You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter Ten

17. Justin without Josh

            The first day isn’t so bad.  Justin has Trace to occupy him, so he doesn’t spend too much time thinking about Josh.  It’s only when he remembers to go to feed Shere Khan that it really hits him that he won’t see his friend for 13 more days.  He lets himself into Josh’s home and just stands there for a minute, taking everything in, wondering what he’ll find there, when he has more time.  When he snaps out of it, he changes the water and pours out the food quickly, before the cat can realize he’s even there.  Trace waits for him in the car and laughs as Justin tiptoes out of the apartment and quietly locks the door.

            “Dude, you’re afraid of a cat?” he asks as Justin gets into the car and quickly starts the engine.

            “I’m not afraid!  I’d just rather not have any unnecessary encounters with her right now.”  Trace shakes his head disappointedly at Justin.  And I’m allergic to her!”

            “Sure you are.”


            That night Justin, Trace, Chris, and Lance go out to watch a big boxing match at a local sports bar.  They all guzzle buffalo wings and beers and belch and try to act like macho men, but after a while Trace starts bellyaching about his on again/off again girlfriend, Lance starts complaining about how much money he’s lost in his 401K, Chris starts moaning about his lack of a love life, and Justin starts to miss Josh.


            Much later, Justin and Trace try to muster the energy to drag their drunken asses to bed.  They sit on the couch laughing at some ridiculous movie on HBO.

            “I wanna see some soft porn,” Trace grunts as he fiddles with the remote.  “Don’t you have Showtime?”

            “Nah,” Justin grunts.  “Why?”

            “You gotta have Showtime, man.  All the really good bad soft porn is on Showtime.”

            “I’ll think about it,” Justin laughs.

            “But if you get it, watch out!  You might see Queer as Folk, and they got all kinds of nekkid-ass guys doin’ stuff to each other on that show!”

            “You don’t say?” Justin is now fully awake.  He peers at his longtime best friend.  “Have you…ever watched it?”

            “No way, man!”  Trace burps a few times, and Justin feels suddenly very nervous.  “Speaking of which, what’s up with Chris and Lance?”

            “What do you mean?”

            “Are they buttbuddies or what?” Trace asks as he makes juvenile gestures with his fingers.  “I know a closet case when I see one.”

            “Really?” Justin says, half pissed off, half amused, completely terrified.

            “Yeah, man.  They might not have acted on it yet, but it’s coming, I can tell.  They got the major hots for each other, man.”

            “And how do you, in your infinite, small-town boy, Hicksville USA wisdom, know all this?”

            “I been around,” Trace retorts.  “This aint Tennessee.  There’s plenty of mo’s in college.  But I’m sure you know that.”

            “What?” Justin looks down at his suddenly sweaty palms.

            “I’m sure you saw a lot more gay guys when you were at school than we did our entire lives at home.”  Justin nods slowly but doesn’t say anything.  “I’m not complaining.  The more gay men come out of the closet, the more chicks for me!”

            “How progressive of you.”

            “Well, that’s why you wanted to go to University of Miami, right?  To see more divers…diverssssdiversionity?”

            “You’re wasted.  Let’s go to bed.”




            Justin spends the next few days resisting the urge to call Josh’s cell phone.  Joey sends an email to the office Monday to let them know they got to Buffalo ok, and to tell everyone how much they are looking forward to the training seminar.  Then he sends a private email to Justin, Chris and Lance saying that he and Josh plan to skip Friday’s meetings to play pool.  Justin is happy they arrived ok, but he wonders why Josh hasn’t contacted him.  When he goes to feed the cat he checks Josh’s answering machine, hoping maybe there will be a message for him, but no such luck.  By Tuesday night he is in a foul mood, so much so that Trace leaves him behind to go barhopping with Lance and Chris.  Justin pouts until he remembers that he has something to look forward to after all.  When he sits down with a beer and nachos five minutes before Buffy the Vampire Slayer, that’s when the phone rings.

            Justin barks into the phone.  Hel—”

            “Don’t hate me, dude.”

            “Um, Josh?”

            “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to call you but I forgot to charge my cell and then when the battery charged up I couldn’t find my phone and then I fell asleep and I didn’t know if you were still up and do you know how much it costs to make a long distance call from a hotel room and then Joey was always using his phone and again, I am way to cheap to charge a phone call on my credit card—”

            “I’m kinda in the middle of—”

            “—and then I thought to email you from my laptop but I couldn’t figure out how to do that on the hotel phone and then I realized I didn’t have your home email address and then yesterday at work I found out that the stupid fuckers hadn’t set up my email at the Buffalo office and then when they did set it up it wouldn’t work because they still can’t spell my fucking last name—”

            “Josh, I can’t talk—”

            “—and then we were in meetings all day and then Joey had me out so late last night and I didn’t want to disturb you and I figured if anything was wrong you’d have called my cell and then you didn’t call and…um…yes.  So, how are you?”

            “You have amazing breath control,” Justin says coolly.  Josh giggles.

