Basic Info
Name: Children of the Darkness
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Colors: black and red
Acreage: 1,500 acres
Horse Capacity: 156
Horses on Farm:
We mainly focus on Thoroughbreds race horses and Appalooosa show horses.

4-Stallion Barns(8 stalls each)
3-Broodmare Barns(2-20; 1-15 stalls each)
1-Foaling Barn(12 stalls each)
1-Young Horse Barns(20 stalls each)
1-Personal Barn(25 stalls)
2-Boarder Barn(30 stalls + indoor arena)
1-Quartenie Barn(10 stalls each)
1-Racing Barn(25 stalls)
Race horses are kept at my racetrack Seoul Racecourse. But there is a barn for them, nonetheless. Injured/resting racers, etc.
Each barn has a tack room(s), feed room, and wash rack(s). The middle 8 horse stallion barn has a viewing area.

36-Stallion Pastures(2 acres each)
2-Broodmare Pastures(20 acres each)
6-Broodmare Smaller Pastures(10 acres each)
5-Small Pastures(1 acres)
8-2 acre Pastures
3-Young Horse Pastures(10 acres)
6-Weanling Pastures(5 acres)
10-Horse Runs(1/2 acres)
2-Cow Pastures(73/42 acres each)
10-Agriculture Pastures(4 are 10; 6 are 8 acres)
We grow Timothy & Alfalfa hay, Silverear Corn, etc.

Show Facality
1 Large Indoor Arena
this one includes a waiting area, a barn that can host up to 100 horses, concession, bathroom, seats, heated/AC, etc.
1 130x210 Indoor Arena
with a barn that hosts up to 30 horses. This arena handles more of the cattle shows. Has cattle holding pens, etc.
Show Barn Area(50 stalls)

Swimming Facality
State of the Art Vet Lab
Breeding Shed
TV Monitors for security & broodmares.
1 Indoor Arena
3 Round pen(near young horse barn, boarder, show)
2 Large Outdoor Arena
1-1/2 Mile Training Track(Dirt)
1-Galloping Trail. Made for galloping horses in the woods.
1-Indoor Track.(Yes there is such a thing.) Since Korea can get snow we have an indoor training track. Its dirt and its a mile long.
Storage area for hay, corn. Corn is shipped to 3 local market stores.
We use our own hay for our own horses.
Indoor arena has stands.

-- Aia Antilles, owner and founder of Children of the Darkness

>Stallions The Children The Darkness Other Creatures Employees Awards

Birchwood Farm Capital Sporthorses Gust O Wind Farm Gallery

This stable and all contents contained within are part of a simulated
equestrian reality known as Wish Horse, and are in no way factual.
All content copyright ©2001 Aia Antilles, layout and images
copyright ©2001 Lexi Talley. All rights reserved.