





When I first saw you, you shined so bright,
Your smile lit up the night
And your bright blue eyes were as pretty as can be
You made me feel so free

We sat in the hot tube and talked,
Right after I came from a long walk... (Treadmill)
I don't really remember what we talked about
I knew then and there you were a princess, without a doubt.

Then you gave me something I will never forget hope
Hope, when I found out you felt the same as I did.
I called you for the first time, I was nervous,I didn't know how to begin,
Then I heard your beautiful voice and I was finally calm again.

The first time that I have ever felt that way,
The way you feel when you can't describe the feeling,
Butterflies, heart pumping, sweaty palms, no words to say,
For the first time in my life, I was nervous talking with someone,

I asked you out for the first time, and not the last,
You said yes, and I thought we were going to have a blast.
Then I get a call, and here that we cant go out,
It made me want to shout!

I know that you were having problems with the ex,
And you hated all guys, girls, animals etc, LOL just kidding
But I was selfish, and didn't think of you,
When I did it made me so blue.

There were so many things I did not say
When I looked into your eyes
The things I think about each day
Would take you by surprise

The wonders of what we could share
Still powder in my mind
I wondered if I could tell you how much I cared
And I guess I kinda ran out of time

Sometimes I wish you would talk to me
About the things you feel
Then maybe someday I'll understand
How you've learned to deal

I've often wondered what it would be like
To feel your warm embrace
To kiss your soft sweet lips
Or have your touch upon my face

I want to know,
That no matter what we're going through
Whether our lives are sunny or blue
I want to know - do I have a friend in you?

Tender Heart

A gentle rain is best for all
And least harmful when it falls
So a gentle word and a gentle touch
To a tender heart can mean so much...


As I felt that same sting across my face
I wondered, was it the bottle
or just your angry rage
Each night I worry
Tomorrow will you be sorry
I thought this was true love
Why must you push and shove
Why do you drink and yell
For once again to my knees I fell
We started out great
I thought you were my true soul mate
I thought you loved me heart and soul
But I guess it was just the alcohol
Sure you can drink your life away
But I won't be here to stay
I have always been weak
But also true
Now I've found my strength
And I'm leaving you

Slay the beast

Slay the beast that keeps me down.
Slay the beast that steals from me every minute.
Slay the beast destroys me.
If you cannot slay this beast, slay me.

There can be only one weapon of choice,
sincere affection. Sincere commitment.
If your weapons are not true, you will only
strenghten the beast. Then slay me.

The dulled mind can forget the beast.
Then you wake up and the beast is there.
I need an assassin. A murdere with a true strike.
I need you to strike true, strike the beast, or me.

The beast is inside me.
It is easily found.
Strike true.

How love is felt

Showing love with deep passion
Genital beauty like a soft touch
Showing love for every finger on you
A chill running down your spin when lips are placed upon you
hands are placed with warmth
your lips crying out for love,
Deep into eyes we both do look
Showing our kiss's through eyes alone
You sense this with the greatest of passion
The warmth of the hands that are placed upon your face
The warmth and love that is felt
Must it go on?
Must you feel the love in the touch alone?
You dare not rush into it
You dare not say what you feel
Knowing already that this is love and this is your dream
falling into a black hole you stare up to realize love has taken you whole
The kiss upon your lips is like a thousand deaths or a sweet dream that you never want to awake from
The hands that are on your body are like words that say, â sThis is love and this what I give youâ t
Forever this is what I give you
With arms wide open and eyes shut
Love has come and taken you
Knowing now this is your dream
To wake up knowing it is reality
That's why I love you.

