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Book reviews written by teenagers on books that we have read or own. So, if you own or have read any interesting (or NON-interesting!) books please submit your review down the bottom.

A Note About Books-
When reading a book we must remember that it is the view point of the author, just like any source, it is not necessarily the truth. Of all the books that I have read, I do not take any of them to be "the right path", but I do take some interesting view points from them. Especially when it comes to Paganism, there is a lot of confusion over what is right and what is wrong. In my beliefs, no-one is wrong. Though, I will add that some people base their beliefs on misconceptions, but who am I to say that they are wrong? A belief system gives a person purpose and motivation, it helps to answer some of life's questions in developing their personality and recognising who they are. I say, take what you will to in order to further yourself, don't follow things word for word, this is a modern world, things aren't how they used to be. Develop your beliefs and practices in order to suit your lifestyle, you cant be wrong because your beliefs are something that is personal to yourself. And I repeat PERSONAL TO YOURSELF. Plain English : Copying an author word for word is sheepish and shallow, find your own beliefs, not theirs. #Morgan Akasha

- A City Herbal, Maida Silverman. Review by Morgan Akasha
- A Magickal Year, Fiona Horne. Review by Moon Raven
- Charms, Talismans & Amulets, Pamela Ball. Review by Morgan Akasha
- Circle Of Three (Series), Isobel Bird. Review by Angel
- Everyday Wicca, Gerina Dunwich. Review by Morgan Akasha
- Herbs - A pocket companion, Australian Book Centre. Review by Morgan Akasha
- Hocus Pocus- Titania's Book of Spells, Titania Hardie. Review by Gede
- Insight (Magazines), Australian monthly magazine. Review by Gede
- Little Book of Dreams, Joan Hanger. Review by Morgan Akasha
- Poltergeists & The Paranormal, Dr. Philip Stander & Dr. Paul Schmolling. Review by Morgan Akasha
- Practical Magic, Marion Green. Review by Morgan Akasha
- Spells for Sweet Revenge, Lauren White. Review by Gede
- Spells, Matthew Green. Reviews by Gede & Morgan Akasha
- Sweep(Series), Cate Tiernan. Reviews by Krissy
- Teen Witch, Silver Ravenwolf. Review by Morgan Akasha
- The Book of Voodoo, Leah Gordon. Review by Gede
- The Book of Spells, Sasha Fenton. Review by Gede
- The Witch's Magical Handbook, Gavin and Yvonne Frost. Review by Gede
- Wicca, A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham. Review by Andrea
- Wicca (Series), Cate Tiernan. Review by Gede & Sarah H.
- WitchCraft (Magazines), Australian Bi-monthly magazine. Review by Morgan Akasha

(Coming soon!)
- To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Silver Ravenwolf
- Venus in the kitchen, Norman Douglas
- The Celtic Lunar Zodiac, Helena Paterson
- Earth divination Earth magick, John Michael Greer
- Naked Soul, Marlene Marie Druhan
- Twelve faces of Saturn, Bil Tierney
- Introducing Aromatherapy, Margrit Bachmann
- Super Tarot, Sasha Fenton
- The Magic Shop - Healing with the Imagination, Helen Graham
- Meditation Secrets for Women, Camille Maurine & Lorin Roche, PH.D.
- Principles of Dowsing, Dennis Wheatley
- The Dream Oracle, David F. Melbourne & Dr Keith Hearne
- The Intuative Healer - Accessing Your Inner Physician, Marcia Emery, PH.D.

an interesting Australian book review site is Pagan Place.

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