You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter Twelve

20. Last online chat before return

WiteChoklat: Hey!  You’re online.

Bluenote26: Yeah, just thought I’d check my email one last time before packing.

WiteChoklat: So, you gonna miss Buffalo?

Bluenote26: Oh, yeah, right.

WiteChoklat: How’s Joey?

Bluenote26: Good.  You know him.  He can make friends and have fun in a paper bag.  He says hello, by the way.

WiteChoklat: Oh, he’s there?

Bluenote26: He’s borrowing some hair styling product.  We’re going out for one last night on the town in a few.

WiteChoklat: Well, have fun.  Tell him I said Hi, too.

Bluenote26: Ok.  So…yesterday.

WiteChoklat: Forget about it, go have fun with Joey.

Bluenote26: No, I just.  I mean.  I don’t know.  I’m sorry.

WiteChoklat: For what?

Bluenote26: I mean I’m sorry for hanging up on you like that.

WiteChoklat: It’s ok, man.  When you gotta go, you gotta go.

WiteChoklat: :-)

Bluenote26: Right!

WiteChoklat: Well, I’ll let you go.  Don’t keep Joey waiting.

Bluenote26: Damn, Justin.  I don’t have to go just yet.  Trying to get rid of me?

WiteChoklat: No.  I just want you to get out and enjoy yourself.  Joey’s a lot more fun to hang out with than, well, most people.

Bluenote26: Justin, are you jealous?

Bluenote26: J?

Bluenote26: Justin?

WiteChoklat:  Sometimes.

Bluenote26: Because…he’s so much fun?

WiteChoklat: No.  Because, I guess, he’s known you longer than I have.  You have a lot of history together.

WiteChoklat: Yes, I’m immature.  Sue me.

WiteChoklat: You there?

Bluenote26: History isn’t everything, J.

WiteChoklat: I know. 

Bluenote26: In most ways, you know me better than anybody.

WiteChoklat: Most…but not all.

Bluenote26: Well, yeah.  A guy’s got to have his secrets, right?

WiteChoklat: I suppose.

Bluenote26: Don’t you have secrets?

WiteChoklat: Perhaps.  I usually tell my mom and Trace everything.  So much that they beg me to shut up!

Bluenote26: Lucky for them.

WiteChoklat: ??

Bluenote26: You’re not the only immature girl on the playground, J.

Bluenote26:  Maybe…sometimes…I’m jealous of Trace.

WiteChoklat: Really?

Bluenote26: Yeah.

WiteChoklat: Josh, if we don’t stop this silliness, we’re gonna start wearing training bras and hair scrunchies!

Bluenote26: Totally.  We need to do something manly and grown up.

WiteChoklat: Yeah!  We’re men!  We pee standing up!  We eat red meat and drink cheap beer!

Bluenote26: Yeah!

Bluenote26: Well, I only eat red meat once a week and I only drink imported beer, but otherwise, I’m right there with you!

WiteChoklat: Ha!

Bluenote26: So, what are you doing tonight?

WiteChoklat: I dunno.  Why?

Bluenote26: Just asking. 

WiteChoklat: Want to know if I’ve had any hot dates while you’ve been gone?

Bluenote26: Have you?

WiteChoklat: Maybe.  :-)

Bluenote26: Excellent.  I’m happy for you.

WiteChoklat: You are?

Bluenote26: Of course.  It’s my fault you’ve been stuck having to go to my house every day.  I want you to have some fun.

WiteChoklat: It hasn’t been *that* bad.

Bluenote26: I know.  I just want…you should get out more.  You’re so young.

WiteChoklat: What are you saying?

Bluenote26: Um.  Like, sometimes I feel like I monopolize your time.

WiteChoklat: You think we spend too much time together?

Bluenote26: No.  I don’t know.  Maybe.

WiteChoklat: I see.

Bluenote26: Justin, I don’t know.  I hate feeling like if it weren’t for me and my crazy cat, right now you’d be out dancing and flirting with hotties and…whatever.  I can be sort of clingy, and you’re too nice to say anything.

