You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter Twenty One

35. Friday August 1 at work

From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:14 AM

1. I’m really, really, *really* afraid of spiders.

2. When you don’t talk to me all day—like today—it pisses me off.  And it scares me.

3. I can explain about last night.



From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:23 AM

You don’t have to explain.  It’s not my business.  I’m sorry I left like that.  I just didn’t want to get in the way.



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:24 AM

It’s not what it looked like, really.  I’m sorry you felt you had to go.



From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:28 AM

Justin, you don’t owe me an explanation.  It’s not like I’m your girlfriend or anything.



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:28 AM

Close enough, don’t you think?



From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:29 AM

I’m not a girl, Justin.



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chasez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:29 AM

I don’t want you to be.



From: Chasez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 11:30 AM

So, what does that mean then, Justin?


            Justin doesn’t have time to think of a response, because Joey races into their cubicle area, bursting with news that Chris has finally, after several years of lusting from afar, asked out Gwen the public relations hottie.  Chris stands on his chair to receive the ovation from the majority of male programmers within earshot.  It’s only when Lance shouts “but did she say yes!” that Chris’ glee turns sour.

            “Technically…she said she’d think about it,” Chris states optimistically.  “I am so in there!”  Another round of applause breaks forth until Johnny comes out of his office and the men scatter to their cubicles.  The rest of the day is filled with talk of strategy, wardrobe opinions and facial hair suggestions.  Justin never does respond to Josh’s last email, but he catches Josh looking at him a few times over his monitor.  Justin always looks back and smiles.


            Justin sneaks out at 4:56 and leans against Josh’s car door.  When Josh shows up, Justin smiles like usual, like yesterday never happened.

            “Hey,” Justin says nonchalantly when Josh stops in front of him.  “Say, you wanna go out tonight?  See a movie or something?”  Josh looks a little surprised, but then he smiles comfortably.

            “Um, I can’t.”  Josh scratches his head and says softly, “I um…have a d-date.”

            “Oh.  Oh!  Well, that’s good that’s really, um, well, cool, man, I’m, um…good!”  Justin smiles hard, like his life depends on his ability to look cool and pleased.  Josh smiles and stares at his hands.  “With whom?  If I can ask?”

            “Nobody you know.”  Josh glances up at Justin’s plastered on grin, shrugs and mumbles, “Just someone I met at the, um, video store last night.”  Justin nods and digs his fingernails into his palms.

            “You don’t want to tell me about it?”

            “Not really, J.”  Josh looks off into the distance.  “Another time.”

            “Is that what you meant when you said ‘something happened’ last night?” Justin asks timidly.  Josh clears his throat and casually glances at his watch.

            “Yeah…but, I better get going if I wanna get ready.”

            “Oh, well I wouldn’t want you to be late.  Goodnight.”  Eyes down, throat tight, head swimming, Justin manages a few steps away from the car before Josh tells him to stop.  “I gotta go, too, C.  Have a good time, ok?” Justin says, to the ground.

            “Wait, Justin.”  Josh looks up into the sky like he’s weighing something.  “Do you wanna have lunch tomorrow with me?”  When Justin doesn’t answer, Josh grins and says, “I’ll take you to that health food restaurant you asked about.”

            Hm.  Bean sprouts.  Wow.”

            “Or, I could take you out for a nice, big steak.”  Josh smiles that endearing, genuine smile that Justin hasn’t been able to resist since the beginning.

            “Ok.  But if you change your mind I’ll understand.”  Josh cocks his head and peers at his friend curiously.  “You might have one of those marathon all-night-into-the-next-day dates.  I wouldn’t want you to, you know, miss it.”

            “I don’t think that’ll be an issue, but thanks,” Josh laughs.  “So, tomorrow?  Noon-ish?”

            “It’s a date!”  Justin envisions slapping himself upside the head.

            Josh smiles flirtatiously as he gets into his car.  “It’s a date, then.”  Justin nods and turns to rush for his own car.  When he’s inside with the windows rolled up and the stereo blasting, and when he’s sure Josh has left the parking lot, Justin gives himself a thumbs up and squeals like the teenage girl he is.