I know I'll get over you

Why did you ever ask me out?
And made me the happiest girl alive?
But after 4 weeks has passed
Why'd you let go of me?
I know I'm not crying out loud,
But my heart is and it's broken
I don't wanna admit it to anyone
Even to myselfâ ¦
First thing I think about in the morning
Is youâ ¦
Last thing I think about at night
Is youâ ¦
I wish you'd come back to me
Because I really like you
But won't you give it another chance?
Why not? What's the reason you don't like me?
When I see you in hallways
I shake and freeze
You know why? Because I really like you
And guess what? You're the first guy who ever hurt meâ ¦
Why didn't you tell me that you didn't like me earlier?
If I didn't say anything,
You still would've gone with me?
Why? Why you gotta play like that?
Does it make you happy to hurt someone?
People have told me that you was a player
But I chose not to listen to them
Because I really like you
And I thought you were the sweetest of all
But now I realize what kind of person you really are
Why do you hate me so much now?
Did I do anything wrong?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you wanna be friends?
What? Now you're ashamed of me?
Well I might be hurt but it's not that bad
Sooner or later I would've anyways
Because pain is part of life
And I've just experienced it
Just give me time
Because I know I'll get over you in no time
I know I'm strong
And I know I'll survive
You aren't the only guy for me.

What I Want

Sometimes I get so angry
I dont know what to say
I feel like a game
That everyone wants to play
The only thing I need in this world
Is someone who is true
The only thing i want in this world is...
To be loved by You

The Wrong Love

I thought you loved me
But I guess I was wrong
So I write this poem
Telling you that I still love you
I sit in a corner with a knife
Held against my wrist
Thinking of all the good times
As the knife goes deeper into my skin
The pain feels like a knife going through my heart
And a bullet to my head at the same time
I love you
But it is obvious you don't love me
I love you so much
I carved you name in my arm
Tell me that you at least care
I don't care for anyone
Like I care for you
So please don't put me through this
You told me I could come to you
With anything I needed to talk about
And I did
I think it is just the wrong love
So when you think of me
Think of the good times
And not when I wrote this
For every word I wrote
I was closer to death
P.S. Remember me
Not This Poem!


As I lay in your arms, I close my eyes and dream a beautiful dream.
Where the stars shine bright and the moon is full of life.
Where love can change a mood, a life, a soul.
A place of ecstasy and happiness entwined.
Fireworks explode!
I see your soul, your desire.
I open my eyes and realize they were never closed,
I was never dreaming, I was lost gazing in your eyes!


He has taken me from the darkness into the light
He has fulfilled my desires, my dreams
A delight that I have never experience before
Made me whole again
Amidst all the hurt & pain once suffered
I'm free again - I'm alive
His smile brings me ecstasy - I'm jovial
I quiver at his touch, his kiss
He's a constant delight
A new world to explore
Now I beam at the site of him
Multiplying my smiles and integrity
Make me feel like "Hey, I really am special"
Then proving how beautiful and true that really is
He's an angel sent from above, He's My Baby Boy!


The Question is Why?
Why something's have to happen?
Why things went wrong instead of right?
Why fight for things that are not worth it?
Why you hurt us if there was no reason?
It's like a black spooky shadow haunting us.
You asked how much feelings we had for you?
There were plenty.
Now you're gone and you left us without any.
The Question is Why?


I believed in your eyes only to be deceived by them.
I believed your words only to be misled by them.
I believed in my heart only to be left heartless.
I believed in our future only be shattered by our present.
Now I'm hurt and only because I believed in us,
I believed in you!

The Moon-lit Room

I drive. The long anticipated trip is motivating. I
knock. She opens the door calmly and her reassuring
face lightens my spirits. I'm so happy that my face
forces a smile. Just to see her, be with her. This
feeling cannot be translated into words. She hugs me
and then guides me to her room. It's dark now. No
single light in this house is on. The warmth of her
bed, her sweet scent, the moonlit room. All too
overwhelming. Were so happy. "Your arms in mine,
anytime...Wouldn't trade anything, you're still my
everything." We diffuse ourselves throughout the house
numerously. It's towards the end now. I'm, again,
against her wall, her body next to mine. Daylight
breaks. Nothing can happen. This moment...Perfection.
As we sit here, holding each other, we feel a mutual
emotion. At that very same time, we realize our
future. Love. Eternity.


Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I'm thinking of you.
Even if I only went to see you once I miss seeing you.
It's amazing how time passes through.
When your done wanting to be free just tell me I will come back to you.
I remember the night when I was holding you tight.
But I know I have to get you out of my mind.
Because I don't think you would give me another night.
Your no longer mine that's why I know I have to get you out of my mind.
I was yours and you were mine I like you a lot because your kind.
I remember the time that we kissed, the feeling of your soft lips, I have missed.
That night that I held you tight it felt like if I was in heaven.
I just wish I could of stayed longer till eleven.
If you find love hold on to it, don't let it go because I regret letting you go.

When You Go

As I sit in your car

Knowing I have to go

I try to leave,

Yet I feel the stay

I get out, my heart tearing into.

I put my lips next to yours

I want to cry.

I grow weak.

I whisper softly in your ear,

" I love you my dear"

the door shuts, my heart breaks.

As you back away,

I fall slowly into my grave.

I see the tail lights disappear,

Before the lights go away.

Then I hear you say the words I always

Wanted to here,

" I'll never leave you again my dear"


I sat here today wondering if you were mine
wondering if you loved me
wondering how you could make me cry

I sat here today wondering if you were true
wondering if you like the color red
wondering if you liked the color blue

I sat here today wondering how long it has been
wondering how long it will be
wondering if it will ever end

I sat here today wondering what it would be like
wondering what it is
wondering what it will be

I sat here today wondering what you thought of me
wondering who you thought i was
wondering who you thought i could be

But then i realized that i was only wondering
what life would be like if you were still here with me!...

Never Had I

Never had I felt a love so strong.
Never had I have a feeling so tender and warm.
Never had I seen someone who has a smile so sweet.
Never had I, never had I. It is just so hard to believe.
Never had I seen a lady walk with so much flair.
Never had I seen a face filled with so much care.
Never had I fell in love so deep.
Never had I felt so shy when she is around which makes me hard to breath.
Never had I, never had I. It is really very hard to believe.
Never had I looked so deep into someone's eyes.
Never had I care for someone who makes me shy.
Never had I believe in love ever since she appeared.
Never had I wanted to protect someone without fear.
Never had I found someone so special and true.
Never had I fell in love so deep I just don't know what to do.
Never had I, never had I. My feelings for her are definitely true.
Never had I wanted to change so much.
Never had I wanted to yearned so much for her touch.
Never had I wanted so much to kiss her lips.
Never had I wanted to be with her and fly free.
Never had I, never had I. For now, she is the only person I need.
A person I wished I can spend my life with. This, I wish I can ask her on
bended knees.

What Is True Love?

If one does not love one is not whole.
One does not feel thought in completion
with another one is without thought all
together. "Love is a very splitter thing." Wh-
en love comes to you take advantage of it
and cherish it because love leave your side
before you know it! To be completed you need
two people. Many people say "Men are from mars and wo-
men are Venus." To me that's a lot of bullshit. When people
where made there reason was to love & be happy. Life has no
meaning without love. God's fist gift was life God's second gift was
pain,& God's third gift was love. Adam & Eve had never ate that apple
was never a gift to use. Some people say "Love hurts." that is true but
those are things you have to deal with.

I ran from love and fell into your arms

i have been hurt so many times .
i have run from love yet so many times,
as i was running i fell into your arms ,
i saw your beautiful smile and your loving eyes
i forgot about the tears , the pain and my heart no longer ached .
i saw a great friend in you then one day it became more,
you held my hand ,you held my heart
your lips on mine ,sweeter then wine.
each day went by i was safe in your arms ,
i trusted you with all my heart
then i fell ,
but i was not alone we fell together, inlove.
love that promised to last forever .
all we knew of the future was that we would be together, hand in hand forever,
you are always there,
you are my soulmate , a gift from god,
and every day i pray for you, for us,for our love.
and everyday our love grows stronger, everyday i love you more and more,
you are the love of my live.
you are my husband and i am yr wife.