WiteChoklat: Oh

Bluenote26: I don’t want you to resent me.  You know?

WiteChoklat: You don’t have to explain.  Maybe I will go out tonight after all.

Bluenote26: Justin, do you understand what I’m saying?

WiteChoklat: I’m 22, not 12.  I get it OK?

Bluenote26: I didn’t mean it like that.  I don’t want you to give up your life to be friends with me.

Bluenote26: J?  Talk to me.

WiteChoklat: You better get going.  Have fun tonight.  I guess I’ll see you Monday.

Bluenote26: Justin, don’t be like that.  Can I call you?  I can barely make sense when I talk in person, much less over Internet.

WiteChoklat: Do you want me to leave the keys at your place after I feed the cat tomorrow?

Bluenote26: Justin, c’mon.  Look, I’m going offline and calling you, so pick the fuck up!

WiteChoklat: bye, Josh.


            Justin shuts down his computer and jumps in the shower, ignoring the blaring telephone.

            In the wee hours of the night, Justin hooks up for the first time in months.  He’d scanned the club, looking for a pretty brunette, but it’s a tall leggy blonde who ends up underneath him.  He goes down on her with a vengeance, making her come twice before she insists on returning the favor.  But there, in the bedroom of this gorgeous girl whose name he won’t remember tomorrow—Candy? Cammy? Cameron?—Justin can’t stop feeling guilty.  As good as her pouty red lips feel on his cock, he pulls away and zips up after only a minute.  He whispers “sorry…sorry” as he finishes dressing with his back to her.  The woman just nods her head.  Justin offers to take her number, but she shakes her head, kisses him on the cheek, and tells him that she really, really understands.  Justin drives home feeling sad and disappointed and horny and guilty…and stupid.


21. Sunday night Josh returns

            Justin spends his Sunday afternoon in front of the TV, watching sports and bingeing on Froot Loops.  After a few hours and a long nap, he goes to the gym.  Later, he stops off at his favorite record store for a few new CDs.  He spends the day alone, the way he’d spent most of his Sundays before he met Josh, and by evening decides it’s not so bad.  He thinks he might invite some of the guys from the finance department out for a beer sometime; maybe ask out that girl from his building who has been flirting with him since he moved in.  He drives quickly to Josh’s house, feeds the cat, and leaves without looking back.

            Justin’s phone rings at a quarter to 10 PM.


            “I’m back so don’t hang up on me I just wanna thank you for taking care of my cat she looks fine, not that I was worried at all, and thanks for watering my plant even though I forgot to ask you to and we got in safe and…and…um…hello.”

            “Hello, Josh.  Glad you’re back safe.”

            “Thanks.”  Silence.  “Justin, yesterday I—”

            “Look, um, I still have your keys—”

            “Justin, don’t change the subject.”

            “I’ll just bring them in to work tomorrow, if that’s alright,” Justin says plainly, calmly. 

            Josh sighs.  “Justin, I want to talk to you.  I think you misunderstood me yesterday.”  Justin doesn’t say anything.  “Justin, c’mon.”

            “Can we talk about this later?  I was just about to go to bed,” Justin lies.

            “Fine!”  Josh grumbles and Justin almost laughs. 

            “So, I’ll bring your keys tomorrow?”

            “Keep ‘em.  They’re an extra set.  You know, in case of emergencies.”

            “Right.”  Justin tries not to grin.

            “You know, in case I don’t show up for work several days in a row and my neighbors start to complain about the smell—”

            “That’s not funny, Josh.”

            “I know it’s not funny,” Josh snaps.  “You never know, so, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to keep them.  If that’s ok with you.”

            “Yeah.  That’s a good idea actually.  I don’t have a key buddy.”  Justin pauses.  “Maybe I should ask Joey to be mine?”  When Josh doesn’t utter a sound after several seconds, Justin barely conceals a snicker.

