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Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!  I must say, I was a little shocked to have to make a page for you, of all the X-folk!  You're much too young to be doing this sort of thing.  Shucks, next thing you know I'll be having to set up a page just for the Generation X-ers.  What is this world coming to?  

Pity we can't blame Mr. Wisdom for this; these appearances were before you met him.

Excalibur #2: Kitty has been swallowed whole by a warwolf; breaking free, she climbs out of its gullet but is now without clothing. Nightcrawler thoughtfully produces a jacket for her from somewhere.

Spotted by the sharp eyes of Doc Tiki!

Quamp said: "I've found the scenes of Shadowcat naked. They come from Excalibur #11...and (here are) three images of her I scanned in (sorry about the bad quality; it's hard to scan things in well with a camera.)"  (I have to give bonus points to anyone who found such a creative way to scan pictures, so that's okay! - Liana)

(Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special '92): Jubilee and Shadowcat are topless fighting over who is Marvel Universe' s IBTC* Queen. - Dr. Blasphemy

*you either know what this means or you don't; I won't tell you. We're trying to keep this sort of  within code.

There's more of Kitty yet to see on Page 2!

Shadowcat Psylocke Dazzler Colossus Rogue Others