You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter Twenty Five

41. Sunday

            Hampered by hangovers and awkwardness, Josh and Justin don’t say much the next day.  They’d wanted to get in a few more hours of sightseeing, but they end up oversleeping.  Ultimately, they just have time to get dressed, check out, and grab a bite before heading to the airport.

            Justin tries a few times during the long flight home to initiate conversation, but he chickens out and buries his nose in the book he’d borrowed from Josh.  Sometimes Josh looks over at him, and Justin can make out the twinkle in Josh’s overtired eyes.  They seem to come to an unspoken understanding that a crowded airplane is just not the place to talk about this.  So they make small talk, and Justin swallows his desire to hold Josh’s hand.  He’s not sure if he is allowed.


            It’s just getting dark when Josh pulls into an empty space in front of Justin’s apartment.  They idle for a few awkward moments, but when Justin starts to reach for the door handle, Josh quickly turns off the ignition.

            “Thanks for the ride home, C.”

            “Well, my car was at the airport so—I mean, you’re welcome, Justin.”  It’s been like this all day.  It’s not exactly annoyance, but there’s something a little unsettling about the air between them.  Justin isn’t really sure what Josh is feeling, but for him it’s simple: overpowering frustration.

            “I had a great time,” Justin says after a long pause.  “I’m glad you convinced me to go.”

            “I’m glad to hear it,” murmurs Josh, his eyes fixed on Justin’s front door.

            “I really liked all your friends.  Alex and Brad are really cool guys.  Carlos is a trip.”

            “Oh, you don’t know the half of it!”  Josh laughs as he pockets the car keys.  “His newest career ‘adventure’ is his own record label.  And he’s taken it upon himself to convince me to move back to Cali so he can manage my fledgling career.  Isn’t that hysterical?”

            “Um…yeah.”  Justin smiles, but inside a small kernel of fear materializes.  “Is he, um, serious?”

            “Actually, he is.  He’s even talking to Nick Carter—and they love to hate each other—about signing with him, so he must be serious.  Nick’s had 3 top 100 hit singles in Iceland and Belgium.”


            “Yeah,” Josh chuckles.  “I actually did some vocals on one of them.”

            “Shit, man, why didn’t you ever tell me?” Justin asks, just a little hurt.

            “It’s not a big deal.”  Josh shrugs and leans his head back against the headrest, exposing his neck to the streetlights.  “It was a song Tony wrote, so…yeah.”  Justin gulps.

            “You have a lot of friends in the business.”

            “Not too many.  Some singers, some producers, a few C list actors.  I dated a DJ once who promised to give my demo airtime, if and when I ever finish it.”

            “You have a dem—why don’t you ever talk about this stuff with me?”

            “It’s in the past, Justin.”  Josh smiles sadly and stares off into space.  “My life is different now.”

            “That life sounds a lot more exciting.”


            “Do you ever want to go back?” Justin asks cautiously.

            “Yeah, but…it’s not that easy.”  Josh turns to Justin with clouded eyes.  “I have other…things to consider.”

            “I see.”  Justin isn’t sure if Josh meant his job or his apartment lease or his friends or even him.  A steady job is important.  Broken leases look bad on a credit rating.  Joey and Lance and Chris are the best.  But what could possibly keep Josh from going back to Los Angeles, where his old friends and old life and old passion for music await him?  Justin shakes the questions from his head.

            “Um, did you ever tell your—Tony—about the frequent flier miles thing?”

            “Yeah.”  Josh grins a little.  “He didn’t even care, as much as he travels.  With Carter.”

            “The way you two used to?” Justin asks hesitantly.  Josh shrugs wistfully.  “Sorry.”

            “Please.  You know I’m over that.”  Josh finally looks directly at Justin.  “No more Nicks.  Ok?”

            “Ok.”  They share a smile, which seems to ease the unwarranted tension.

            “So, um.  Thanks for being my fake boyfriend this weekend.”