            “Don’t laugh at me,” Josh mumbles.

            “Why shouldn’t I?”

            “Why can’t you just admit that you’re mad about yesterday?”

            “Because I’m not.”  Justin crosses his arms and thanks God Josh can’t see him.

            “You’re mad.  I know you, and you’re mad.”

            “I’m not mad, Josh.”

            “You are.”

            “How would you know?  I’ve never been mad at you before!” snaps Justin.

            “See!  I told you!”

            “Whatever,” Justin grunts, rolling his eyes.  He can hear the triumphant smile in Josh’s voice, and as much as he wants to stay angry, he just can’t do it.

            “Look, Justin.  What I said, I didn’t mean the way it sounded.  I don’t think we spend too much time together.”  Justin lets out a long breath, then blushes when Josh murmurs, “If anything, it’s not enough.  For me anyway.”

            “You…you don’t have to say that.”  But I’m glad you did, Justin thinks.

            “I’m not just saying that, Justin,” Josh says softly.  “I mean it.  I really love—uh oh.  I have to go now, man.”  Justin sighs, has to force himself not to beg Josh to finish that sentence.

            “Why do you have to go?”

            Er, well…Queer as Folk is coming on,” Josh says softly.

            “Ok.”  So he does watch it all the time, Justin thinks briefly, but he’s too disappointed to pursue it right now.

            “Justin, can we talk this out tomorrow?  I’m tired from the trip and I just want to watch my fav—this show and go to bed.”

            “Don’t worry about it, man.  See you tomorrow.”


            “Yeah.  Go watch the show.”

            “Thanks, J.”

            “No problem.  See you tomorrow…Michael.”

            “See ya—oh!  So I’m Michael?”  Josh laughs, his voice squeaking, and Justin has to laugh, too.  “And I suppose you think you’re Brian?”

            “Of course!”

            “Why do you get to be Brian?”

            “Because I’m sexier, and hotter, and everybody wants me, that’s why!”


            “You know it, baby.”

            Hm.  Guess you’ve been watching the show, too.”

            “Maybe,” Justin answers, blushing furiously.

            “Ok, then, you be Brian.  I’m sure you can’t dance for shit, anyway!”

            “Oh, hell, no!  You take that back!” Justin laughs.

            “Ha.  Wow, it’s good to hear you laugh,” Josh says happily.  “I missed that while I was gone.”  Justin bites his lip.

            “Ok, um, well, goodnight, Josh.”  Justin touches the talk button on his phone, and just before the click he hears Josh murmur, “I missed you.”

            “What?” Justin gasps into the dial tone.  He curses as he hangs up the phone.


22. Monday Josh returns

            Josh is friendly but quiet Monday morning.  Justin is sure he offended him by not responding to the I miss you.  Justin types “I missed you, too” many times in an email, but every time he goes to click send, he clicks delete instead.  He feels like a coward and hates it. 

            When the “new mail” icon shows up on his taskbar, Justin’s heart starts to race.  He pouts when he sees that it’s only from Trace.  Justin skims the tales of spring break debauchery and hangover horrors, but he does a double take when Trace says that he really liked all of Justin’s new friends, especially Josh, because “Josh really likes you, man.  I thought it was weird when he was asking me all kinds of questions about you, but now that I’m completely sober, I think it just means he really wants to know you.  It’s nice.  I’m glad you have someone there to look out for you.  Damn, am I gonna be usurped as best friend?  Did I spell usurp right?”  Justin smiles at that and hits reply, but before he can type anything Joey stops by his desk. 

            “I hear it was boring as hell while we were gone,” Joey says happily.

            “Yes, it was,” Justin says, then glances at Josh, who is nose-deep in 2 weeks of departmental memos.  “I bet you guys were living it up, huh?”

            “Well, not really.  Half the time he’d be in his hotel room, doing God knows what,” Joey grunts.

            “Really?”  Justin coughs and looks at his monitor.  “Why, uh, do you think he wanted to do that?”

