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Date Service Function

Built-in functions are similar to operation codes in that they perform operations on data you specify. All IBM built-in functions have the percent symbol (%) as their first character. The syntax of built-in functions is


What I have done here is created my own built-in functions (i.e. stored procedures for C programmers) to capture today's and yesterday's date. The date format return can be any of the supported date format provided on the AS/400.

Figure 1

Testing Date Function Example

*************** Beginning of data *******************************
H COPYRIGHT('(C) PGMR, Inc. 1997')
 *  Programmers Group & Management Resource    Copyright  1997  *
 *                                                              *
 *                           \\\\\\\                            *
 *                          ( o   o )                           *
 *                                                              *
 *  Module name. . :  TESTDATE                                  *
 *  Text . . . . . :  Sample Code to test Date Built-in Function*
 *                                                              *
 *  Author . . . . :  Alex Nubla                                *
 *  Creation Date. :  08/26/97                                  *
 *                                                              *
 *                                                              *
 *  Module Creation:  CRTRPGMOD  MODULE(library/TESTDATE)       *
 *                               SRCFILE(library/QRPGLESRC)     *
 *                                                              *
 *  Program Creation: CRTPGM     PGM(library/TESTDATE)          *
 *                               MODULE(library/TESTDATE        *
 *                                      library/DATESVC         *
 *                                      library/DAYSVC)         *
 *                                                              *
 *  Standalone fields
D FmtMDY          S              4    Inz('*MDY')
D FmtUSA          S              4    Inz('*USA')
D FmtJUL          S              4    Inz('*JUL')
D                 ds
D DtMDY                           D   DatFmt(*mdy)
D  Date1                         8    overlay(DtMDY:  1)
D                 ds
D DtUSA                           D   DatFmt(*usa)
D  Date2                        10    overlay(DtUSA:  1)
D                 ds
D DtJUL                           D   DatFmt(*jul)
D  Date3                         6    overlay(DtJUL:  1)
 *  Get Today's Date
C     'MDY:'        DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date1    = f_CurrDate(FmtMDY)
C     DtMDY         DSPLY
C     'USA:'        DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date2    = f_CurrDate(FmtUSA)
C     DtUSA         DSPLY
C     'JUL:'        DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date3    = f_CurrDate(FmtJUL)
C     DtJUL         DSPLY
 *  Get 5 Days Ago
C     '-5 MDY:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date1    = f_SubToday(FmtMDY: 5)
C     DtMDY         DSPLY
C     '-5 USA:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date2    = f_SubToday(FmtUSA: 5)
C     DtUSA         DSPLY
C     '-5 JUL:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date3    = f_SubToday(FmtJUL: 5)
C     DtJUL         DSPLY
 *  Get 2 Days Ahead
C     '+2 MDY:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date1    = f_AddToDay(FmtMDY: 2)
C     DtMDY         DSPLY
C     '+2 USA:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date2    = f_AddToday(FmtUSA: 2)
C     DtUSA         DSPLY
C     '+2 JUL:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date3    = f_AddToday(FmtJUL: 2)
C     DtJUL         DSPLY
 *  Get 0 Days Ahead
C     '+0 MDY:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date1    = f_AddToDay(FmtMDY: 0)
C     DtMDY         DSPLY
C     '+0 USA:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date2    = f_AddToday(FmtUSA: 0)
C     DtUSA         DSPLY
C     '+0 JUL:'     DSPLY
C                   Eval      Date3    = f_AddToday(FmtJUL: 0)
C     DtJUL         DSPLY
C                   Eval      *InLR    = *On
****************** End of data **********************************

Top of Page

Figure 1 illustrates the function f_CurrDate, f_PrevDate, f_SubToday and f_AddToday. The function f_CurrDate will return today's date in the format requested(e.g FmtUSA). Likewise, f_PrevDate returns yesterday's date on the result of the function.  f_AddToday is similar to doing ADDDUR, while f_SubToday is similar to SUBDUR.  Both f_AddToday and f_SubToday however returns you the date format you requested.

