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Alright, unlike the dumbass Colton, I will say everything clear, instead some mobbed up shit.
                                                                                                             posted: k2
Aight starting off, you want to have more than 10 people invited to the party, because the more you have the better it gets. I would suggest not  going over 16 people, because people will start complaining that they are not having fun.
Plan ahead! It always helps if you plan head cause  you have time to invite people, get people to bring TVs and X-Boxs. Plus you never know if something is going to happen, you're party might be delayed, and then you have to call everyone saying it is.
If you don't know how much people are coming to your party, start eariler so you can invite people.
Try to know for sure how much people are coming to your party, then you can really start planning.
Know when and where you're party is going to be. Let's say at your house, make sure your parents know that there is 15 people coming over. And alot of kids have the rule, adult supervision, I hate those words, but have an adult in the building just in case.
Keep a list of the people who are going to your party. Keep it, Also, make a list of foods and drinks you want at the party. (It helps knowing who is coming and what their favorite foods are.) Also add up the cost for everything. (Remember how much people are coming so you have enough food for all of them.)  From experience, Colton thinks Pizza Rolls make a great dinner type food. They are cheap, good, and filling and come in large quanties. If you buy Pizza Rolls, the average person eats about 30 in one night. Colton lets his guests eat about 15 for dinner and 15 for a snack later in the night. O, and watch out for people like me who like to steal from other guest's Pizza Rolls. I normally get about 60ish rolls.
Colton also suggests buying canned sodas instead of 2-liter sodas. Glasses get knicked over, spilled mized to easily, get dirty and then people get new ones and you just end up with 30 glasses to clean the next day. :'( Sucks for you.
I myself think cans are the best. You can lie and have more than you're allowed. :D but you can do that with the 2-liters too.
About snacks, a bowl of doritoes. Have them off to the side so they don't get eaten fast. (After the game people will get up and go eat a little you know what I'm talking about heh?) Same with all other snacks, candy, pretzels, etc. Anything works.
Aight, make sure your some of your guests can bring the heavy equipment. Like X-Boxs, TVs, games, controllers, link cables, food, and MONEY! Make sure everyone is postive that they can bring the stuf they said they can. It helps if you make a list of who's bring what.
When you start playing Halo, always have fair teams, always have a decent set of rules. Like no camping for two minutes etc. Have fun game plans too, like CTF, team daeth match, ffa, etc. I suggest always having a break after a game to relax. And if someone is starting to be a poor sport, kick his ass!
That's pretty much it, I tried my best you guys have some great parties. Aight later

                                           Planning Page Created By: k2
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