Try out the New Zerginator Short Storys!

Try out the Old Zerginator Movies!

I know this is what you've been waiting for, so go out there and get some zerginator movies!

ZERGINATOR IS OVER! There will be no more movies posted on this site (as of dec 6, 2003) This may change, but if it does, it will not be for some time. Probably after I learn flash?

0- SHORT STORY'S: Click Here for a list of Zerginator Short Storys!

1- At The Beggining: This is the explaination of the start of the war between zerginator and his enemys. The first made zerginator was zerginator number 6, 1-5 is givinga 'star wars effect' by making the last movies first.

2- Superheros are born: This is the start of the superheros! Big boss head, captian planet, hydralisk boone, indiana zerg, and everyones lest favorite: zerginator!

6- The Return Of The Zerginator: This is the first zerginator movie i made, It isnt very good, but it is somewhat funny, and has somewhat action. I want very adapted to my Gif animator at that time, so i didnt do such a good job on this one.

7- The Zerg Who Knew To Little: This is the average Joe zerginator. Not very funny, not very good graphics, just stupid old fighting.

8- Just Aother Stupid Movie: This is probably my first accomplishment. Its funny, because it shows Zerginators "Feminine" side. Its just about zerginator making a movie, and probatron is the director. Not much action or graphics, but its funny for sure!

9- Death By Law: This one is the first with graphics made by me, not stolen. I think i did a good job on it, id rate it average i suppose.

10- Between A Zerg And A Hard Place: I tried my hardest to get good graphcs on this one, but it wasnt easy. All it is is mostly action. Except in the beggining, when you learn that zerginator is played by Jennifer Love Huwit... Really! She/he is!

11- Final Cut: I couldnt help but name this after the new scary movie, and make fun of it in the beggining. But thats not all, i also introduced new charaters. Briefing them into the movies. That wa the main reason for this movie.

12- Are You Ready To Rumble? This introduces the guest star diablo charater sorcerror. It isnt very good, not much funny, fairly good graphics, but the love isnt there. Its just another boxing match for you...

13- Friday The Fro-Teenth: One of my favorite. It happens to be the 1st annual Halloween special. Halloween 2000, guest staring Satin (also know as the devil/diablo/Father of lies/ect...) anyways, great graphics, funny jokes, and mild action. Thats my main goal for a zerginator movie!

14- Indianazerg: This is my favorite. Its jampacked with laughter and graphics. And it introduces my favorite charater: INDIANAZERG! dadada DA! dadada, daaa... da da dA! Excuse me... Ahem... Just watch the stupid movie!

15- Zerginator And The Chocolate Factory: Another evil plot to kill zerginator sends him and his friends to the chocolate factory! Ironiclly, theres no chocolate in this movie, but lots of ompa-lopa laughs! If only Hydralisk Boone would stop eating all of them!

16- DA GAME: The only sure way to kill zerginator is to beat the game. After beating it, Zerginator has to let you kill him! So how will zerginator get out of it, when Captain Planet beats the game?!?! Find out, in Zerginator 16- DA GAME.

17- Zerginators Christmas Special: Join Zerginator to the magical land of Christmas. But what happens when he trys to steal Christmas? Kill santa? Does he get talked to by 3 ghost? Find out! In this Ba-Hum-Bug Christmas!

17- Drunkin Zerg: Come watch tummyvision with zergy as the movies take a dip into zerginators personal life. When he meets an agent of Captain Planet: a telletubby! Danger is in the air. Plus this is the exclusive veido on which The Disco Danceing Hydras premeire! (some ideas by steven staples)

The next zerginator (number 2) may never be shown, although its script was written. This next movie was to be called "A Story Of Superheros" which would explore the birth of CaptainPlanet and Zerginator, including thier childhood years. It may be created someday through flash.