These function require a date format as a parameter. The subprocedure (built-in function) accepts a date format variable whose length is 4. The subprocedure returns the date requested based on the date format you passed in the built-in function.

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Figure 2A

RPG Subprocedure to execute Date Services

*************** Beginning of data *******************************
 *  Programmers Group & Management Resource    Copyright  1997  *
 *                                                              *
 *                           \\\\\\\                            *
 *                          ( o   o )                           *
 *                                                              *
 *  Module name. . :  DATESVC                                   *
 *  Text . . . . . :  Sample Code to test Date Built-in Function*
 *                                                              *
 *  Author . . . . :  Alex Nubla                                *
 *  Creation Date. :  08/26/97                                  *
 *                                                              *
 *                                                              *
H NOMAIN   COPYRIGHT('(C) PGMR, Inc. 1997')                      
 /COPY QRPGLESRC,DATEPR                                          
 *     S U B P R O C E D U R E S                                *
 *                                                              *
 *  f_CurrDate - Retrieve Today's Date                          *
 *                                                              *
Pf_Currdate       B                   Export                     
 *  Input Values                                                 
D f_CurrDate      PI            10                               
D  Dt_Fmt                        4    Value                      
 *  Standalone fields                                            
D DateMDY         S               D   datfmt(*mdy)               
D DateDMY         S               D   datfmt(*dmy)               
D DateYMD         S               D   datfmt(*ymd)               
D DateJUL         S               D   datfmt(*jul)               
D DateISO         S               D   datfmt(*iso)               
D DateUSA         S               D   datfmt(*usa)               
D DateEUR         S               D   datfmt(*eur)               
D DateJIS         S               D   datfmt(*jis)               
D DateAlpha       S             10    Inz                        
D                 ds                                             
D TimeDate                      14  0                            
D  Time60                        6  0 overlay(TimeDate:  1)      
D  Date80                        8  0 overlay(TimeDate:  7)      
 *  Get the current time                              *          
C                   Time                    TimeDate             
C                   Select                                       
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*MDY'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateMDY              
C                   Movel     DateMDY       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*DMY'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateDMY              
C                   Movel     DateDMY       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*YMD'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateYMD              
C                   Movel     DateYMD       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*JUL'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateJUL              
C                   Movel     DateJUL       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*ISO'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateISO              
C                   Movel     DateISO       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*USA'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateUSA              
C                   Movel     DateUSA       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*EUR'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateEUR              
C                   Movel     DateEUR       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*JIS'                  
C     *usa          Move      Date80        DateJIS              
C                   Movel     DateJIS       DateAlpha            
C                   EndSl                                        
C                   Return    DateAlpha                          
P f_CurrDate      E                                              
 *                                                              *
 *  f_PrevDate - Retrieve Yesterday's Date                      *
 *                                                              *
Pf_PrevDate       B                   Export                     
 *  Input Values                                                 
D f_PrevDate      PI            10                               
D  Dt_Fmt2                       4    Value                      
 *  Standalone fields                                            
D CurrDate        S               D   datfmt(*usa)               
D Yesterday       S               D   datfmt(*usa)               
D DateMDY         S               D   datfmt(*mdy)               
D DateDMY         S               D   datfmt(*dmy)               
D DateYMD         S               D   datfmt(*ymd)               
D DateJUL         S               D   datfmt(*jul)               
D DateISO         S               D   datfmt(*iso)               
D DateUSA         S               D   datfmt(*usa)               
D DateEUR         S               D   datfmt(*eur)               
D DateJIS         S               D   datfmt(*jis)               
D DateAlpha       S             10    Inz                        
D                 ds                                             
D TimeDate                      14  0                            
D  Time60                        6  0 overlay(TimeDate:  1)      
D  Date80                        8  0 overlay(TimeDate:  7)      
 *  Get the current time                              *          
C                   Time                    TimeDate             
C     *usa          Move      Date80        CurrDate             
 *  Compute for yesterday's date                      *          
C     CurrDate      subdur    1:*d          Yesterday            
C                   Select                                       
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*MDY'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateMDY              
C                   Movel     DateMDY       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*DMY'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateDMY              
C                   Movel     DateDMY       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*YMD'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateYMD              
C                   Movel     DateYMD       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*JUL'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateJUL              
C                   Movel     DateJUL       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*ISO'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateISO              
C                   Movel     DateISO       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*USA'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateUSA              
C                   Movel     DateUSA       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*EUR'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateEUR              
C                   Movel     DateEUR       DateAlpha            
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*JIS'                  
C     Yesterday     adddur    0:*d          DateJIS              
C                   Movel     DateJIS       DateAlpha            
C                   EndSl                                        
C                   Return    DateAlpha                          
P f_PrevDate      E                                              
****************** End of data **********************************

