2009 - 2010 Application
& Dues Deadline

**July 10th, 2009**

For returning members,
dues are $30 if turned in
by the deadline and $40
after the deadline.
New members pay $30.

We understand times can be tough financially. So if you have the need, we'll be glad to make
payment arrangements for
your dues. Returning members please contact us and turn in your completed application by July 10 to avoid the $10 late fee.
In God We Trust!
God Bless America!
Proverbs 4:7 "...in all your getting,
                           get understanding."

     Welcome to the official website for WAHE, Wilson Area Home Educators. .
     Wilson Area Home Educators is a Christian organization formed in 1991 to strengthen and encourage home- schooling families in Wilson County. Membership is available to all homeschool families in the Wilson County area who pledge to uphold the purpose and ideals of WAHE and will adhere to the Constitution and By-Laws.
      Thank you for your time. We're glad you stopped here for a visit and hope you return soon!
WAHE Editor : 
WAHE Purpose:
- Honor Christ as an organization
- Provide encouragement and support to families choosing education as a part of child rearing.
- Provide opportunities for educational, recreation, and social activities.
- Provide communication and fellowship through meetings, newsletters, and WAHE Message Board.
- Provide educational experiences for homeschoolers through group acti vities such as organized field trips and special events.
- To promote home education as an excellent educational alternative.
WAHE Ideals:
WAHE believes:
- In Parental Authority
- In Parental responsibility for their child's education.
- That Homeschooling is a    means to educational  excellence.
- In the Protection and promotion of the "traditional" family.
- In Moral and ethical instruction to aid our children in becoming moral and responsible citizens is a vital part of our homeschooling responsibility.
- In Educational freedom.
WAHE Activities
WAHE Membership Requirements
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WAHE Message Board
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