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Dear Reader,

You know, brother dude, this is your friend and mine, the Hulkster, with a very important message to all of you Hulksville-ians out there, so listen up!

Forget about being a Real American- if you want to know what a REAL country is, take a look at Hulksvilleland: the Greatest Country in the world!

I have seen the light, brother, and with your help, YOU can make my country reign supreme! I know a lot of you out there are just waiting to send in those applications, but don’t delay! Hulksvilleland has opened its gates and is only a breath away, brother! Everything you ever wanted in a country, brother dude, and best of all, brother, ME as your President!

Finally, don’t forget to keep bringing those signs supporting the President of your new country, brother! With your help, together, we can make Hulksvilleland a better place to live, dude! Also, don’t forget to come on down to this year’s King of the Ring PPV, where you can cheer me on as I become this year’s King of the Ring!

In the meantime, brother, don’t forget to take your vegetables, eat your vitamins, and say your medication!

Hulks-Ville-Land!!! Hulks-Ville-Land!!! Hulks-Ville-Land!!!…

-The Hulkster

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