Come Back to Me

I wont you to come back to me
i am begging you on my knees
For i still have feelings for you
And when I think of you
I get so blue
I just wont you to know
That i still love you
I have dated other guys
But none like you
For i remember all the good times
Then i start misssing you
Come back to me
It'll work you see
For I have seen the light
And you were right
I can't live without
You know that thats true
You told me once and I didn't believe
You told me twice and now i see
Please come back to me
For i am not strong or tall
I need some one there to catch me when i fall

I Think of You

I think of you school
I think of you at home
I think of you when am gone
I think of you people are around
I think of you in them morning
I think of you when it is boring
I think of you in many ways
More ways then there are to name
I hope you think the same

Why Me

My heart I gave you,
My heart you took,
My love I gave you,
My love you took,
The loneliness in my heart is no more,
You bring me happiness and joy,
Pain and sorrow.

My love for you last forever,
Your love for me I don't know,
My feelings are strong,
Your feelings are weak,
You mean so much to me that words can't explain,
I'm scared to tell you how I feel,
I'm even more scared to lose you.

What the future holds for us I don't know,
All I know is I want you in my life,
Why do love hurt so much,
how can I know that I love you if I don't know what love is,
why would I want to spend my life with you, if I can't trust you,
My heart says one thing but my mind says another,
I'm so confused.

Why do I feel this way,
I feel my heart breaking ... breaking in half,
You tell me all these lies expecting me to believe you,
You lie, cheat, and treat me wrong,
I guess that saying is right love is blind,
Cuz I'm still with you,
My heart want let me leave you no matter what.


Mysterious love you came into my life just like the changing of time.
With a mysterious smile, and with that my heart you took.
Mysterious love it seems like your always out of reach.
So for now I wait until the next time we meet.
Like a peace of fine art or an enchanted pearl, your beauty is like something beyond this would.
I call you mysterious love because like the sunrise you come in and out of mylife.
Mysterious love will you please reveal yourself to me and forever stay in my life.

A Distant Love

I come on here to wile away
the lonely hours of a boring day
hoping to meet my friend so dear
or even an email id like to hear

but as i sit here all by my self
just like a wall flower on the shelf
u are not there to brighten my day
i just cant catch u ..u are away

but one day soon u may be back
to talk to me and cut some slack
i miss my friend little bunny
and can not wait to talk to my honey

so when u can return to me
and make my day into a loving fantasy
i'll smile and laugh while u are here
as i hold u in my heart my dear

so dont be long till u return
and light my life ..make my heart strings burn
and i'll sleep at night knowing ur sweet love
as i know u where sent from heaven above


I didn't believe in love
until you came
I didn't believe in love
and then I knew your name
I didn't believe in love
and there you were
I didn't believe in love
but the rest is just a blur

I don't believe in love
my eyes are filled with tears
I don't believe in love
my life is filled with fears
I don't believe in love
now that your gone
I don't believe in love
now that l'm alone

I now pray for love
hoping to get you back
I now pray for love
to get my life on track
I now pray for love
to tell you this
I now pray for love
I love you and you are missed



Wild Roses

Early in the morning,
I carried bundles of wild Roses,
for you in my arms.
As I passed through the river,
in my way to your home.
Flow of water became so distressing.
My arms lost their grips;
And, so their proficiency.
Roses were lost to flow.
Face of the river turned flamboyant,
for sometime .
I watched the Roses passed me by.
But, if you wish to smell the Roses?
Tonight, rest your face on my arms.

I need you

You need me
Our love is so true
And we will always be
Together forever
Break up wiith you i will never
My heart cries when u leave
Without you it's hard to breath
We were meant to be together
You are my true love
Day by day we get to know eachother better
You have the beauty of a dove
Youre so independant
I don't think you need me
But you just don't see
My love for you
I can't express
Our love for eachother is so true
And when i see you you take my breath
Away you may go someday
And cry i jus may
Because i need you

You Left Me...

My Love, You left Me.
You left me without a sound,
Only to remember your sweet voice on the phone.
The way you made me feel so happy when I was by your side.
The way you held me so tight id almost thought you wouldn't let me go, but was always gentle.
You left me to stare at the phone day after day night after night wondering where you went, knowing you'd never come back.
Hopping and praying that you'd call one last time. dreaming that you would come back to hold me once more.
but even in my dreams you didn't come back.
I Love You I hope you could see how much you mean to me, an how much you hurt me.

