Duncan Regehr and Juan Diego Botto

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Geocities has decided to close down permanently on October 26th of this year. Therefore, I have moved all my Web sites to Webs.com. Here is a link to my new version of this Web page: Kathy's Zorro Fanfiction Corner.

This page contains all of my Family Channel Zorro fanfiction. The vast majority of the following stories center on Zorro's servant, Felipe (played by the fine Hispanic actor, Juan Diego Botto, who played the role from 1989 to 1993). (To those who have never seen the TV series, I should like to suggest a visit this Web site: Zorro: A Tribute to the New World Zorro. Likewise, if you want a chance to watch the Zorro episodes, here are two lists of YouTube videos you can view them on: The New Zorro, Part 1 (Seasons 1 and 2) and The New Zorro, Part 2 (Seasons 3 and 4).)

Needless to say, I always welcome feedback. So if you have something you'd like to say, email me at kgreen20@msn.com.

Disclaimer: The name, character, and likeness of Zorro is a registered trademark of Zorro Productions Inc. These stories are not intended to infringe on their rights. The storylines and additional characters (not including Zorro/Don Diego, Don Alejandro, Felipe, Victoria Escalante, Sergeant Mendoza, and the alcalde) are copyrighted 1998-2003 by Kathy Green. (Some of these stories include the name of Felipe's horse, Parche. The horse's name is used with the permission of Ruth Parker, who invented the name to use in her own wonderful fanfiction. To access her Zorro stories, click on Zorro Fiction.) These stories are made purely for entertainment purposes.


The Twelve Days of Zorro

This poem, co-authored by Kathy McManus and myself, is a take on the familiar carol, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."

Zorro and Felipe Meet the JDB List Serve

Who needs a summary? I think the name of this story speaks for itself.

Zorro and Felipe Rescue the JDB List Serve

In this sequel to "Zorro and Felipe Meet the JDB List Serve," Zorro and Felipe must rescue the list serve so its members can continue to write Z fanfiction stories. Will they succeed?

Felipe Fanfiction Flashbacks

This isn't a story, per se, but a collection of flashbacks and background information from my stories. It occurred to me that those who read them might like to have all the background material I put together on Felipe's past on one Web page--hence the flashbacks page. It consists of the background I created for him, set prior to the events of "Sacrificial Love," and which is based on what little is revealed on the TV series. Hope you like it!

Sacrificial Love

In this pre-Zorro story, a very young Felipe still lives in Mexico with his mother and father, and de la Vega is a name he's never even heard. Can Felipe exhibit a spirit of self-sacrifice and prove his readiness for First Communion? And when his mother falls critically ill, can he save her life?

War Orphan

In this 20-chapter pre-Zorro novel, nightmares and other premonitions become tragic reality when a very young Felipe loses his parents--and his speech and hearing--in a violent revolutionary battle, miles from his home town. What will become of Felipe? Can he survive? And if he does, who will take care of him?

In The Beginning

In this pre-Zorro sequel to "War Orphan," can Don Diego de la Vega of Los Angeles find a home for a very young Felipe, who was recently orphaned?

New on the Job

This pre-Zorro story is a sequel to "In the Beginning." Newly hired by the de la Vegas, a very young Felipe must adjust to new people, new customs, and a new milieu; cope with his traumatic losses; and win over a hostile couple with whom he must sleep. Will he be able to do it?

Lovers of Horses

In this three-part pre-Zorro story, a mare goes into labor during the visit of Don Rafael de la Vega. Will mother and colt survive? And will the foal's birth help to ease a very young, grieving Felipe's homesickness?

Rainy Day

What's a bored little boy to do on a rainy day? In this pre-Zorro story, a very young Felipe learns a new game and a little about Don Diego's childhood.

Felipe's Pay

In this pre-Zorro story, a very young Felipe receives his first payment as servant boy for the de la Vegas.

Feliz Navidad

How does a very young Felipe spend his first Christmas with the de la Vegas? Read this three-chapter pre-Zorro story and find out.

The Power of the Written Word

In this pre-Zorro story, Don Alejandro educates a very young Felipe after Don Diego leaves for Spain. There soon comes a time when Felipe must use his new literacy skills to save his own life and the lives of others.

Felipe's Education

This pre-Zorro story follows Felipe's educational progress from the close of "The Power of the Written Word" to the months prior to the events of "A Time of Rejoicing." While Felipe receives the classical education of a caballero, he learns to train horses and acquires many other skills.

A Time of Rejoicing

In this pre-Zorro story, as confirmation approaches, can Felipe, now 13, and his classmates help a schoolmate of theirs regain his cherished dream?

Miracles Do Happen

In this pre-Zorro story, while Don Diego returns from Madrid, Felipe suffers a terrible accident that kills his pony, yet miraculously restores the 13-year-old servant boy's hearing. Can Felipe muster the courage to tell his patróns that he can hear, or will his fears get the better of him? And can he come to terms with his guilt over the pony's death?


In this sequel to the flashback sequences of the made-for-cable movie, Zorro: The Legend Begins, Felipe must explain to Don Diego how he regained his hearing.