            “So I’ve heard.”  Justin sits on his couch with his arms crossed, watching the TV with the muting on.  He listens to Josh breathe.  “Hello?”


            “Aren’t you going to say anything?” Josh asks.

            “What do you want me say?” Justin snaps.  Josh sighs, and Justin really can’t blame him.  He feels silly for feeling so silly.

            “I said I was sorry, Justin.  You could have called me, you know,” Josh mocks.

            “I know.”

            “So why didn’t you call me?  I was hoping you would.”  Justin covers the mouthpiece of the receiver as he smiles.  He is the silliest 13 year old girl in the world.

            “Josh, man.  I’m not mad.  Forget about it.”  Justin can hear Josh moving around like he’s getting comfortable.

            “Ok, buddy.  So, how’s everything in Orlando?”

            “Your cat is fine,” Justin says coldly, but with a big smile.

            “I meant, how are things with you, stupid!”

            “Don’t insult me!  I’ll kick your ass!”

            “Ha ha!  I’d like to see you try!”

            “I could take you, Joshua Chateau, or whatever the hell your last name is!”

            “Cold, man.  Very cold,” Josh laughs.

            “Well, I could,” Justin says softly.

            “I’m sure you could take me, Justin,” Josh murmurs, and Justin blushes so much that he covers the receiver again.

            “Yeah, well, you better remember to charge your phone, babble boy,” Justin jokes when he composes himself.

            “I know.  I’m a mess!” Josh laughs.  “I need help.  I need to be taken care of, man.”

            “You sure do.”

            “Won’t you take care of me, Justin?” Josh singsongs.  Justin coughs and crosses his legs.

            “Can I call you back in an hour?”

            “Well, ok.”  Josh sounds just the slightest bit disappointed.  “Wait!  Give me your home email address.”

            “I’ll give it to you later, man,” Justin says, then lowers his voice.  “Buffy is on.”


            “I said…I have to watch Buffy, man.”  Justin imagines Joey, Lance, and Chris stripping him of his “manhood” membership nametag, and then he hears Josh squeal.

            “Shit!  How could I have forgotten? And with the show going off in the air in May?  What channel is UPN in Buffalo?” Justin stares at the phone as Josh curses on the other end as he flips through the channels of his hotel room TV.  When the theme music on Josh’s end matches that coming from Justin’s TV, Josh yells, “Yes!  I didn’t miss it!”

            “Josh.  I had no idea!” Justin squeals delightedly.

            “I’m a man of many secrets,” Josh answers.  “Now, do you think Buffy and Spike will do it one more time before the end?”

            “I don’t know,” Justin says happily.  He sits back against the couch and sips his beer.  Somehow Josh knows when to talk and when to be quiet, when to giggle in Justin’s ear and when to say “whoa, man” or some other Josh-ism that Justin has come to love.  They laugh about the show and how no one else at work knows they watch it.  It feels for Justin almost like Josh is right there, holding his hand.


            “Well, you’re in a much better mood,” Trace says when he returns.  Justin shrugs innocently and tries not to blush.

            “Did you have fun with Chris and Lance?”

            “Yeah, man,” Trace says as he flops down on the couch.  “That Lance can drink!”

            “I hope you drove him home!” Justin laughs.

            “Yeah, yeah.  He didn’t put up a fight.  They told me Chris once kissed him on the mouth just to shut him up so he could drive him home.”  Justin’s eyes grow wide.

            “They told you that?”

            “Yeah, man.  I guess Chris likes to play jokes on ya’ll.”  Trace burps and scratches himself.  “How was Buffy?”

            “They told you that?” Justin repeats.  “Wow, I can’t believe they told you that.”

            “So what?” Trace asked.

            “Well, aren’t you the one that thinks that Lance and Chris are…um…you know.”  Justin bites his lips nervously as he waits for Trace to answer.

            “Oh, scratch that.  They’re both totally straight.  Chris was flirting with all the women in the pool hall, even the ugly ones, and Lance can’t dance for shit, so you know they can’t be gay.”

            “Is that so?” Justin laughs.

            “Yeah, man.  Chris kept going on and on about some Gwen chick he’s supposedly not hung up on.  As for Lance, his pants are too loose, and he drinks domestic beer.  So, despite his somewhat less-than-macho appearance, I’d say he’s on our team for sure.”

            “Our team.”  Justin nods his head and thinks about Josh.

            “I think, I must’ve just misread the signals,” Trace says.  “He and Chris are good buddies, and they’re both short so they look cute together—”

            “You’re short, too, bitch!”

            “Yeah, but I work it!”


             “I’m just saying that I got the wrong idea.  It happens.  My gaydar needs adjusting.”


            “I can usually tell right away.  I’m real astute.  I got it goin’ on.  I’m omni…omnisc…omnipotent.”

            “Well, great oracle of Memphis, I’m going to bed,” Justin laughs nervously.  He stands up and stretches as Trace pulls out the couch bed.

            Aiight.  I think maybe what threw me off about them was how touchy feely they were when we all went out, ya know?”