36. Saturday August 2 Lunch


            “Well, what?”

            “Aren’t you going to…I mean…you know.  The date last night.”  Justin sips his iced tea and pokes at the appetizers on the table between him and Josh.  “Spill the beans, man.”

            Mmmph,” Josh mumbles with a crab-stuffed mushroom in his mouth.

            “You look happy,” Justin says with a forced smile.  “So I guess the date went well.”  Josh wipes the corners of his mouth, returns his napkin to his lap, and shrugs innocently.


            “C’mon, man.  Details!”  Josh giggles and Justin even gets a little giddy himself.  If he weren’t insanely jealous, he’d be genuinely happy that Josh met someone after all these months.

            “What do you want to know?” Josh asks bashfully.

            “Well, for starters, what’s the mystery date’s name?”  Josh looks startled for a few seconds.  “Name?  Your date’s name, Josh?”

            “Um.”  Josh hesitates, his face a little pink.  He takes a breath, looks down at his lap and softly says, “Dallas.”  Josh bites his lip as he slowly lifts his eyes to Justin’s.  He looks like he’s waiting for something, but Justin only nods and urges him to give up more information.

            “Ok.  Tell me more.”  Josh smiles like he’s totally surprised.  “What?  What’s that look mean, C?”

            “Nothing, I just…um…I thought you’d have some sort of…reaction or something,” Josh replies before downing half his seltzer in one gulp.

            “What do you mean?” Justin asks.  Josh shrugs happily.

            Nevermind.  So…the date.  Ok.  Um, it was…it was nice, you know?”  Josh nibbles on a roll while his leg bounces away under the table.  “I haven’t been on a real date in so long.”

            “Uh-huh,” Justin grunts and shoves another mushroom in his mouth.

            “It was just nice being with someone who was, um, interested…in me…like that.”

            Justin clucks his tongue and tries not to take offense at the comment.  “Well, we all want that, don’t we?”

            “Yeah, we do, Justin.”  How the mood went from eager to inexplicably tense, Justin doesn’t know.  After a minute of silent nibbling and ice sucking, Justin clears his throat.

            “So,” Justin murmurs, “did you two…you know?”  When Josh turns red, Justin squeaks, “Did you?  You did, didn’t you?”

            “There may have been some bases hit!” Josh chirps.  His face is totally red, but he smiles wickedly.

            “Well?  C’mon, out with it, man.”

            “A gentleman never tells.”

            Hmph.”  Josh smiles and hums happily as the restaurant hostess comes by with drink refills.  Justin doesn’t know whether to pout and fret at Josh’s uncooperativeness or to be thankful that he doesn’t have to hear the gory details.  “So, will you see this ‘Dallas’ again?” Justin asks hesitantly.

            “I don’t know.  It depends.”

            “On what?”

            “On…well…I don’t know,” Josh says demurely.  Justin nods like he understands, even though he doesn’t.

            “How did you two, I mean why did you, I mean, um.  Were you looking for…someone?” stammers Justin.  Josh smiles wearily.

            “I don’t know.  Maybe.  I mean, Dallas asked me if I had a…someone special in my life.”

            “And what did you say?” Justin asks calmly, though it sounds meaner in his head.

            “The truth.”  Justin nods into another awkward silence.  They look around the restaurant, the appetizers now forgotten and getting cold.

            “So…you think Dallas could be that someone special?”

            “I couldn’t really say right now.  What I do know is that, um, I want that…again.  This has made me realize that I want someone—the real thing, you know?”  Justin nods, because his throat is so tight that he can’t talk.  “I guess I’ve just realized that I’m…ready for it now.”

            “Just now?” Justin utters almost under his breath.  “What’s changed?”

            Josh sighs and looks at Justin seriously.  “I guess I just got tired.  Of waiting for something to happen that probably never will.”

            Wha—what do you mean?”

            “Nothing, J.”

            “No, Josh, tell me.  What…who are you waiting for?” Justin asks, begs, as his heart thumps in his chest.  It suddenly occurs to him that what Josh could be waiting for is his ex—the ungrateful bitch—to come to her senses and ask him to move back to Los Angeles.  The idea alone makes Justin go pale, but he forces himself to whisper, “You can tell me.”  Josh looks down at his hand in his lap, then watches it as it slowly slides across the table towards Justin’s.

