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Wayf in 1990's?
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The Umbrella club could not operate more simply - For details send your name and address (Email If you have one) and when you were at Birmingham University.  There is a very small joining fee which is just to cover stamps so it lasts a long time.  You get a names list of the other members - so you can get in touch with all those long lost ex -Wayfarers  

The Umbrella Club, Co Murray Wilson; 5,Hewlett Place; Bagshot; Surry GU19 5NA 


OR Email:

The email addresses are in .gif graphics - this is due to the problem of web page scanning and the resultant junk email "SPAM". Appologies for any inconvenience caused

If you are not interested in the Umbrella Club but are trying to locate old friends from Birmingham University - Try the Friends Reunited  web site - it enables you to find friends from School University and Workplace.  Birmingham is under "UNIVERSITY of BIRMINGAM"    

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The email addresses are in .gif graphics - this is due to the problem of web page scanning and the resultant junk email "SPAM". Appologies for any inconvenience caused