Felipe is having nightmares. Will Don Diego be able to help him sort through his fears?


This is a sequel to the episode, "The Best Man," and the stories, "Lovers of Horses" and "Feliz Navidad." Don Rafael de la Vega and Felipe exchange letters.

Deadly Poison

Felipe accidentally swallows poison meant for Don Alejandro. Can Zorro discover the poison's identity before it's too late to find an antidote?

Felipe Meets the New Priest

In this sequel to the 1st-season episode, "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing," Felipe meets the new padre for the first time.

"I'll Be Calling You 'Son'"

In this three-part alternate universe story (and for those unfamiliar with the term, AU stories differ to a point from the original canon of a series), set shortly after the 1st-season episode, "Family Business," Don Diego decides to adopt Felipe.

Zorro and the Time Travelers

In this eight-part story, while visiting relatives in California, two modern-day Oklahoma City children are caught in a time warp and transported to Zorro's day. Accused by the alcalde of being spies, Todd and Allison Bennett must avoid arrest and imprisonment, and at the same time, help Zorro and Felipe save the mission Indians from being used as slave labor. Can they return to 1998 before the alcalde and his soldiers catch them?

Another Zorro?

A four-part NW-DIS Zorro crossover, in which a startled Felipe of the New World Zorro finds himself face to face with the de la Vegas of the Disney adaptation of our favorite story.


Felipe is bitten by a rattlesnake an enemy planted in the de la Vega chapel. Can Zorro stop this enemy before he strikes again?


Felipe is kidnapped and held for ransom by a gang of bandits. Can Zorro save him before it's too late?

The Fox and the Cat

In this Zorro/real-life crossover, co-authored by Kathy McManus and myself, Don Diego and Felipe must help a time-traveling cat return to the year 2000.

In Search of A Fugitive

This is a real-life/Star Wars/Zorro crossover. In this two-part story, what happens when a modern-day teenage girl, Jackie Long, is recruited by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and friends to capture an ex-Imperial in 1820's California? A Zorro adventure, of course! Zorro must save the day...again, but this time with a little help from his new friends.

The Alcalde's Trick

The alcalde frames Felipe for burglary and theft. Can Zorro prove his servant boy's innocence before the alcalde hangs him?

Tragedy for Zorro

When Felipe is shot, Don Diego is powerless to help him--but is Zorro?

Angels in the Nick of Time

In this crossover between the Family Channel Zorro and the hit series, "Touched By an Angel"--set between the 2nd and 3rd seasons of "The New Zorro," and during the 8th season of "Touched By an Angel"--Felipe faces an emotional crisis that threatens to ruin his upcoming Christmas. Can Tess, Monica, Andrew, Gloria, Rafael--and an angelic visitor from the 2nd-season Christmas episode, "It's a Wonderful Zorro"--help him and Don Diego, in the aftermath of Alcalde Ramon's death?

Danger: Assassin

An old friend of Don Alejandro's--a visiting, high-ranking nobleman--and his family are stalked by a ruthless assassin. Can Zorro and Felipe save them?


Felipe is reunited with his long-lost godfather and a childhood friend. Can Zorro save all three of them from a ruthless ex-patrón? And can Felipe deal with the prospect of losing his beloved godfather a second time--permanently?

Adopted Son

This four-part story is a sequel to Zorro: A Conspiracy of Blood, a made-for-video movie comprising the four episodes ("The Arrival," "Death and Taxes," "Conundrum," and "The Discovery") that ended the series. At the same time that Felipe makes the transition from servant boy to de la Vega, he must deal with some painful memories from his early childhood. Can he let go of his past and help a new friend? Can Zorro save him from being hung as the Masked Avenger's accomplice? And can Zorro and Felipe save Los Angeles from a gang of ruthless revolutionaries?

My friend, Nancy Smith, has kindly volunteered to create new backgrounds for my stories. She has created a separate Web site just for that purpose. If anyone wishes to pay a visit to the newly-decorated copies of my stories, click on this link.


Secret Passage of Time (work-in-progress)

In this sequel to "Zorro and the Time Travelers," Todd and Allison Bennett are transported back to Zorro's day, along with their aunt and uncle this time. Can they help Zorro stop a vicious bandido from plundering a ship and wreaking his vengeance on Felipe and Todd?

A Lesson Well Learned

In this alternate-universe ending to Zorro: A Conspiracy of Blood, Felipe is shot protecting Don Diego from his brother, Don Gilberto. Will he live or die? And will Ynez Risendo succeed in her vengeful quest to destroy the de la Vegas?

Back to the Beginning (work-in-progress)

Felipe, now a de la Vega and a student at Don Diego's old alma-mater, runs into an old friend of the de la Vegas everybody believed dead. Can the two team up to thwart the King's enemies?


Kathy Green's Main Page

Kathy Green's Zorro the Fox Page

The Unofficial Felipe Fanfiction Page

Kassie Long's Page

Robin's Page

Kathryn Grant's Page

Nancy Smith's Page

Den of Zorro (Christina Smith's page)

Nikki's Home Page

Billy Thomas's Page

Susan Kite's Page

Kathy McManus's Page

Jackie Long's Page

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