            “Justin, I—”

            “And here we go!” their waiter bellows as he arrives with main course.  “Who had this gigantic Porterhouse steak?”  Justin sighs and points to the table in front of him.  The waiter sets Justin’s entrée down and then turns to Josh.  “And you must be the Macadamia nut encrusted Ahi.  Excellent choice!”  Josh blushes as the waiter places his meal down with a huge grin.  “Can I get you two anything else?” the waiter says with his eyes firmly implanted only on Josh.  When both men shake their heads, he says, “Ok, just let me know if you need…anything,” tucks his tablet into the back pocket of his tight pants and walks away.  Justin’s jaw drops as he watches the waiter swagger away and smile over his shoulder at Josh.

            “Oh my God!” Justin grunts as he spears his steak.  “That waiter just totally cruised you, man!”

            “I know—what?” Josh laughs.  “Did you just say ‘cruised’?  Is this a word you use often?”

            “Shut up,” Justin laughs, ducking his head to hide his pink cheeks.  “Anyway, it’s rude.  I mean, isn’t that rude, to flirt with you…when you’re with me?”

            “Well, yeah, but—huh?  What?  But, um, we’re not—”

            “But he doesn’t know that!”  Justin takes an angry bite of his salad, and Josh smiles sweetly.

            “Yeah, you’re right, J.  For all that guy knows, you and I are, like, head over heels in love with each other.”

            Whaumf!”  The water Justin was gulping goes down the wrong way, sending Justin into a coughing fit.  At first a look of terror shrouds Josh’s face, but it disappears when Justin raises his hand to indicate that, no, this isn’t like before, and yes, he’s going to be fine.

            “You alright?”  Josh chuckles as he stands up to gently pat Justin on the back.  Justin’s eyes water and his face turns red, but soon it’s over and he’s clearing his throat easily.

            “Yeah…ugh…I’m fine.  Just went down the wrong way.”

            “Ok, man.”  Josh rubs Justin’s cheek before sitting back down opposite him.  “Sorry about that,” he says guiltily.

            “No problem.”  Justin coughs a few more times for good measure, and then slowly drinks more water.  Josh eats quietly, but his eyes fix protectively on his friend across the table.  When Justin finally meets his gaze, they smile at each other, both of them turning pink.


            For a while they don’t say much, just commenting on their food or the weather.  Every time Justin replays Josh’s comment in his head his stomach flutters.  Eventually the silence is deafening and Josh lays his fork down.

            “All right.  You were going to tell me about you and Britney?”

            “Dude,” Justin mumbles, then covers his mouth until he’s finished the last of his lunch.  “She was taking a shower at my place because she’d just come from the gym.  We weren’t…doing anything.  It was completely innocent.”  Justin smiles, but Josh still looks unconvinced.

            “You two were going out last night, right?” Josh asks bashfully, like he has no right to even ask.  “Are you seeing her again?”

            “If you had let me explain last night, you’d know,” Justin chides, and Josh rolls his eyes.  “I’ve been moonlighting at the club where Britney is assistant manager for some quick cash.  We were doing the same hours so she came to pick me up, and she wanted to take a quick shower before we left—that’s all.”

            “Really,” Josh utters as he looks at his fingernails.  “Well, what do you do there?”

            “Serve drinks, back up the bartenders, stuff like that.”

            Hm.  I had no idea.”  Josh looks a little disappointed.

            “Yeah, it’s not a big deal.  I just needed to make some money fast.”

            “I didn’t realize something like that would be so lucrative.  The tips must be fabulous.”

            “Um…yeah.”  Justin blushes even deeper and Josh’s eyebrows go even higher.

            “Justin?  What?”

            “Well, um, at first I was doing tables, drinks, whatever they needed.  But Britney finally convinced me to, um, try a more lucrative assignment.”

            “Which is?” demands Josh.

            “Um.”  Justin lowers his voice.  “Um.  Dancing.  Dancing on, um, a pedestal?”

