Peeking dragon
Sven:s place

Well, as it sais outside my front door, and as you can probably detect by my links, my interests circulates, mostly round skydiving.

As you know, most hobbies cost money and skydiving shure ain't no exeption.
To be able to afford my favorite waiste of time, I spend my week days at Ericsson Radio Systems as a software vrification dude.

When the weekend comes, i take my gear and go to Söderhamns Fallskämsklubb to get a few good ones.

I have been doing that since -87 and have become Instructor, Tandem instructor and Rigger.

I also make an occasional camera jump with a Hitachi WM H-70 and a Nikon F-501 (it's old, but it works fine).
They are mounted on a modifyed ski helmet with a aluminium cover for the video.
I have also added a few extra features to the helmet and the cam.
I used to film a RW4 (that's the old term for "FS4", you yuppies) team (-6, try to figure that one out)
but they evolved to be the 4-way rotation CReW team. (CReWDOO).

Stupid swede, jumping in the wintre! Button to the link pageButton to the project page 
Button to the swedish verdsion of the 100 way pageButton to the english version of the 100 way page pageherrold 
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The last time I did something to this page was Aug 14 -98
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