Wednesday, May 17, 2000 Travel T19

Tay Ninh

The Cao Dai Temple

Cao Dai Temple
This is the front of the Cao Dai Temple.
TAY NINH, VN - For the second part of their trip on this date, the family traveled to Tay Ninh to visit Ba Den Mountain, the tallest mountain in South Vietnam. On the way, they made a quick stop in the town to visit the Cao Dai Temple. It was quite beautiful and ornate.
At Ba Den Mountain, they rode the tram up the mountain, and at the top, visited a Buddhist temple, and offered some prayers and an offering. In return, they got some lucky rice. It started to rain after that, so they headed back down the mountain.
See pictures of the Cao Dai Temple and Nui Ba Den on page T20.
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