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The spell is at the heart of folk magick.
It is simply a ritual in which various tools are purposefully used,
the goal is fully stated
(in words, pictures or within the mind)
Energy is moved to bring about the needed result.

Spells can be as simple as reciting a short chant
over a fresh rose while placing it between 2 pink candles
in order to draw love.
Forming and retaining an image of the needed result in the mind
Or placing a quartz crystal in a sunny window for protection purposes.

To perform effective magick
Three necessities must be present:
The Need
The Emotion
The Knowledge

It has been said that magick was the first religion
that if you lovingly utilize the forces of nature
to cause beneficial change,
you also become one of them.

It is these powers that have been personified as
Goddesses and Gods.
Attuning with them is a spiritual experience
is the basic of all true religion.

The key, of course, is that not just any old emotion will do.
There are degrees of feeling, and only the highest pitch of emotion has any effect whatsoever. 
Part of being a
Witch, is developing an abiity to arouse an enormous quantity of feeling, and it takes some concetration to summon and project it properly.  It's also perfectly useless to aspire to become a witch without the ability to form clear mental images in the mind's eye. 
Many people, regrettably, don't think in pictures, but rather in words, and so are unable to create  photograph-perfect images.   It's essential to be able to focus mentally on the subject while at the same time, casting powerful thought-waves of emotion.

There are a number of qualities that a Witch should possess if she hopes to be successful in her craft.
Her mind must be '
(able to think in pictures)
and, certainly, highly disciplined.
She should also have an open mind;
one that's inquiring enough to seek new ideas.
She must have
Wondering what's inside Pandora's box is not the same as opening it and finding out;
a Witch must be able to face down fear.
If you are all-together in these areas,
you will probably do well as a

Links to Some Spells inside the Book of Shadows:
| Astral Projection |
Book of Shadows | Breaking A Spell | Healing Spells |
Love Spells | Protection | Spells | Words of Power |

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