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X Mansion

- The Mansion
- Grounds
- Students
- X-Men Facilities

X-Mansion Grounds

The Xavier estate covers a considerable area from Graymalkin Lane to Breakstone Lake, which is also known as the Neversink Reservoir.

The grounds include Japanese Gardens, stables, a boathouse, a very low frequency antenna, a communications tower, and an Olympic-sized swimming pool at the rear of the mansion. On a distant section of the estate is the hanger and launching area for the X-Men's Blackbird VTOL jet, along with a light plane turntable and runway accessible from the mansion via an underground electromagnetic railway.

The dimensions of the property are approximately 2 miles north-south (lake to road), and 5 miles east-west. The estate's grounds are honey-combed with tunnels and underground passageways of extreme age. Caution is advised, because of the advanced technology, not to mention the safety of the residents and students, security at the mansion is a high priority.

Points of Interest

Southern Area of the Property

Front Gate:
To prevent unauthorized access, the front gate is equipped with Stark International anti-acceleration field generators (to prevent ramming), a visual confirmation screen, and a bio scanner port.

Immediate Area around the Mansion

Basketball Courts
Three professional sized basketball courts, and two smaller single sided courts, each with 7 ft. high hoops. Location: A short distance behind the Mansion to the right (next to the Tennis Courts)

A large Versaille Fountain. It's made of marble, has a surrounding reflecting pool with a 20 foot radius, and has a large sculpture in the center, crowned with a statue of Venus. Location: In front of the Mansion in the center of the Circular Drive

A twenty car garage. Location: In front of the Mansion on the left-hand side of the Circular Drive

Open Sports Field
An open field large enough to accomodate baseball, Football, and American football games. Location: A short distance directly behind the Mansion

Olympic-sized swimming pool with high diving board and two small diving boards, whirlpool, and sun deck. Location: Directly behind the Mansion

Tennis Courts
Four fenced in professional sized tennis courts. Location: A short distance behind the Mansion to the right (next to the Basketball Courts)

Eastern Area of the Property

Communications Tower
Specifically for higher frequency trasmissions. Relays directly to the Communications Repeater in the Attic of the Mansion. Location: In the woods near the south-east corner of the property.

A Japanese garden, filled with various rare and exotic plantlife as well as the more mundane. The gardens follow a series of paths meandering through the woods, containing a number of rest points with benches and water fountains. Location: In the woods in the eastern area of the property.

Hiking Trails
Just your everyday trail through the woods. Location: Various wooded areas throughout the property.

Low Frequency Antenna
Specifically for radio receptions and other low frequency transmissions. Location: Hidden in the woods to the east of the mansion.

Running Track
A one-mile (1.6 km) running track. Location: East of the mansion, just past the tennis and basketball courts.

A large stable with a 25 horse capacity, along with a three acre fenced in grazing pen. Location: Northeast of the mansion, just inside the treeline.

Northern Area of the Property

Breakstone Lake
This lake is one of the primary spots for the X-Men to cut loose. It's far from view and quite secluded. The lake is also very large, a number of properties are located on it's shores. Location: Along the Northern edge of the property.

- Beach
A small strip of beach along the lake.
- Boathouse
A boathouse located on the beach.
- Cabins
A number of cabins located along the lakefront.
- Piers and Docks
A few small piers on the beach, going out about 30 feet from shore, with a number of docks.
- Spuyten Dyvil Cove
A small cove to the east of the beach.

Sensor Web 'Patrol' Area
A number of sensors directly linked to the Security Office. These sensors include motion, infrared, and heat sensors, along with audio-visual output and sensors to detect specific life forms. Location: A short distance out from the lake shore.

Western Area of the Property

Air Communications Hut
A small hut-like building used for communication with air traffic, as well as coordinating landings and takeoffs. Location: Near the Northern edge of Devils Rock near the Hangar Bay.

Area Patrol Digital Radar Tower
A tower that monitors the airspace around the mansion by means of radar. Location: Atop the Southern-most peak of Devil's Rock.

Devil's Rock
A short row of mountains. Location: Along the entire Western Edge of the property.

Hangar Bay
A large bay for storage of planes. Connected to the mansion through the High Speed Transport Tunnel. The Hangar Bay entrance has a shuttered door made of nickel titanium alloy as well as cloaking devices to make it blend into the cliff wall. Location: Inside Devil's Rock.

- Blackbird Turntable and Take-Off Pad
Specifically for the Blackbird and it's vertical take-off capabilities, located inside the Hangar Bay.
- Light Plane Turntable and Runway
A second turntable as well as a runway for aircraft without vertical take-off capabilities, located inside the Hangar Bay.

Heavy Transport Tunnel Entrance
A thirty foot high, sixty foot wide entrance to the heavy transport tunnel. The shuttered door is nickel/titanium alloy and is cloaked to match the surrounding scenery. Location: At the base of Devil's Rock about halfway between the road and the lake.

High Speed Transport Landing Portal
A small area at the end of the High Speed Transport Tunnel for entering and exiting the rail car. Location: Inside the Hangar bay in Devil's Rock.

Hiking Trails
Hiking trails through the woods. Location: Various wooded areas throughout the property.