Evidence-Based Practice Module
From:- Wai-Ching Leung and colleagues
Effective health care 1

This course generally
About this module
Preparation prior to the module
Effective search for evidence
Reading list
Online queries or comments
Useful tools
Glossary of EBP terms
Useful links
Preparation before each session
Search etc
Therapy and Harm (RCT)
Therapy & Harm (SR)

This session has been changed to searching exercises / diagnosis (2), as previously discussed.

1. This session will start on Wednesday 28 November 2001 at 12:30 pm in the computing room at Queen's Building, Room 1.20. Please make sure you bring your personal Athens password with you.

2. Searching exercisesThe majority of students asked for another half-session on searching skills. During the session, you will be given search exercises at different levels of difficulty to work through. They will be similar to the short answer questions in the assignment. Please familiarise yourself with the basic skills taught in the previous searching session. Make sure that you can use these techniques, and you can download a checklist here. Have a look through the sources for seraching in the search page

3. Read the article on knowledge and the internet. If you can, read it while you have access to the internet.
Wyatt, JC. Knowledge and the internet. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2000; 93: 565-570.

4. Diagnosis (2) - Read the following article:-

5. Book discount
For books published by Harcourt Publishers Ltd (i.e. Churchill Livingstone, W.B. Saunders, Mosby or Bailliere Tindall), I get a 25% discount. To get this discount, you have to order it through me. You can search and browse the catalogue of Harcourt Publishers Ltd here.

This page is created and maintained by Wai-Ching Leung
e-mail:- wp102@yahoo.com
last modified November 2001