Written by : Haryanto Wisastra

# HOME #

All About WINa : Time to Time, Profile, Family, Friends
Things To Learn : Public Speaking, Table Manners, Tata Krama Pergaulan, Etika Kantor
Dedicated to WINa : Asa, Cerita Cinta, Kasih Sayang, Rindu, Saat Berjarak, Sebuah Asa,
Saat Terkenang, Untuk Sebuah Nama, Have You Ever Really Love a Woman
From Friends : Dead Garden..is it ?, In A Spaceship, Love It's, My First Love, I Remember,
The One I Love, My Love My Life, Smile From The Dust, St. Francis Color, Misery,
I Saw an Illusion, Happy Birthday to Mar, I Wanna Tell You
WINa'S Favourite Lyrics : Menjemput Impian, Lagu Cinta, Kasih tak Sampai, One Last Cry
Take It to Your Heart : Cinta, Fireflies, Live Your Life, Sea of Friends

mantra samhitasign in guest bookview guest book

Created by : WINa @ 2000 - 2002