XE2/WD9EWK on 3 May 2001

Mexican flag

Updated 8 February 2006

I was in Mexicali only for a couple of hours on 3 May, with the main intent being my desire to file the paperwork for another XE permit.  In addition I had two other things I wanted to do if time allowed: 
Getting the XE permit
Rather than elaborate at length here on the process of obtaining a Mexican amateur radio permit, I can refer you to another page I have created with information on obtaining a Mexican radio permit.  The SCT office in Mexicali does not issue the permits, those come from Mexico City - but with the receipt I received from filing my application and paying the fee is enough to go on the air legally. 
My HF operating time
I had my FT-817, ATX Walkabout multiband telescoping whip antenna, and the complete Maldol line of telescoping whips and coils (10/15/20/40m).  I found the ATX Walkabout worked better on 20m than the Maldol 20m whip and coil combination, and since I could easily get 17m working with the ATX Walkabout I used that antenna for most of my two hours I had on the radio.  Unfortunately, I only worked one station on 20m (K6QG in California).  Propagation was not too good on this day, but there will be other days, on other trips to play on the radio. 
If you have any other questions or comments about my XE trips, please feel free to contact me.