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This site was last updated November 21st, 2003



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Invitational camp

March 12, 13, and 14 2003

all challenge camp:


What: All Challenge Camp

When: March 12, 13, and 14, 2003

Where: Camp Unknown Yet : Some where outside of Whitecourt.

Who: 1st Whitecourt Venturers





All Challenge Camp Information

Dear Venturer Companies,

The 1st Whitecourt Venturer Company has decided to have a camp in which we invite about 20 different companies to a campground just outside of Whitecourt for a weekend. It will have some low-key games and some challenge events. As planner I would like to formally invite your company to attend this momentous occasion. You are expected to be completely self-dependent, which means, bring, food, shelter, and anything else you might need to survive March weather. The official dates are March 12th, 13th, and14th of 2004. The campsite is yet to be determined, as I must still look around and reserve one, you will be notified with a map as soon as I find one. The camp will officially start on Saturday, March 13, 2004; however, you are expected to show up on Friday, March 12, 2004 to set up and get situated within the campground. Note: I would like to have all of the Venturer Companies to stay in the campground facilities, as this is a group event. Also note that space is going to be limited, so if you are planning on attending the All Challenge Camp, I need to know by January 1st, 2004. With this, I need to know the amount of Venturers and Adults attending and the Companies Name. I would also like for each company attending to make a “Team Name”, for the challenges will have a point value. At the end of the Camp (Sunday), the winner’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be announced and prizes given out. The complete set of details and such will be sent out to your company when you register, now please note again, that the space is limited so you must register soon.


Yours Sincerely,

Matt Greene


How to Register:

E-Mail: Matt Greene >>>

Matt Greene
29 Sandy Drive
Whitecourt, AB
T7S 1G9


Phone Matt: 780-778-5869

Phone Skylar: 780-778-3614


Map to Whitecourt:




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