Well, we've had our

25th High School Reunion

And it was great!!!

I especially enjoyed it, as not only did I get to see some friends from back when (and I COULD have said "old" friends but didn't..did ya notice?), I got a lot of ways to keep in touch via email from a lot of you. Anyone that has an email addy that I didn't get, PLEASE email me. (click on the envelope at the bottom of the page)

ALSO!! I need any pics you want included on here, especially if you didn't make it back for the reunion, or I somehow missed snapping you. Thanks

Well, here they are... did the best I could. Hope to have many more on here, as I get them. They are in no particular order either. I scanned them as I grabbed them. ENJOY THE MEMORIES of JULY 31, 1999!!

Some Reunion Pics!!! (finally)

Click on the 4-packs of thumbnails for full sized pics

These are some other pics that have been sent to me, I hope you all send some!!!

Shirlee and her sons, Trent(13) & Tyler(15), 1999

(notice I didn't put Shirlee's age after HER name)

Daniel, 1999

(Notice I left MY age off as well?)

Roger and his son Matthew, 1999

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    communicate with me(via MY NEWLY UPDATED e-mail address):
    Page revised on Dec. 4th, 2002