            “Wait a minute!”  Josh flails his hands around, on the verge of laughter.  “What club are you working at?”  Justin swallows hard.

            “One-Eyed Monks.”

            Nooooo waaaay!  You’re go-go dancing?  At One-Eyed Monks?  My Justin, a go-go boy?”

            “It’s not like I’m stripping or anything!”

            “But you wear next to nothing anyway!” Josh guffaws.

            “Hey, all I have to do is dance well, take off a few items of clothes, be friendly, and look hot!  All stuff I’m good at, and I’m making really good dough, man!”

            “Oh my god!” Josh laughs.

            “It’s only for 3 weeks, while a regular is on vacation!”

            “Too much!  I’m gonna pee my pants!” Josh squeals delightedly.

            “Shut up!”

            “Oh, I’m soooooo coming to watch you!”

            “The hell you are!”

            “Oh, man, I can’t wait!”  Josh giggles and claps his hands, which draws irritated looks from the other patrons.  “When do you work again?  I’m coming to see you!”

            “Joshua, if you do I’ll never speak to you again, I mean it!”

            “Aw, c’mon, J!  I won’t tell anyone,” Josh coos and bats his eyelashes.

            “No, no, I’m serious.”  Justin crosses his arms to prove his intent.  “If the guys find out about this, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

            “Yeah, you’re right.”  Josh forces himself to stop laughing, but then he bursts into cackles again.  When Justin feigns getting up from the table, Josh sighs and says, “All right, I won’t say anything!”


            “And I won’t come see you shake your ass.  Jeesh.”

            “Good.”  Justin sits back in his chair and smiles innocently at his friend across the table.

            “I just don’t see why I can’t—”

            “I’m just doing it for another week, and they money is good, and it’s hard enough for me get up on those platforms in next to nothing to dance when I’d rather just be at home getting some sleep.  It’d just be that much harder if you were there, watching me.  Understand?”

            “Yeah, I do.”  Josh smiles brightly and nudges Justin’s foot under the table.  “I bet you get hit on a lot, huh?”

            “Every freaking night, man.”  Justin shivers at the thought of the groping hands and lustful gazes.

            “By the women or the men?” Josh asks, his eyes sparkling.

            “Um.  Both.”

            “So…have you taken anyone up on his or her offer?” Josh asks.

            “What?” Justin squeaks.

            Nevermind, J.  Forget it.”

            “Anyway,” Justin utters nervously, “the tips are really good, so I think I can put up with it for another week.”

            “Do you put body glitter on?  What do you wear?” Josh asks excitedly.  “I can’t believe I won’t be able to see you.”  Justin shakes his head firmly, but with a smile.  “I bet you look great.  I wish I could watch you.”  Josh smiles, but he looks so genuinely disappointed that Justin nearly acquiesces.

            “I’m sorry, C.  I just…it would be too weird.”

            “I know, man.”  Justin plays with the dessert menu while Josh finishes the last of his drink.  “So, why did you even tell me?  You had to know I’d want to come see you.”

            “I know.  I just didn’t want you to think that me and Brit were…I just wanted to tell you the truth, that’s all.”

            “I appreciate that, J.  Hm, you think Britney would hire me, too?  I’ll be needing extra cash for my trip anyway.”

            “What trip?”

            “I thought I told you.”  Josh grabs the other end of the dessert menu, and a half-hearted tug of war ensues.  “I’m going to L.A. for a wedding in 3 weeks.”

            “Oh.”  Justin wonders why Josh neglected to mention this trip—he’d have remembered Josh saying he was going back to California.  “Who’s getting married?”

            “Some old friends of mine,” Josh states wistfully.

            “Friends of you…and your ex?” Justin asks carefully.

            “Yeah.”  Justin nods and lets Josh take the menu.  He watches Josh scan it quickly, his face tense.

            “I’m sorr—”

            “You want to order dessert?” Josh asks, and the crease in his brow is gone just as quickly as it appeared.