Someone Special

Waiting all my life for you to come my way
I was hopeing and praying
That you will come my way
Gazing into each others eyes
Watching the shinning stars at night
Never letting me go
Holding me so tight
Watching out for each other
Doing everything together
We knew we were in love
We knew it would last forever
You are always sweet to me
Saying I have a smile like the glowing sun
Now I know we are meant to be
You are my special someone

For you

My love for you,
Shall never die.
Through thick and thin,
I would never lie.

Your words so sweet,
Your touch so tender.
For love is all,
I will never surrender.

Eyes like the stars,
And a smile so bright.
I see your soul,
Within the moonlight.

Why is it,
That you don't know.
I had to tell you,
I love you so.

As Long As Forever

As long as forever
I'll stay by your side
I'll be your companion
your friend and your guide
As long as you live
as long as you care
I'll do anything for you
I''ll go anywhere
I'll bring you sunchine
I'll comfort your fears
I'll gather up rainbows
to chase all your tears
As long as forever
my love will be true
As long as you live
I'll love only you

Thoughts On Her-

-I love a woman so much
That there is nothing I wouldn't do for her
But at the same time I could never do enough either
My love for her is deep and undying
Every time I try to look into her soul I get mislead by all of its beautiful
But then I think maybe I'm not suppose to see the secret that makes her tick
Maybe I should in turn simply enjoy every moment I have with this celestial being
All I know is if she were to look at my soul to see what makes me tick
She would find a pair of her own eyes staring back at her

Until we meet.

I know what to say but yet to speak,
I know where to search but yet to seek,
I know what I found but yet to see,
I know where to go but yet to be,

I know what I want but yet to get,
I know where to win but yet to bet,
I know what I feel but yet to touch,
I know I love you ever so much.

You loved me never

You can tell me you love me,
You can tell me you care.
But I can never trust you,
No not again...
You broke my heart,
Left it shattered
And then you walked away.
You left me speechless what could I say?
You said you would never leave me,
That you loved me forever.
But now I know the truth,
You loved me never...

When I fell...

When I fell in love with you,
that very day I knew it was true.
The love I found in you,
I knew I never wanted to lose.

You mean far more than any words could say,
I wish I knew exacly why I feel this way.
My love for you grows stronger every day,
and I hate the times when you are away.

I would do anything for you to show you
my love is true.
I feel lucky to have someone like you.
My love for you will never die,
this I know is true,
because my place in life is right beside you.


I used to tell her things
I wouldnt tel no one else
She used to tell me things
that she wouldnt keep to herlself
When i was sad
She made me laugh
Even though she knew
I felt really bad
But she had to leave
I wonder why
She didnt say bye
She was my friend
A really good friend
She taught me that u
Dont have to depend
On someone to have fun
Now i jsut sit here and wait
All alone in this bed
Just waiting for fate
to give me another good friend...


My name is Misty
I am but three...
My eyes are swollen
I cant see
I must be stupid
I must be bad
What else could have made
My daddy so mad
I wish I were better
I wish I weren't ugly
Then maybe my mommy
Would still want to hug me...
I can't speak it all...
I cant do it wrong
Or else I'm
I'm locked up all day long
When I awake
I'm all alone...
The house is dark...
My folks arent home.
When my mommy does come
I'll try to be nice so maybe
I'll get just one
Whipping tonight
Dont make a sound!
I just heard a car...
My daddy is back...
From Charlie's Bar
I hear him curse
My name he calls
I press myself
Against the wall
I try and hide from his evil eyes
I'm so afraid now
I'm starting to cry
He finds me weeping
He shouts ugly words
He says its my fault
He suffers at work
He slaps me and hits me
And yells at me more
I finally get free
And run for the door
Hes already locked it
And I started to bawl
He takes me and throws me
Hard against the wall.
I fall to the floor
With my bones barely broken
And my daddy continues
With more bad words a spoken
I scream but its too late
His face has been twisted
Into unimaginable hate.
The hurt and pain
Again and again
Oh please God have mercy!
Oh please let it end
And he finally stops
And heads for the door,
While I lay there motionless
Sprawled on the floor
My name is Misty I am but three
Tonight my daddy murdered me...


