Theres lots to talk about when it comes to Zerginator. But i sugest you watch the movies first!

Anyways i will tell you the "Zerginator Story":

While surfing around Starcraft sites looking for ideas for my new starcraft site, i stumbled apoun (which no longer exist) and watched these "Zerganator" movies. Well i decided that i will make my own! cause it was a great idea for people to come to my site,and return often!

So I did! Though my computer sucks, and crashes often, I kept trying to make them. I wasnt yet talented at making images, and I wasnt a expert at the GIF aninmator, so my first was sorta gay. But then as i progressed I finally figured out how to make the perfect zerginator movies.

I now write them on paper in comic form, that way I can take out the dumb parts, and I can plan it out. Because it takes a long time to make a zerginator movie.

I then make the movie, I can ushally do it in 2 school days. Or 1 full day, because I never leave the computer. When I get fusterated because of a computer crash, I almost always give up that day and try again in another week.

Let me tell you one thing about making these movies, dont do it. Too much work.