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Hi Thank you for stopping by! I hope to put these in the order of my favorites first. Any critisism is welcome.


Warm summer breezes blowing,
With the sweet smell of flowers in the air.
That's just the worlds way of showing,
How much love there is out there.

With sunshine and rainbows,
And the stars so high.
Sunsets tinted with yellow and rose,
A moon that lights the midnight sky.

And in our hearts neighborhood, you see,
There are many people who light the way.
More precious than gold are my friends to me,
They bring happiness each and everyday.

And as the pages of your life turn,
Day in and day out, one depends.
As everyone eventually learns,
Love is, Sunshine, Rainbows, and Friends.

Valerie Rojas



Oh what a beautiful day,
Let us rejoice with the Lord.
With all our hearts and souls,
Through the heavens, our love will soar.

With a loving hand, he shapes our lives.
Gently molding us with his love.
Looking out for us always,
From the heavens, far above.

Our destiny is in his hands,
And all he asks of us.
Is to live our lives the best we can,
And to put in him, our ultimate trust.

To trust in him, is the only way,
To let your soul be free.
Give your love and life completely,
And soar with him for all eternity.

Valerie Rojas



Dark winter skies,
Cool crisp nights.
Stars fill your eyes,
Nighthawks take flight.

Cutting through the hills and among the trees,
Clear bubbling mountain streams.
Permeating nature's boundaries,
Filling my mind with dreams.

The sent of wildflowers in the air,
Satisfying every corner of senses.
Totally free from despair,
In this world without fences.

Solitude to cleanse the soul,
Wipe the cobwebs from the mind.
Being intimate with nature makes you whole,
As close to God, as you'll ever find.

Valerie Rojas



On my own,
Is where I am.
Trust only in myself,
The best I can.

Depend on no one,
Because that's the way it is.
No matter how much faith,
My judgement amiss.

Keeping those walls up,
Each and everyday.
Locking people out,
To insure my sanity.

This is the way,
It has to be.
Cause I always end up,
Just hurting me.

Valerie Rojas



I need you,
My love.
Like all the stars,
Need the sky above.

Like the oceans and seas,
Need the beaches and shores.
In my life, my love,
I need you more.

Like the air i breathe,
To dream and to sleep.
Tight in my heart,
Are all the memories I keep.

Holding you close to me,
Feeling your love.
Your hand touching me,
Like a soft sweet dove.

Dreams are nice,
When love is true,
But most of all sweetheart,
I need you.

Valerie Rojas


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