1.7 Narrative Writing When you are asked to write a short story, or asked to
< Click on Sub Tasks for more detail
do some &quot;creative writing&quot;, you are doing what is
called &quot;Narrative Writing&quot;. Narrative writing is meant
to entertain! Part of being human is getting to tell
great stories!
Examples: Story (personal, true, imaginative),
Fable, Myth, Poem, Play, Biography
People enjoy reading stories and watching films
about interesting people, animals and other
characters. If the characters are fascinating, we are
interested in the rest of the story like the setting
(place) and the plot (events in the story). If the
characters are boring, most of us won't care to read
or to watch a film about them, even if the rest of the
story is good.
1.8 Persuasive Essay < Click on Sub Tasks for more detail Don't you just love it when you can argue with
someone and get them to come around to your way
of thinking? That's what a persuasive essay is all