            “You’re welcome.”  Justin starts to ask which part of the weekend Josh is thanking him for, but decides against it.  He’s not sure he wants to know the answer.

            “Now that we’re back in Orlando, I guess the ruse is up.”  Josh runs his hands up and down his thigh methodically.  It reminds Justin of Josh’s hands on his own thighs last night.  He shakes the thought from his mind before he can get hard.  “Back to…you know.  Reality.”

            Justin looks at his watch, hoping the action appears nonchalant.  “The weekend isn’t over until Monday.  Still a few hours of Sunday left.”  When Josh doesn’t answer, Justin glances over to catch Josh slowly leaning towards him.

            “Good.”  Justin licks his lips just in time.  They meet midway between their seats, French kissing with little prologue.  It’s hungry and unrestrained and a very uncomfortable in the bucket seats, but they don’t stop kissing.  Not even with Justin straining against his seatbelt to get further inside Josh’s mouth.  Not even with the questions jumbled up inside Justin’s love-struck brain.  Not even with the admission struggling to break forth from Justin’s lips.  The minute Josh lets him up for air, Justin’s words come faster than he can stop them.

            “Josh—we have to talk about—I have to tell you—”

            “What is it?” Josh pleads as he strokes Justin’s hot cheeks.  “You can tell me anything.”

            “C.”  Justin can almost picture the I love you falling from his lips, but he’s stymied by a flash of headlights.  He pulls out of Josh’s embrace as a car parks alongside theirs.  He fumbles with his seatbelt, faking a complicated release so he won’t have to see Josh withdraw disappointedly.  Justin sighs and watches his neighbor get out of her car and proceed to her apartment, not for one second noticing the two nervous men breathing hard in the next vehicle.  Justin’s brain scrambles for a proper explanation, but there isn’t one.  He sighs and shakes his head.  There’s no way he can make it up to Josh.  Not tonight.

            “It’s ok, Justin.  I understand,” Josh whispers.

            “No it’s…thanks.”  As ashamed as he feels—and scared—Justin has never felt more secure in their friendship as he does right now.  After last night, he knows Josh won’t hate him for that pathetic and cowardly display.  That alone allows him to go home and get a good night’s sleep.  When he wakes up and wonders why Josh isn’t beside him, he knows it’s now or never.



42. Monday

            The last Monday in August is, for Justin, a lot like the first Monday in February.  Not a lot gets done, mostly because he’s staring at Josh all day, and trying really hard to pretend like he’s not staring at Josh all day.  And he’s nervous, and not really sure why.  Seven months ago he had no idea what “the new guy” would come to mean to him.  But there was something, even then, that drew Justin’s rapt attention to the skinny, floppy haired, sometimes goofy, sometimes intense man a few cubicles away from him.  Sometimes, when Justin hasn’t looked for a while, Josh will laugh or sigh or just look at him a certain way, and it’s like the very first day, butterflies and sweaty palms and all.

            When Justin can’t stand it any longer, he walks over to Josh’s desk, plants his feet firmly to the ground, and quietly asks, “Josh, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

            Josh looks around quickly, like he can’t believe Justin would be so bold with people milling about almost within earshot.  Justin can hardly believe it himself.  Especially after avoiding questions from Lance and Chris about what he and Josh did over their unannounced three day weekend.  He knows it’s his responsibility to tell the others about their trip, but he’s not ready just yet.  “Um, oh, well, ah, that depends.”  Josh smiles and leans back in his chair, playing with his tie and tossing his hair out of his eyes.  “You asking as a friend…or, um.”  Josh lowers his voice, licks his lips.  “As a date?”

            “A friend.”  It’s sort of the truth, after all.


            “No!”  Justin catches himself, then clears his throat, steps a little closer, and looks down at Josh with a sly grin.  “I meant…a date.  A friendly date.  Both, C.”  Josh takes his time answering, but the way he looks up at Justin with parted lips, fluttering eyelashes, and a bouncing knee foretells his answer.

