yeah, Im not normal, but I'm learning to accept it.
The call to Rise:

Now the world is sleeping. It has been too long since the last revival of the Church. Darkness is growing more and more powerful throughout our nation.
Wake from your slumber take up the sword and follow Christ.

All things of this world are temporary. God formed man from the dirt. In all our supposed wisdom and our great accomplishment’s we marvel in our discoveries. Scientists love to look at all these cells, these parts of cells. Beyond that, there are molecules, elements, protons, and electrons. The deeper we look the deeper it goes, but when it comes down to it we are simply made of dirt. When we die we turn into dirt. The plants suck up parts of the dirt someone eats it. It is distributed by their blood, and used to generate parts as they grow.

In this world we have bodies made of dirt. The Bible describes these things pretty well. Our bodies are vehicles for our spirit. If you want to go far you need to take care of it. We are not simply waiting around for the bus to carry us home. We are designed with a purpose. God knew at the dawn of the Earth what his plan was for you. God made our stories and bodies unique so that we could each carry out a unique purpose.

It’s a scary world we live in. Everywhere we look we see temptation and suffering. The important thing about this is the way we take it. If you have ever heard or read the story of Job, you would know that he suffered through a lot of loss and physical pain.
Job went through a lot before he finally gave in and questioned God. If you know his story you know that Job was rewarded for his obedience. If you are obedient while Satan tries to break you, God will reward you.
To love God is to obey him. Our chances to obey God come in many different ways. They vary as much as we do. We each have a calling and we will all struggle against things. I know I will struggle. I know some of you are struggling against things in your lives now.

Do you think that the size of my body, the strength of my arms, the things I wear make a difference in this life? My ability to win and conquer in this life has nothing to do with anything physical. These things are all irrelevant. All the things I can put on will not make a difference. Our spirits are eternal, there is no amount of physical armor I can wear to protect it. There is no physical sword sharp enough to cut the things that can break it. If I have faith in the Lord his provision will keep me. If I take up the Sword and live by it, I will die by it.
Like Jesus said to Peter “live by the sword die by the sword.” Maybe you have also heard about the Armor of God. More importantly “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
So, you have a choice. Will you take up the sword of metal, or the Sword of God?
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