            “Well,” Joey says, lowering his voice, “personally, I think Josh is seeing someone here, and he was spending all that time talking to…whomever it is on the phone.”

            “Oh.”  Justin takes a sip of his very hot coffee.  He’s grateful that it burns his tongue and keeps him from smiling.

            “You guys hang out a lot,” Joey says as he plays with some paper clips on Justin’s desk.  “Do you know who it is?”

            “I don’t…I mean…I don’t even know if he’s seeing…and if he is…I don’t know if he’d tell me and…why would you ask me—”

            “Calm down, damn!”  Joey laughs at Justin’s bumbling.  “I’m just saying.  If he’d tell anyone it’d be you.  He considers you a really good friend.”

            “Yeah?” Justin takes another long sip.

            “Yeah.  He told me how you babysat for his crazy cat.  I guess he knows what he’s doing, ‘cause I would have put that thing in a kennel!”

            “I’m an animal lover, what can I say.”

            “It’s not just that,” Joey says softly.  “He talks about you—a lot.  He thinks very highly of you, J.”

            “Sure,” Justin snorts and pretends to study a worksheet on his desk, so Joey won’t see the blush on his face.

            “I’m just saying,” Joey says, then grins wickedly.  “Well, I better get some work done.  God knows how this place survived without me for two weeks!”

            “So humble.”  Justin shakes his head as Joey struts back to his desk.  Then he forces himself to stare at Josh until Josh looks up at him.  It doesn’t take long before Josh gives him a shy, crooked smile that sends Justin to his feet.

            “Um,” Justin mumbles nervously as he walks over and sits on Josh’s desk.  He waits a few seconds, and when he’s confident that no one can overhear, he looks deep into Josh’s eyes and says, “I missed you, too.”

            “Thanks,” Josh says, and smiles at his feet.


            They don’t speak much the rest of the day, but they don’t ignore one another either.  Josh lets Joey entertain everyone with tales about Buffalo, and Justin lets Chris and Lance fill Josh and Joey in on all the boring stuff they missed.  At the end of the day, Justin and Josh walk out to the parking lot together.  When they get to their cars, they smile shyly at each other.

            “Well.  Time to go home,” Josh says, nodding his head.


            “I really want to thank you.  For watching my cat and everything.  I know I’ve said it a billion times, but I really appreciate it, man.”

            “Forget it.  What are friends for?”

            “We still friends?” Josh’s eyes are unsure.

            “Of course.”

            “Good, because I was thinking that, you know, to repay you, maybe I could, um, maybe, make you dinner,” Josh says bashfully, and Justin nods.  “Like…for 2 weeks.”

            “Oh!”  Justin smiles as he taps his forehead like he has to think about it.  “Well, that’s awfully kind of you, sir.  But won’t you get sick of me?”

            “No, Justin.”  Josh reaches out and touches Justin’s arm.  “Will you get sick of me?”


            “Are you sure?  Because I’d understand if you—”

            “I won’t get sick of you,” Justin says decisively.  “Ever.”  He swallows the lump in his throat, but doesn’t look away.  “And if I do, I’ll let you know.”

            “Cool.”  Josh smiles at him and takes a step back.  “So, come over tonight?”

            “I gotta go home first, and then I’ll be over.”


            “Ok.”  Justin rolls his eyes at himself, at his nervousness.  “You were right.  I was mad.  But I’m not any more.”

            “Promise?” Josh whispers, and Justin nods.  “Promise me you’ll tell me if I take up too much of your time?”

            “I will.  Promise me that you won’t let me get away with pouting and holding grudges?”

            “I promise.”  Josh offers his hand and they shake on it.  When Josh starts to pull his hand away Justin freezes and squeezes Josh’s hand nervously.

            “Wait!  Are…are we ok now?”  Josh nods then pulls Justin into his arms.

            “We’re better than ok,” Josh whispers in Justin’s ear.

            “Welcome home, Josh.”  They hug a long time, and Justin doesn’t even care if anyone sees.








Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004