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Hi Thank you for stopping by! I hope to put these in the order of my favorites first. Any critisism is welcome.


I look at my tomorrows,
To forget about today.
But all the yesterdays,
Seem to get in the way.

Now all my dreams have soured,
Faded and turned to gray.
I can turn my back,
But I can't walk away.

My mirror is my companion,
Reflections of myself.
Sad visions of dreams,
I have to leave up on the shelf.

If my life is now something,
It's only in my mind.
My sunny days and smiles,
Are getting hard to find.

Valerie Rojas



Dad your laugh and smile, were always there,
You always showed me, how much you cared.
You always taught me right from wrong,
You made me feel like I belonged.

You gave me my morals, by which I live,
You filled my heart, with the love I give.
You taught me to be honest and fair,
You taught me always to show how much i care.

I miss those early morning talks,
I miss those late afternoon walks.
I miss the way you would always joke around,
You'll always be my favorite clown.

The advice you gave, was never wrong,
You were the one, I knew I could depend upon.
You were always there, to show me the way,
Making me feel wanted, and brightening my day.

Dad, why did you have to leave so soon?
My heart feels like an empty room.
And I've never been able to fill that space,
No one in the world, could ever take your place.

In the last twenty years, my life has changed,
Been scrambled up, and rearranged.
But the one thing that's always held true,
Is how much I'll always love you.

Valerie Rojas



Warm sunny days, clear and bright,
Lifting spirits to wondrous heights.
Sweet smell of flowers in the air,
Sparrows take flight without a care.
Children playing on the sweet green grass,
Stirring thoughts of memories past.
Memories to have, a lifetime to last.

A lifetime to last, these memories of mine.
Turning the pages of this scrapbook of time.
Reliving those days, long ago gone.
Like the beautiful music and words of a song.
Memories are dreams that went before.
Pictures and thoughts we can't ignore.
Part of our hearts and minds forevermore.

Forevermore, these memories of mine,
Frozen capsules, existing in time.
Magical doorways, our minds hold the key.
Releasing thoughts and feelings to be free.
Ghostly images of long ago places.
Mirror reflections of long forgotten faces.
Reminiscence of our loves embraces.

Valerie Rojas



Peanut butter sandwiches on the floor!
Cars and trucks, toys galore!
You clean and clean, there's always more!
Even crayon masterpieces on my doors!

Pampers and bottles, dirty clothes,
Colds and fevers, a runny nose.
They're cleaning the kitchen with a garden hose!
Ghostbuster's, He Man, cartoon shows!

Little tornados leaving rubble,
Where's the bathroom floor?
My God it's bubbles!
At 2 & 4 their loads of trouble,
But each and everyday, I love them double!

Valerie Rojas 4/15/89

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