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The Blue Mystery:
One Man's Mystery Has Become Another Man's Obsession...Owen Hart's Search for the Blue Blazer...

"The Blue Mystery"

•Could this have been an alliance gone wrong, or could we be witnessing an unexplained phenomenon, seeing one man literally beside himself? The history between the Blue Blazer and Owen Hart has gone much untold, but at WrestleMania 2000, the world witnessed the beginning of Owen’s crusade to find out the identity of the man who stole his hopes and dreams of retaining the WWF/nWo Intercontinental Championship.

The story all begins back at Survivor Series 2000,when the Monsters of Darkness began to emerge as a dominant force in the federation, and we witnessed the first of many individuals who were intent on taking them down. It was at this event that the world was introduced to the Blue Blazer. Blue cape, mask, and all, he became the 4th man in the survivor series match against the MOD alongside the likes of Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, and Big B. While the match turned out with Goldberg as the soul survivor, we witnessed the dawn of a mystery that would plague the minds of federation fans and superstars alike: who is the Blue Blazer?

To add to this burning question was what some called “too much of a coincidence”, wherein all fingers pointed to one man: Owen Hart. Owen, a natural fan favorite throughout his entire career, shared many of the attributes that the Blazer exhibited; from the way he walked, to his finishing move, this was, in almost all respects, Owen Hart. Furthermore, fans became more excited to this conclusion as the 2 men, who would often help each other in their respective feuds, were never seen together at any given time. On several occasions, Owen would leave his match to the lockerroom, only to have the Blue Blazer emerge minutes later. A coincidence? As former federation employee and commentator Jim Ross said during a live telecast of RAW, “highly unlikely”.

But make no mistakes, while the world was engaged by this mystery, they all fell charmed to the larger-than-life “superhero”, cheering him on, much to the likes of Owen’s matches. In the minds of fans all around the world, it was certain…Owen Hart was the Blue Blazer.

However, that all came to an end at WrestleMania 2000, when during Owen’s IC title match against Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Blue Blazer appeared much to the shock of everyone, and cost Owen the match, and his championship title. The moment Owen realized what had happened, he was beside himself. As his brother, WWF/nWo hall of famer, Bret Hart, noted on an edition of BYTE THIS! on federation radio, “Ever since WrestleMania, Owen’s hasn’t been able to sleep, eat, or even live his daily life like he used to”. Surely, this event has made a long-lasting impact on Owen. But this is where the real story begins.

The next edition of RAW after the PPV, Owen came out and addressed the federation superstars to have the Blue Blazer step forward so he could confront him. His demands were met to no avail, and Owen left the ring, frustrated and noticeably upset.

In the coming weeks, the Blue Blazer saga was furthered by the help of “GTV”. It is from this, that we saw Owen talking on the phone asking for help, and setting up a meeting with this unidentified party. However, the most recent shocker in this story was when RAW broadcasted from Melbourne, Australia, and the world witnessed the return of the Blue Blazer! Answering to a challenge to all superstars by then-champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Blue Blazer shocked the world by not only storming the ring, but also defeating Austin and winning the Intercontinental Championship belt. But where was Owen? After all his campaigning to confront the Blue Blazer, Owen was caught in a meeting with his help…which was located in back in North America…or so we are led to believe. Still to this day, many fans are questioning the validity of this “Live” footage, asking if Owen was really out of the continent from which RAW was taking place. Nevertheless, the next RAW when Owen discovered the news that the Blue Blazer had his precious title, Owen left the building in a hurry for the remainder of the event.

Since then, we have not heard from Owen, nor news of where he left to that last RAW, and we are plagued with even more questions than we began with. Now, we have been introduced to a new question of who Owen has been secretly meeting with to help him solve the mystery of the Blue Blazer that has become his obsession. Were the Blue Blazer and Owen Hart always different people? Did the same person ever play the role of both at one point? And despite what we saw on several occasions, many fans are still asking if by some phenomenon, the Blue Blazer is only a fragment of Owen’s imagination, and tricks are being played on all of our eyes, leading many to believe the Owen is still to this day, the Blue Blazer. In a federation with two Undertakers, fans believe that anything can happen here in the WWF/nWo, but one thing’s for certain: this mystery is far from over.

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