May his light shine on you

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A few things about what Jesus and Christianity are NOT:

* Christianity is not about "religion."

* Christianity does not make all your problems go away or give you a perfect life.

* All those who call themselves Christians do not know Christ, and even many of those who do know Him do not act in accordance with His will.

* Christianity is not about being a "good person," going to church on Sundays and Christmas Eve, or doing "the right thing."

* God is not an idea, concept, or idol.

There is a God. He is a real person, with feelings, thoughts, and actions. He created everything in existence, and He maintains it out of love for us, for we were created to have fellowship with Him. He has a plan worked up for each of our lives. However, each of us was born incomplete. Our inborn nature is sinful, which means it is natural for us to go against the will of God for our lives by lying, hating, lusting, envying, etc. That is the way we are made. The problem is, this sin in our lives makes us unclean, unpure, unworthy of being in the presence of God, who is holy. This creates a separation between us and God that we can never bridge, no matter how hard we may try. Because of that separation, once we die, we cannot live forever in the presence of God in heaven, where many of us want and expect to go after we die. We cannot be in heaven because of our sin, so our only other destination is hell, a terrible, dark, and torturous place which no one like to think about. But did God leave us to flounder about on our own, tumbling merrily down the road to hell with no hope? No, He didn't. Instead, the same loving God also provided the way to become pure, to become whole, to be washed clean of all our mistakes, past, present, and future. The way is through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Jesus came down to earth 2000 years ago, living, working, and teaching in what is known today as Israel and Palestine. He lived a perfect life, completely without sin of any kind. He traveled around healing the sick and lame, loving the lost and lonely, befriending the sinners, and condemning the self-righteous hypocrites. And then he walked up to a hilltop, allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross, raised up upon it, and left to die. In doing so, Jesus, because He was perfect and holy, paid the price for the sin of the entire world, including that of you and me. But that death could not stop Him. Three days after He died on that cross, He conquered death and hell forever and rose again, so that we could live forever with Him and with the Father. Death need have no more power over us anymore, because if we know Him, death is simply a doorway into His kingdom. Because of His sacrifice for us, we can be washed clean, and know God both in this world and in the next. It was the most perfect and generous gift in the history of the world.

My favourite christian song lyrics

My favourite bible verses

Final thought

Jesus said to come and follow Him, and believe in Him and His forgiveness, and He will give us rest. He wants to know each of us personally, not just as God, but as our friend.

He's not sitting up in heaven looking down on us with crossed arms, waiting to triumphantly send us all to condemnation. He is waiting right beside each of us, with open arms, saying, "My child, I love you, and I want to know you. I want you to trust me, and believe in me, and follow me as your Lord and Savior. I have paid the price for everything you've done. I died for you, I love you so much. Let me in, child. Invite me into your heart and walk with me, and I will give you rest."

It's not about rules. It's not about religion. It's about a relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you know Him? If so, tell Him you love Him and seek Him with everything you've got. If not, He's waiting right there beside you, with open arms, wanting to know you and save you so badly it hurts.

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About Me



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