
Welcome to the links page boys and girls. Wot we aim to do 'ere is to provide you with a fair old variety of links to suit all shapes and sizes and all tastes and flavours:- Mod, Punk, Glam, Skin, Fashion, Bands etc. In fact all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff aimed at broadnin' the mind. If there's anyfink you think should get a mention, drop us a line we'll check it out and bung it up if it's worth a shout.

Here's a link to that wonderful chap DEGZ, who does all our art work for us. If you need anyfink doin' from webpage design, computer assistance or artwork, 'e's the bleedin' feller I tell yer.


Check out those lovable Scottish purveyors of McOi! at there website.


Any of you 'erberts see The 'Yob at there Christmas party gig at the Red Lion in Gravesend last year ? Well if you didn't you missed a naffin' treat as these boys headlined and we're spiffin'. A real party Glam knees-up night was 'ad by all. Check out where they're playin' and go see 'em. A big Superyob recommendation.


Marc at M.A.D knows a fair old bit about puttin' on a gig or two. He even got Mr. Frankie Flame on a European jaunt a couple of years ago so he must 'ave taste. Check out what bands are out and about in Europe over the next couple of months. Some good artwork too....


Want a humourous tongue-in-cheek look at the history of Glam Rock. Look no further. Steve, who runs this site, also looks after that legendary rock'n'roll madman JOHN OTWAY's site. Some great Glam merch. links too.


Now, we here at 'Yob Towers like to keep abreast of all our favourite types of music. These boys specialize in Mod, but cover all sort of cult music. They also dabble in Scooter culture and have a promotional wing for bands.


Now everyone knows that the best boozer in Belgium is Die Kastelein. Bieze and the boys and girls there put on the Live & Loud shows and their 'ospitality is blimmin' legendary. This is a well-designed site with some top photos and artwork. Not only that, they 'ave the decency to feature your favourite rock'n'roll 'eroes SUPERYOB. Check it out and lend them your support - they don't mind a beer an' all !!!!

Cop 'old of the website of those Swiss pop-punk chaps Vanilla Muffins.


Keep bang up to date with all fings 'appenin' in Scooter World wiv' these boys. They put on some of the biggest Scooter Rallys in the U.K.

Now any streetrocker worth their salt would be doin' his or herself a right royal injustice if they failed to keep up to date wiv' wot was goin' on in their scene. Rebecca keeps the news, reviews and interviews right on the nail. She's also a SUPERYOB fan Gawd bless 'er.

As we might well 'ave mentioned a few times, we 'Yobs 'ave recently done a new album. This is where we recorded it and also where we rehearse. It's based in deepest, darkest Sarf London and Alan, Mick and the chaps and chappeses would be chuffed to 'ear from yerz. They don't make a bad cup of the 'ole Rosie Lea neither......
Now, if your well into your 60's music and culture this is the site for you. Comprehensive details of 60's bands with discographys, up to date news and well researched indexes and links. Get on down.
This 'ere is a bit special. It's a dedicated search engine for all fings punk and rock and everyfink in between. From Oi! to Mod to 77 Punk to 60s trash, it's all there. Give it a whirl.


Now never let it be said that we don't cater for all tastes 'ere at Yob Towers. If you, like us, were into the Mod revival scene of the late 70s/early 80s this is the site for you. Track down missin' vinyl, learn about the bands, see wot they're up to now and find out all about a scene that was probably more widespread than we ever realised.


Check out this site for information and pics about classic 60s culture:- bands, film, TV....it's excellent.


We reckoned this site was pretty flippin' chipper. Check it out to find out details of where you can get on the slosh anywhere in the world with pub and beer recommendations from boozers around the globe. Handsome!!!


Check out wot quality gigs are bein' put on by that nice gent Lee M. over there in sunny West London. Punk, Mod, Oi!, Glam...that boy's got 'is 'ead screwed on.


'Ere's anuvver website done by that clever bugger Degz. It's a site for unsigned bands to get together and sort 'emselves out gigs, recording etc.