Evansville, IN - The First Annual Xtreme Softball Association Breakfast Business Meeting was slated to be at the West Side Denny's.  As fate would have it, Denny's pulled out of the deal late Friday evening. 
"On such short notice, what else are we going to do?  Denny's left us with no option but to move," said Director of Public Relations Chas Pall.
The group arrived at the Steak N Shake, on the west side, at 2am as planned and were greeted by a familiar face.  Cheryl, the girl that was verbally committed to getting the XSA 18 girls to play a softball game, happened to be working that evening.
"We couldn't really have planned it any better," said Phil Mulroe "it just so happened that there she was and there we were.  It's a small world when you sit down and think about it."

Meeting Goes to Plan...and then some
Cheryl takes some time out from getting us free desert to smile for her XSA photo.
Cheryl had gatherd the girls needed to compete, but explained that she had lost the XSA's contact information.  The pertinent information was exchanged again and she once again stated she would be in contact with the XSA, word is expected within a week.
A renewed enthusiasm was brought over the group of eight gathered to discuss the hot topics of the XSA.
"When I saw her standing there, I thought for sure she would try to avoid us.....so we sat in her section on purpose!"  Said Hunter McKee, "then, when she explained to me, I felt bad for calling her names in my column.  Seeing that slut really jacked the group up, let's XSA it up!"
Once roll was called by acting secretary Chas Pall, President Phil Mulroe called the meeting to order.
Bobby Schmidt ordered the spicy chicken sandwich before the meeting started and had this to say following the meeting.  "It (the sandwich) was not as spicy as I had hoped for, but the special sauce was pretty kick ass."
They kicked the evening off with the looming topic of getting a game played.  As Cheryl had confirmed her interest in the XSA prior to the start of the meeting, this subject was canned.
Other formalities followed, which brought some lively conversation, then the mood was sombered by the sad news of Moke's dissapperance.  The group voted on a count of 6-1 (Sean could not vote, due to his non-board member status) to send Moke's house a condolensce card.  The money for the card was donated by Hunter McKee, this saves the association from dipping into website funds.  The card will be sent until word is heard from Moke.
After food was served and Cheryl was talked to on a more personal basis (huh, guys?) the meeting continued with talk of umpires and rule changes.  Possible sites for the XSA game were also discussed, Schmidt and Shane Setnor were intrumental in this discussion.  Wesselman's, USI field and UE's old field were all talked about and will be looked into by the game committee.
Mulroe then took time to recogonize Sean Hassett for driving 6 hours to be at the meeting and told the rest of the board it was dedication like his that needs to be emulated more often.
To close the evening out, Schmidt motioned to vote on the subject of "Bobby Rules."  McKee fueled the fire by seconding this motion, Shane Setnor then saved the day by motioning to table and Mulroe promptly seconded the motion to table.
The meeting was adjourned after tying up many loose ends, this was almost prevented by Joe Setnor voting "neh" on the adjournment vote, he was then told he wouldn't be able to leave with that vote.
Talks are currently in the works for a Brunch meeting at University of Evansville, on Evansville's east side, early next month.  Chas Pall, the XSA's publicist, could not be reached for comment at press time."
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