Bippity, boppity, BOOO!!!

She comes by night, in fearsome flight
In garments black as pitch
The Queen of Doom
Upon her broom
The Wild & Wicked Witch!!
Piercing eyes, ten twisted toes
Cracked and shriveled skin
With warts upon her nose
That frames a toothless grin
She hurtles by, she sweeps the sky
And soars above the moon so high
Beware of her evil brew
For she may turn you into a spider or two
What she may do with a spell or two
Is much too grim to tell!!!
Cover your eyes....cover your ears
Her powers are one of our many fears


Who were the witches, where did they come from?
Maybe your great, great, great Grandma was one
Witches were wise, wise, wise women they say
And there's a little witch in every woman today
Witches knew all about flowers and trees
How to use all their roots, and their leaves, and their seeds
When women had babies, the witches were there
To help them and hold them and give them sweet care
Some people thought that witches were bad
Some people were scared of the power they had
But power to help, and to heal, and to care
Isn't something to fear, it's a treasure to share.

Other Halloween Pages
Enter Halloween | Halloween Facts |
Happy Halloween |
The 12 Days of Halloween |
Happy Thanksgiving |

Learn about the traditions & folklore associated with this holiday!
Enter the DragonZ Realm, if you DARE!
Peek inside the Book of Shadows for spells, etc.

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