
Nutrition is your number one priority next to training. It is very important to buid your diet around what your fitness goals are, be it to loose fat or gain muscle. I have listed some of the basic guidelines to follow below, you might have to modify them slightly to attain your goals.

Nutritional breakdown:

You should strive to get fifty percent of your total daily calories from low fat carbohydrate sources such as, breads, rice, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes, cereals, & etc. Thirty five percent of your total daily calories should come from low fat proteins, such as, chicken, fish, lean red meat, turkey, skim milk & etc. and the final fifteen percent of your total daily calories will come from fats, which will most likely be coming from the other foods you eat.

Meal schedule:

Most people are under the assumption that three square meals are enough, wrong! Your body needs to receive a constant supply of calories from multiple low calorie meals throughout the day, such as four to six; four hundred-six hundred calorie meals equally spaced out about every two to three hours. Eating this way does two things, it gives your body a constant energy source and it actually helps you burn fat by keeping your metabolism running at an increased rate.

Calorie requirements:

This is one thing that you will have to fine tune to your own needs, based on if you are trying to loose fat or gain muscle or both, and based on how active your lifestyle is and or how physically demanding your job is. The best and easiest way to figure your calorie requirements is to multiply your IDEAL bodyweight pdg. By anywhere to ten to fifteen, if you are trying to loose fat multiply your ideal bodyweight pdg by ten to twelve, if you are trying to gain muscle multiply your ideal bodyweight pdg. by fourteen or fifteen and if your trying to gain muscle while loosing fat multiply your ideal bodyweight pdg by thirteen.


Water is very important, the only rule here is to drink as much water a day as you can, and I don't mean a cup here and there I mean four to twelve litres. Water is like oil in a car, it is a very important lubricant, and its needed to help transport nutrients to where they need to go, and by drinking lots of water it can act like a natural detox, transporting toxins out of your body and keeping your system clean.


First of all I have to say that "no supplement in the world can make up for poor nutrition, so first and foremost you need to have a very good nutrition plan before you even worry about taking supplements, supplements are just what the name implies supplements, they are intendend to be a supplement to good nutrition."

Over the years I've tried just about every supplement out there, here is a list of the ones and dosages that woked well for me.


Ten grams/day divided up equally over two servings, taken preferably on an empty stomach, training days take five grams before and imedietly after training. (Caution, when you buy your creatine make sure to buy it from a reputable company/brand name.)


Make sure to purchase one that has ample amounts of magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron & zinc, and again make sure it is a good brand name.


Ten to fifteen grams/day divided up equally over two to three servings, and taken preferably on an empty stomach, and on training days make sure to have a serving before and imedietly after training.


Four to eight grams/day divided up equally over two servings, make sure to take a serving before and immedietly after training.

Vitamin C:

Two to five grams a day divided up equally over three to four servings taken preferably with meals.

Protein powders & meal replacement powders:

These are very vital supps. but the amounts youll have to decide on your own.


Some of the companys which I feel produce top quality supplements are linked to in

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