            Ten minutes and two more encounters with the flirtatious waiter later, Justin and Josh share a slice of Chocolate Seduction Cake.  Josh brings up the night of the basketball game, when they shared a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, when the powerbonding began.  Justin blushes and absentmindedly lets his fork rub against Josh’s.  Eventually Justin returns to Josh’s date, asking for more information about Dallas.  Josh is vague, saying only that his date seemed to be a funny, charming, intelligent and attractive person.  When Justin presses for more, Josh only smiles and takes another bite of cake.

            Well, I want to meet her,” Justin states plainly.  Josh does a double take.

            “You want to meet…her?” Josh asks.

            “Yes, of course.  I want to check her out, make sure she’s a respectable girl, not just using you for you money and good looks.”  Josh chuckles, but it’s a nervous laugh.  “Seriously though, C.  I want to make sure she’s, you know, good enough for you.”

            Josh sighs and places his hand on Justin’s on the table.  “Wow, you’re sweet.”

            “Mm.”  Justin clears his throat and wills the blush away from his cheeks.  “So, um, do you think you’ll spend your birthday with this Dallas woman next week?”

            “Justin,” Josh pronounces as he firmly places his fork on the plate, “look, um, first of all, Dallas—”

            “I know, I know, it’s only 1 date, but…I know you.  You seem to like this person.  I haven’t known you to date anyone the entire time I’ve known you, so you must really…you must really like her,” Justin says with some difficulty.

            “Justin, I don’t—”

            “I just want to be prepared.”


            “Yes.”  Justin lifts his hand to his forehead and melodramatically whimpers, “Prepared to be left alone, out in the cold while you go out romancing some young fair maiden.  I’ll just learn to knit and live vicariously through you.”  Justin sighs loudly even as Josh shakes his head.

            “Justin, you’re kidding right?  I mean, even if…and it’s not even like that…but even if I did…nothing would change…between us.  Nothing.”  They share a profound stare.  “Unless you want it to.  Change, I mean.”  Justin shakes his head quickly and takes another bite of the dessert.  Josh follows suit, and they mmm and aaagh around their mouthfuls.

            “Anyway, I need to know if you’re gonna see her—”

            “Justin, you are sooooo off base here!” Josh exclaims.

            “I need to know, Mister Impatient, so I can invite her to whatever we’re doing for your birthday next Friday!” Justin harrumphs.

            “I mean—you’re gonna do something for my birthday?” Josh asks, surprised.

            “Well, yeah, of course.”

            “You’d do that for me?”  Josh’s face crinkles up.

            “Don’t look so surprised, man.  Now, we could all go to Pearl’s Necklace.”

            “No,” Josh grunts.

            “Pool party?”


            “How about…dinner at the restaurant of your choice, and maybe a little karaoke?”

            “You know me so well,” Josh murmurs.  His knee bounces underneath the table at a rapid pace.  Justin knows he chose wisely.

            “Ok, I’ll call the guys and take care of everything.”  Josh’s beaming smile dims just a smidge.  “Unless…you just wanted it to be the two of us.”

            “That could work, too,” replies Josh.

            “Well,” Justin says around an unabashed grin, “Maybe we should leave it up in the air, in case you want to do something with your new girlfriend.”

            “Justin,” huffs Josh, “Dallas is not my girlfriend!”

            “I know, but give it time.  It’ll happen,” Justin kids.

            “No, it won’t!”

            “Why not?”

            “Because I’m otherwise…um…involved.”  Josh blushes and lowers his eyes like he just admitted something he was clearly trying to hide.

            “I don’t understand.”

            Josh lifts his eyes to his dear friend’s confused gaze.  “I know you don’t, J.” 


            That night, as Justin dances in nothing but high-top sneakers and tight biker shorts for an audience made up of gay men and a few of their straight gal pals, he wonders what it would be like to dance for Josh.  He looks out into the dark club, closes his eyes, and imagines that Josh is watching.  He’s not nervous—he knows Josh will keep his word and stay away.  Still, the thought of Josh staring at him, watching him, hungering for him excites him to no end.  He loses himself in the pulsing dance music, forgetting for once how naked he feels.  Even his anxiety over Josh possibly seeing his ex soon escapes him.  Justin dances with as much abandon as he’s ever allowed himself, the tips stuffed in his waistband his only consolation.








Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004