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Hi Thank you for stopping by! I hope to put these in the order of my favorites first. Any critisism is welcome.


Images burning within my mind,
Faces and smiles, forgotten times.
Echo the sound of laughter and tears,
So many memories, so many years.
Recalling the voices that only I can hear.

Whispering ghosts, in far away places,
Reminding me of love's embraces.
Times to remember, good and bad,
Dreams and plans we once had.
Now those memories, a time to be sad.

As the sadness fades away,
Brightness will fill the future days.
With love, happiness will certianly come,
Memories, old and new will blend into one.
And the circle of life will continue on.

Valerie Rojas



Dark days seem to surround me,
Many dreams lost in the wind.
So dark at times, I cannot see,
Hoping the light will come again.

Many new memories will not be found,
Many dreams seem to be gone.
Like a room totally void of sound,
My heart in darkness without a dawn.

Let the light come to me,
Carry me off to a brighter place.
Open my eyes, so I can see,
Let the warmth consume my face.

Help me to see beyond this exsistance,
Give me the strength and force.
Help me to have the persistence,
To put my faith in the source.

Valerie Rojas


These two poems I wrote thinking of Pedro. Dark Days I wrote the day we found out he had AIDS. Circle I wrote near his death. Goodbye I wrote the week he died.


I know my love,
It's time for you to go.
There's God's work, for you above,
I'll miss you love, more than you know.

Our times together, I'll cherish always,
The years of happiness we have spent.
Remembering all those happy days,
Wondering where they all went.

I know I must carry on,
To do what I must do.
But life will be lonely, with you gone,
At times I imagine very blue.

Remembering you, will help me cope,
Carry on, through this difficult time.
Within my heart always the hope,
That we will meet again on the other side.

Valerie Rojas



Pushing and shoving, up that hill,
Pulling and climbing, to reach the top.
Using all my strength and will,
Preparing always for the ultimate drop.

Scratching and clawing, all the way,
Slipping and sliding, here and there.
Grasping and reaching, every day,
Only to see, my hands come up bare.

Fighting and struggling, with all my heart,
Scraping and straining, just to gain an inch.
Striving not to be ripped apart,
Or drawn into a tighter clinch.

Wrestling and tackling, with these daily chores
Agonizing decisions, is what I've found.
Forever snatching at closing doors,
Forever losing precious ground.

Working and enduring, not to crash andfall,
Seizing the moment, is the way I'll win.
Constantly striving to give it my all,
And always ready to begin climbing again.

Valerie Rojas



Love buried deep,
Within the folds of time.
Held in a heart,
Deep within this heart of mine.

Feelings that are there,
Forever and a day.
Words can't express my emotions,
More than a heart can say.

Once upon a time,
Many years ago.
Your heart belonged to me ,
A love deeper than you know.

Now many years have passed,
Our lives forever altered.
But the true feeling we shared,
Friendship and love, never faltered.

Valerie Rojas


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