I sit in the park where i'd well
For this boy i love so well
He took my heart away
Now he wants to set it free
I see a girl on his lap
He says things to her he never said to me
I ran home to cry on my bed
Not a word to my mother was said
Father came home late that night
He looked at me left to right
He saw me hanging from a rope
He took his nife and cut me down
and on my dress a note was found
Dis My grave, Dis it deep
Dis my grave from head to feet
And on the top place a dove
And rememeber this, I died for LOVE...


I thought he really liked me
but why did he lie?
He told me we would be
together untill we die
It wasnt true
why did it have to be this way?
I thought he cared for me too
But why did he play with my emotions?
I am so confused
I wanna clear it all up
I feel so used
but he doesnt have the guts
To tell me the truth
And I see it in his eyes
All that he tells me
are "LIES"


Randy is the love of my life
i have known him for three
years but he liked my cousin
when i seen him i just feel more
for him than i ever have for any man
and then i went into his work and left that
man a note and he wanted to talk to me i couldn't
believe it i had waited for this man for these long 3 years
and now that i have him i will not let go of him. He is so sweet and so kind that if i lost him i would go insane cause he brightens my days and seales them at night with that kiss that i have waited so long to get and Randy will be my husband someday and i will have his children.

Love New

New love is wonderful, everything so fresh and new. The birds are singing,
the sun is bright, and the flowers are in bloom. So much laughter during
these first glorious days. Now come hold my hand and walk with me, step with
my step.
The stars seem even brighter now on a moon lit heavenly night. Please hold me
close and never let me go. Dance with me, lets dance this dance forever.

Falling in love

Everytime i look at you,
I fall deeper in love with you,
When you leave me,
I miss you so much,
I fell like i want to cry,
When you are around me,
I feel like,
I want to be with you the rest of my life,
I think my life would be so special,
If i am with you forever,
You make me feel so much better,
When i am around you all weekend,
I never want to go home,
I want to stay with you forever,


Knowing you love,
Not thinking it was true,
When I heard the words from your mouth,
I really did not know what to say,
All I could do is think was that true,
Does someone really love me,
Maybe I just dont know,
Wishing I could except that,
But then it would be a lie,
Well maybe if I say it back,
It will all be better,
Well ok I love you,
There I said it,
Now I feel all better,
I got that word of my chest,
Just think how hard a word can be,
Just dont for get how love feels,
It might just hurt for a bit,
But after all I love someone back,
Now I feel loved even more then I did before.


I gotta be the one to love you
When you're feeling sad and blue
I gotta be the one to help you
When the road's too rough for you.
I gotta be the one to hold you
When the world has let you down
I gotta be the one to save you
And turn it all around.
I gotta be the one to let you know
How much you mean to me
I gotta be the one to tell you
You're the only one I need.
I gotta be the one to miss you
If you ever go away
I gotta be the one whose love will grow
Throughout each passing day,
And I just wanna tell I gotta be


this poem is dedicated to TiPpY

Thank you for making me happy,
you really make me shine...
Its your touch that reassures me,
that everything is fine...
Paying attention to the words you say,
because they're always words of truth...
Praying that you'd want me,
our compatibility will need no proof...
Yes, if you were to leave me,
my world would fall apart...
4 i always want you near me,
forever in my heart...
Just to let you know,
that i like you very much...
Unforgetable feeling,
when i felt your tender touch...
Looking at your pretty eyes,
and seeing your beautiful smile...
I miss you so much,
wishing to hold you for a while...
Unforgetable feeling i have inside,
someone special, someone true...
Someone i would give my all,
someone, my special someone is YOU...




every day every times i see
the color but that i dont see
still is the color of the love
i wonder why i cant
why i cant ..
because the love is
spiritual is
sema that a scream in silence


she screams in silence
a sullen riot penetrating
through her mind
waiting for a sign to smash
the silence with the
brick of self control

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