            “Some guys—if they’re close—are like that.”  Justin bites his thumbnail.  “Right?”

            “Maybe,” Trace says thoughtfully.  “You just don’t see a lot of straight guys being that affectionate.”

            “Maybe…um…more men don’t…uh...because they’re afraid people will think that it means something.  Maybe…if a guy is secure with himself…if he knows who he is…he won’t care what everyone else thinks.  He’ll just do what he wants, and show the man he…his platonic friend…how he feels.”

            “Uh huh.”  Trace flops down on the bed and starts to snore within seconds.  Justin stares at his best friend as confusion clouds his brain.  After a minute he turns to go to bed.  When he whispers goodnight, he hears Trace say, “How ‘bout that Josh?”

            Wha—what about him?”

            “You know he’s gay.  Gotta be,” Trace grunts, half asleep.

            “You—you don’t know that,” Justin snaps.

            “Sure he is.  He’s…he’s gay-ish.”  Justin stares into space and wonders what Trace finds “gay-ish” about Josh.  Just when he starts to get his hopes up, Trace mumbles, “Of course, I’ve been wrong before.”  Justin sighs and drags himself to bed, more confused than ever.




            The next day Justin gives Trace an extra long hug before he leaves.  Trace rolls his eyes as Justin lectures him about the hazards of spring break at Daytona Beach, and then drives away with all 10 boxes of Justin’s cereal.  That night, Justin gets his first at home email from Josh.





Finally, an email where we get to say FUCK! :-}

Hope you had fun at work today.  These training session are boring as shit.  If I didn’t have Joey next to me making funny faces and drawing suggestive cartoons on our training materials, I’d certainly fall asleep.  And you know how much I love to sleep!

Buffalo’s not too bad.  There’s a really cool art museum downtown that I want to check out.  Joey turned his nose up, but I don’t mind going alone.  Speaking of which, there’s a Cezanne exhibit next month at the Tampa Museum of Art that I really want to see. 


Picture it: a few hours of Post-Impressionist art, followed by a dinner at Le Sourire, and maybe a tour of that vineyard near San Antonio?  Hm.  A day of art, wine, and gourmet food.  My head might explode.


Or, you know, we could watch some basketball.  Or go shopping at that used record store you love so much.  Or something.  Whatever.





            Justin washes his dishes and brushes his teeth before sending his reply.






I got you now!  You try to pass yourself off as some gourmand with great taste and shit, and what do I find your freezer?  Hot Pockets!  The guy who brings leftover coq au vin to work, who bakes homemade bread on a weeknight!  Hot Pockets!  Dude.  Busted.


I really ought to charge you for taking care of your girlfriend.  Did I mention last night that she likes to leave me presents on the front door mat?  I’ve changed that kitty litter 3 times, and she still does that!  Do cats go through the change?  Maybe you should consider cat HRT.


Now, Impressionism is with all the dots, right?  I just checked the site for the museum.  Looks pretty cool.  Consider it a date.


I like white corsages.  And I don’t put out on the first date.  Second, maybe…




            And, right as Justin is about to sign off:




>> And I don’t put out on the first date.  Second, maybe…


It’s ok; I’m a slut too.  I’d put out on the first date.

If you buy me flowers. :-}

ps: Hot Pockets rock, man, seriously.  Don’t diss the pockets.

pss: Sorry about the presents.  I’ll make it up to you…oh!  Not like that, naughty boy!


            Justin starts to email back “Darn my bad luck!” but decides against it.  He shuts down his PC and writes himself a note to find out more about Cezanne.  And to buy some Hot Pockets.




            For an IT company, Zeeks Tech sure takes its time fixing computer glitches.  It’s late Thursday afternoon when Josh’s email troubles are finally over, and for the first time, Justin receives an email from someone not called Chavez.


From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:23 PM

Alert the media!  They finally spelled my name right!  And it only took them 3 months! Hallelujah!



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:23 PM




From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:24 PM

What’s wrong, J?



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:24 PM

Nothing.  Just bored.  Trace left yesterday, so it’s been quiet at home.



From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:26 PM

Sorry.  I guess you miss him, huh?



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:27 PM

I guess so.  He’s living it up in Daytona doing God knows what, and you’re gone, and I’m lonely without my 2 best buddies.


            Justin looks at his email, points, clicks, deletes, and starts over.


From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:28 PM

I guess so.  Hopefully after he graduates he’ll move closer so I can see him more often.



From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:40 PM

It must be nice to have a best friend you’ve known for so long.  I envy that.


            Justin stares at the words as he bites his lip. 


From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:45 PM

Do you have Instant Messenger?



Over the next week Justin’s routine becomes work, feed the cat, dinner, and then talking on the phone to, exchanging email with, or chatting online with Josh.  He even finds himself rushing home so he won’t be late for their online “dates.”  When he willingly foregoes a night of beer and bowling with Chris and Lance, Justin knows for sure that he’s in trouble. 

            He doesn’t care.







Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004