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Note: One must remember when reading discussions, that it is the opinion of the author and not necessarily the one true opinion. You must be open minded at all times, and always keep to what you believe is right for you.

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ê Thoughts on common topics

- Your broom closet and your folks.
A Christian Witch?
- Rituals for teens.
- Why Wiccans suck - The notorious website and my thoughts on the issues brought up.
- Bos Suggestions.
- Very Young Witch
- What is the definition of a fluff bunny? (Im sick of this term)
Magick by Gede
- A Different Point of View by Stefanek
- Fantasy to Reality
- Accept my Beliefs

ê Personal Essays and Stories

- My God Essay by Gede Parma
The Trial Essay by Gede Parma
- Life, a journey. by Lizelle (Morgans mum)

êPublic Inquires
- Handfasting, from Meredith


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