SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be the Western Regional Chapter of the American Music Therapy Association of Students (WRAMTAS).



SECTION 2. The purpose of the WRAMTAS shall be the advancement of the purpose and objectives of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) within the framework of the students of the Western Region.



SECTION 1. Membership shall be subject to AMTAS members who are either in attendance at one of the Western Regional schools or hold residence in one of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, or Washington.

SECTION 2. Membership shall be of two classes: Student or Intern.

SECTION 3. Membership privileges and annual dues shall be stated in the Bylaws.



SECTION 1. The authority and duty of each officer shall be defined in the Bylaws

SECTION 2. The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. They shall be elected by ballot at the Western Region American Music Therapy Association (WRAMTA) Conference during the student business meetings and shall remain in office for one (1) year.

SECTION 3. Elections shall be conducted as stated in the Bylaws.



SECTION 1. Each school’s music therapy club or department shall elect one (1) Regional Representative from each Western Regional University and College. They shall remain in office for one (1) year.

SECTION 2. The authority and duty of the Western Regional Representative shall be defined in the Bylaws.



SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Western Regional Student Representatives, the Western Regional Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB) Representative, and the Western Regional Officers.

SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for promoting communication between students, interns, and professionals, representing student interests to professional organizations, conducting student business meetings, organizing activities, and managing funds.

SECTION 3. Any Officer vacancy other than that of president occurring during the regular term of office shall be filled by Executive Committee appointment.



SECTION 1. Annual meetings of WRAMTAS shall be held during the Western Regional Conference.

SECTION 2. Additional meetings shall be called at the option of the Executive Committee.

SECTION 3. Meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. Rules may be revised insofar as they are consistent with these Articles and the Bylaws.



SECTION 1. During Executive committee meetings, a simple majority of the elected officers constitutes a quorum.

SECTION 2. During regular business meetings, a simple majority of the elected officers and at least six (6) student members constitute a quorum.



SECTION 1. This Constitution may be amended the WRAMTA Conference by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present, providing that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing at the first WRAMTAS Business Meeting and voted on at the second business meeting.

SECTION 2. Bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the second WRAMTAS Business Meeting at the WRAMTA Conference. Proposed changes to the Bylaws must be submitted to the membership in writing at the first WRAMTAS Business Meeting.



SECTION 1. Membership shall be open to members of AMTAS who are also Students of one of the Western Regional schools, and to members of AMTAS who are Students or Interns residing in one of the Western Regional states and shall provide the privileges of participation in the activities of the Student Chapter, the right to vote, and to hold office in the Student Chapter.


SECTION 1. Annual donations for the College and University Music Therapy Clubs of the Western Region Schools shall be twenty-five ($25.00). The collection of the suggested donation will be at the discretion of the current year's officers.

SECTION 2. Annual dues for Student and Interns shall be two dollars ($2.00). Each University will decide whether individuals of the University Music Therapy Club will pay the dues.

SECTION 3. An additional two dollars ($2.00) will be requested from each member that will go to help send the WRAMTAS President to the AMTA National Convention.


SECTION 1. The regular term of office for all officers shall commence June first (1st) following the final business meeting at which they were elected.

SECTION 2. Regional Officers, Regional Representatives and the SAAB Representative retiring from office shall meet with their successors to discuss the duties of the office and to deliver all record books, paper, and other property belonging to the Student Chapter. Regional Officers must do so before the end of the Western Regional Conference.

SECTION 3. The President shall serve as the Western Regional Student Representative to all national and professional Organizations and shall preside at all meetings of WRAMTAS; shall be responsible for submitting a report to the Professional and Student membership through the "Sounding Board" three (3) times yearly; and shall serve on all committees as an ex-officio member.

SECTION 4. The Vice-President shall serve as an Alternate to the Western Region Student Representative; shall perform all duties of the President in case of the disability or resignment of the President; shall oversee the Regional Representatives; and shall be responsible for maintaining a WRAMTAS web page.

SECTION 5. The secretary shall send copies of the roster of each member of the Executive Committee.

SECTION 6. The Treasurer shall pay all bills authorized by the Executive Committee; shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; shall present a financial report on request by the President; shall collect all Student Chapter funds; and shall present a written statement to the Executive Committee and to the members annually.

SECTION 7. The Parliamentarian shall serve as chairperson of the committee of Constitution and Bylaws revisions; shall be present at all Student Chapter meetings and Executive Committee meeting to see that Robert's Rules of Order are observed; shall publish the Constitution and Bylaws in the "Sounding Board" immediately after the Annual Meeting asking for input for revisions during the coming year; shall be responsible for publishing all proposed revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws in the pre-Regional Conference issue of the "Sounding Board;" and shall oversee all election procedures.

SECTION 8. The Regional Representatives shall serve as members of the Executive Committee, acting as a liaison between their representative school and the Western Regional Chapter; shall receive and facilitate all business of the Student Chapter at the University level, including the sharing of all correspondence, the collection of dues; shall work through the Vice-President to report the concerns of their Students and Interns to the Executive Board; and shall submit a report to the Vice-President for publication in the "Sounding Board" three (3) times per year.

SECTION 9. The SAAB Representative to the Student Chapter shall represent the needs and concerns of the Western Region Students and Interns to the SAAB; shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee; and shall act as a resource person for the incoming Officers, Regional Representatives, and SAAB Representative.

SECTION 10. All Officers, Regional Representatives, and the SAAB Representative shall be required to attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and Student Chapter at the Spring Western Regional Conference the following year. Those unable to attend shall submit a written report to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Student Chapter during the Spring Western Regional Conference.


SECTION 1. Nominations for office may be made through the WRAMTAS web-site, absentee nomination forms, or from the floor during the first business meeting of WRAMTAS at Regional Conference until nominations have been closed, and be overseen by the Parliamentarian.

SECTION 2. Each student meeting the qualifications for membership, as stated in Articles I and II of these Bylaws, in attendance at Regional Conference shall be allowed one vote.


Questions or comments? Please contact Carmen Steele,WRAMTAS Parliamentarian.

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