

This is an easier way of getting the Win98 Easter Egg on your Desktop:

1. Right-click on an empty spot on your Desktop.

2. Select New -> Shortcut.

3. Browse to the folder C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Welcome.

4. Double-click on Weldata.exe to select it as your shortcut's command line.

5. Click Finish to save your shortcut.

6. Right-click on your newly created shortcut and select Properties.

7. Click the Shortcut tab, and add this string (EXACTLY as shown here):


after typing a space at the end of Weldata.exe, in the Target area.

8. In the Run area, select Minimized.

9. Click OK/Apply to save your changes.

10. (Double)-click your new shortcut to enjoy the show!


Restarting the Taskbar

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT User Level: Beginner

To restart the Taskbar, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and Shutdown the Explorer task. When the Shutdown

dialog pops up, choose No. When the End Task confirmation pops up, click End Task. The Taskbar

will shut down and then automatically restart.




1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 together.

2. A dialog box shows up with 4 choices: Abort, Win, Retry or Cancel.

3. Click Abort and move (drag) any card to the top to win the game.

or while playing click F3 type -1 or -2


heart ctrl+alt+shift+F12 see all hands(Before HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts yeni dize değeri 42 name zb yap.


Soliteriate press shift+ctrl+alt to draw only one instead of three


write mailto: in adres bar or run command it brings "new massege"


Add/Remove Entries

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT

This explains how to remove those annoying entries in the Add/Remove programs list. I commonly

delete the folder from the directory and I am left with a non-removable entry in the Add/Remove

programs list. 1. From the Start button, run Regedit 2. select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 3. select

Software 4. select Microsoft 5. select Windows 6. select Current Version 7. select

UninstallThis will give you a list of all the programs in your Add/Remove programs list.

Highlight the file and select delete. This will remove the entry from the list.


Registry Backup

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT

Some of our tips involve editing the Registry. To be safe, make sure that you back up the

Registry before making any changes to it, just in case something goes wrong.



Registry Backup, Part 2

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT User Level: Intermed.

In the last tip, we suggested that you backup your Registry before making any changes to it.

We will now tell you how to back it up, so you don't have any excuses for not protecting yourself

. Open the Registry Editor and pull down the Registry menu. Choose Export Registry File.

Decide where you want to store the backup file, type in a name for the file, select All under

export range, and click Save. Your Registry file is now backed up.



Registry Backup, Part 3

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT User Level: Intermed.

Now that you have backed up your Registry file, we will tell you how to restore it again if you

need to. Double-click on the REG file that you created. Choose Import Registry File under

Registry, select the REG file, and click Open.


Using Local CAB Files

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT

If you change your Windows 95 settings frequently, you can copy all the CAB files from the

WIN95 folder on your Windows 95 Installation CD to a folder on your computer (like WIN95CABS).

That way, you won't have to search for the Windows 95 CD every time you want to add a

new program, driver, etc. The CAB files take up about 34 MB. When Windows 95 looks for

the CAB files, simply point it to the new folder!



Regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWAREMicrosoft,Windows,CurrentVersion,

Setup, then right panel Right click on SourcePath and click

Modifye.Key in Path that contains CAB files .Exit from Regisry at left top

Disable Virus Protection in BIOS

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT
When installing W95/NT, be sure to disable the virus protection in your system BIOS if you have it. Not doing so will give the same effect as having a software anti-virus program loaded

Changing the size of your browser's display font
If you're having trouble reading the text displayed on Web pages, you might find it helpful to change the default font display. When you do, the new setting remains active each time you open your browser. If you're using Internet Explorer, you can change the display font size by choosing View | Text size from the menu bar and selecting a new option from the resulting shortcut menu.

Ilk sayfa : programs Ikinci sayfa : shortcuts Uçüncü sayfa : tips
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