            “I’d love to.”


            Despite the countless dinners, lunches, breakfasts, plays, museum visits, basketball games, nature hikes, and other varied social outings Josh and Justin have shared, this dinner has Justin in a bundle of nerves.  The restaurant is a cozy little out-of-the-way place that Joey delightedly suggested when Justin lied about taking Britney out for her birthday.  The lighting is intimate, the tables are small, and Justin is constantly brushing his feet or knees or hands against Josh’s under the table.  But the food is great, the wine is divine, and Josh doesn’t seem to mind Justin constantly brushing his feet or knees or hands against his under the table.

            After Justin pays for dinner, he suggests they take a leisurely walk in a scenic park that they’ve often passed on their way to Josh’s—and now his—favorite Thai restaurant.  They walk around for a while, Josh pointing out cute dogs and Justin trying to work up the nerve to hold his best friend’s hand.  When the sun starts to set, they sit on an iron bench underneath a tree to watch the sky change colors.  They don’t talk much, but occasionally they smile at each other.  Occasionally their hands touch.


            “I had a great time tonight,” Josh says once they’ve parked in front of his apartment.  Justin smiles and echoes the sentiment.  “You’re a great date.”

            “So are you.”  Justin clears his throat and wonders if he should be so bold as to take his keys out of the ignition.  “Well, I mean, it’s not that big of a surprise.  We’ve had dates before.”

            “Yeah, but not…um…mmm.”

            “Not what, C?”


            Justin blushes as he touches Josh’s fingers.  “Not with, um, kissing at the end?”  Josh goes a little pink himself as he slips his fingers through Justin’s.

            “Would you like to come in for a nightcap?”


            The kissing commences as soon as the front door closes.  They stand in the foyer on teetering legs as they scramble to hold on to each other.  It’s the first time they’ve made out, in private, not for show, and standing up.  It’s different, to be sure.  At the wedding they’d been so careful not to overdo it.  Justin hadn’t groaned this deeply as Josh’s tongue explored his mouth.  Josh hadn’t purred into Justin’s ear as he sucked the lobe.  Neither would have deigned to trip over each other’s feet on the way to the wall, like tonight.  Justin sighs happily when Josh pushes him against the wall and starts on the skin just below his jaw.  He lets Josh nibble.  He lets Josh slide his hands up inside his suddenly confining shirt.  He lets Josh kiss him slow and deep while gracefully pressing himself against Justin’s body.  For Justin’s part, he lets his hands roam, up Josh’s back, into the slightly mussed hair, gentle under his armpits with thumbs on the nipples, not so gentle on the ass, kneading, pressing.  Justin looks down at their hips moving together, and lets out a long hiss when Josh presses in and up, crushing their crotches between their bodies.

            “Fuck.”  Justin smiles and pulls Josh hard against him.  “Fuck,” he grunts before kissing him again, harder.

            “Fuck…mmm.”  Josh growls it against Justin’s tongue, over and over, and Justin starts to wonder if it’s an interjection or a suggestion.  But before he can ask, Josh pulls away.  They stare at each other’s mouths for a few seconds as they wipe their own lips dry.

            “Um, I think,” Josh starts, but then has to clear his throat.  “That was some goodnight kiss.”

            “Goodnight?”  Justin tries to conceal his disappointment.  “Yeah, it…it was.  Well.  Ah, I guess I better get going.”  He watches Josh, who’s still focused squarely on Justin’s mouth.  Justin licks his lips slowly, hopefully.  “Josh?  Should I go?”

            “Yeah.  I think.”

            “Ok.”  Justin reaches for the door, and grins when Josh stops him with a soft kiss to the cheek.

            “Thanks for tonight.  I had a wonderful time on our…friend date,” Josh whispers.

            “Me, too.”  They kiss once more before Josh steps aside to open the door.  Justin forces a smile as he leaves, frustrated and confused.  Another “benefit” he doesn’t need.








Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004