth and legend and astrology.

NB: All Azrael images used on this site are the copyrighted property of DC Comics. They are used merely for illustrational purposes; this is a non-profit site meant to proliferate knowledge of Azrael as well as promote the comic.

16 August 1999
Unfortunately, (this is an OLD refrain), I won't have time to finish the updates that I had previously planned. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it's annoying and a pain. But, oh well. Stuff happens. It'll be a while before I'm able to finally get back with interests that have been mine before. Maybe never. I still read Azrael, it's the only comic I subscribe to still.'s just not the part of my life it once was. A lot of things aren't. I'm truly sorry.

13 April 1999
Well, revamping the site is taking a lot longer than I had planned. I'm still working on re-putting up the old stuff, much less any new stuff. *sighs* I apologize for the lengthy time it's taking me but eventually it'll get done. I guess...Hehe. Decided not to make different sections for the character pages. Updated them with the old info a bit. Pondering a section devoted solely to interpretations of the cover art. Probably will do it sometime in the future.

25 March 1999
This site is officially mirrored now in two places (it was before but had no real link to it). I finally changed the entry page at the Geocities site. The old site is still had more info but I've dumped it into a zip file. I'm still working on transfering all the info from that site to the new format, like the Characters info. Additionally, I hope to get my Az issues from home and thus get better up-to-date info on all the characters in the issues. :)

24 Mar. 1999
After being exceptionally bored and still at college (thus not in direct possession of my Azrael collection), my updating of this page still stagnates. However, on a whim I have added a page on angelic lore. I think I might delete the Order page, but it's still tentative.

18 Feb. 1999
And now, after over a year of stagnation, I have finally restarted the Celestial Temple at this new site (my RUNET page and in a new location on old site). The page is slowly being converted from my old pages because I want to hold true to that original spirit that made my page. Because no matter how bad these pages are, how little is on them, the are ultimately my fan work.

Main Page
CharactersCurrent PlotBest of Azrael • Issue Overview • Gallery • Azrael Fans • Azrael Links
Azrael AnalysisAngelic Lore • The Order's Cathedral • Temple InfoThe Temple's Keeper

All Azrael images, etc. © of DC Comics et al. No infringement intended.

Page updated 15 August 1999. • Page created 18 February 1999.