Tuesday, July 12, 2000 Yahoo's Geocities Non-cents

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Raven's Band Logo

Nathan and Shanna visit for the Fourth

HOMEFRONT - Havre de Grace held their Fourth of July celebration on July 1, and Nathan and Shanna drove up for the day to enjoy the festivities. Tom joined them as they enjoyed the parade, carnival, and fireworks.

Wendy Joins the Band

HOMEFRONT - During the Fourth of July Parade, Wendy saw the Baltimore Raven's Marching Band. Their appearance started Wendy thinking about her years with the University of Pittsburgh Varsity Marching Band, and the good times she had. She hadn't played her flute for 8 years, but she thought she'd give it a try anyway.
   Wendy indicated interest in the band through a form on their web site, and when the band president called her, she was as good as signed up. She had less then a week to learn how to play the flute all over again, and prepare a piece of music for try-outs. But even with her busy schedule, she managed to do those things, and find a way to squeeze practice and games into her work schedule.
   Wendy believes that this will be a good experience and a lot of fun. She's also looking forward to doing something outside of work. Yeah!!

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