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Figure 2B

RPG Subprocedure to execute Day Services

*************** Beginning of data *******************************
 *  Programmers Group & Management Resource    Copyright  1997  *
 *                                                              *
 *                           \\\\\\\                            *
 *                          ( o   o )                           *
 *                                                              *
 *  Module name. . :  DAYSVC                                    *
 *  Text . . . . . :  Function: Add/Sub Day Duration            *
 *                                                              *
 *  Author . . . . :  Alex Nubla                                *
 *  Creation Date. :  08/26/97                                  *
 *  Description. . :  These are all user-defined functions for  *
 *                    adding & subtracting days.                *
 *                                                              *
 *                    Use the CRTRPGMOD to compile this module. *
 *                                                              *
 * USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS:                                      *
 *                                                              *
 *   Function         Description                               *
 * ===============  =========================================== *
 * f_AddToday       Retrieve today's date passing in the Date   *
 *                  Format & Number of days to add from today.  *
 *                  Returned Date will be in 10 char.           *
 *                                                              *
 * f_SubToday       Retrieve today's date passing in the Date   *
 *                  Format & Number of days to subtract from    *
 *                  today. Returned Date will be in 10 char.    *
 *                                                              *
 * MODIFICATION LOG :                                           *
 *                                                              *
 *            Task   Programmer/                                *
 *   Date      No.   Description                                *
 * ========  ======  ========================================== *
 * 09/18/97          Alex Nubla                                 *
 *                   Creation Date                              *
 *                                                              *
 *    S U B P R O C E D U R E S                                 *
 *                                                              *
 *  f_AddToday - Add number of Days from Today                  *
 *                                                              *
Pf_AddToday       B                   Export
 *  Input Values
D f_AddToday      PI            10
D  Dt_Fmt                        4    Value
D  Dt_AddDay                     3S 0 Value
 *  Standalone fields
D DateMDY         S               D   datfmt(*mdy)
D DateDMY         S               D   datfmt(*dmy)
D DateYMD         S               D   datfmt(*ymd)
D DateJUL         S               D   datfmt(*jul)
D DateISO         S               D   datfmt(*iso)
D DateUSA         S               D   datfmt(*usa)
D DateEUR         S               D   datfmt(*eur)
D DateJIS         S               D   datfmt(*jis)
D DateAlpha       S             10    Inz
D Lilian          S              9B 0 Inz
D Second          S              8A   Inz
D GregDt          S             17A   Inz
D Picture         S             32A
D DateRtn         S             32A
D                 ds
D DateReq                         D   datfmt(*iso)
D  DateRtnA                     10    overlay(DateReq:  1)
 *  Get the local time & add number of days           *
C                   Callb(d)  'CEELOCT'
C                   Parm                    Lilian
C                   Parm                    Second
C                   Parm                    GregDt
C                   Parm                    *Omit
C                   Move      *blanks       DateRtn
C                   Callb(d)  'CEEDATE'
C                   Parm                    Lilian
C                   Parm      'YYYY-MM-DD'  Picture
C                   Parm                    DateRtn
C                   Parm                    *Omit
C                   Movel     DateRtn       DateRtnA
C                   Select
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*MDY'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateMDY
C                   Movel     DateMDY       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*YMD'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateYMD
C                   Movel     DateYMD       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*JUL'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateJUL
C                   Movel     DateJUL       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*ISO'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateISO
C                   Movel     DateISO       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*USA'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateUSA
C                   Movel     DateUSA       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*DMY'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateDMY
C                   Movel     DateDMY       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*EUR'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateEUR
C                   Movel     DateEUR       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt   = '*JIS'
C     DateReq       adddur    Dt_AddDay:*d  DateJIS
C                   Movel     DateJIS       DateAlpha
C                   EndSl
C                   Return    DateAlpha
Pf_AddToday       E                                              
 *                                                              *
 *  f_SubToday - Subtract number of Days from Today             *
 *                                                              *
Pf_SubToday       B                   Export
 *  Input Values
D f_SubToday      PI            10
D  Dt_Fmt2                       4    Value
D  Dt_SubDay                     3S 0 Value
 *  Standalone fields
D DateMDY         S               D   datfmt(*mdy)
D DateDMY         S               D   datfmt(*dmy)
D DateYMD         S               D   datfmt(*ymd)
D DateJUL         S               D   datfmt(*jul)
D DateISO         S               D   datfmt(*iso)
D DateUSA         S               D   datfmt(*usa)
D DateEUR         S               D   datfmt(*eur)
D DateJIS         S               D   datfmt(*jis)
D DateAlpha       S             10    Inz
D Lilian          S              9B 0 Inz
D Second          S              8A   Inz
D GregDt          S             17A   Inz
D Picture         S             32A
D DateRtn         S             32A
D                 ds
D DateReq                         D   datfmt(*iso)
D  DateRtnA                     10    overlay(DateReq:  1)
 *  Get the local time & subtract number of days      *
C                   Callb(d)  'CEELOCT'
C                   Parm                    Lilian
C                   Parm                    Second
C                   Parm                    GregDt
C                   Parm                    *Omit
C                   Move      *blanks       DateRtn
C                   Callb(d)  'CEEDATE'
C                   Parm                    Lilian
C                   Parm      'YYYY-MM-DD'  Picture
C                   Parm                    DateRtn
C                   Parm                    *Omit
C                   Movel     DateRtn       DateRtnA
C                   Select
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*MDY'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateMDY
C                   Movel     DateMDY       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*YMD'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateYMD
C                   Movel     DateYMD       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*JUL'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateJUL
C                   Movel     DateJUL       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*ISO'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateISO
C                   Movel     DateISO       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*USA'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateUSA
C                   Movel     DateUSA       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*DMY'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateDMY
C                   Movel     DateDMY       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*EUR'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateEUR
C                   Movel     DateEUR       DateAlpha
C                   When      Dt_Fmt2  = '*JIS'
C     DateReq       subdur    Dt_SubDay:*d  DateJIS
C                   Movel     DateJIS       DateAlpha
C                   EndSl
C                   Return    DateAlpha
Pf_SubToday       E                                              
****************** End of data **********************************

Top of Page

Figure 3A

DATEPR Prototype

*************** Beginning of data *******************************
 *                                                              *
 *  Prototype. . . :  DATEPR                                    *
 *  Text . . . . . :  Prototypes for DATESVC                    *
 *                                                              *
 *  Author . . . . :  Alex Nubla                                *
 *  Creation Date. :  08/26/97                                  *
 *                                                              *
 *  Description. . :  These are prototypes used in the DATESVC  *
 *                    procedures.  This prototype member must   *
 *                    be updated for any added subprocedure in  *
 *                    DATESVC                                   *
 *                                                              *
 *  Prototype for f_CurrDate                                     
D f_CurrDate      PR            10                               
D  Dt_Fmt                        4    Value                      
 *  Prototype for f_PrevDate                                     
D f_PrevDate      PR            10                               
D  Dt_Fmt2                       4    Value                      
****************** End of data **********************************

Top of Page

Figure 3B

DAYPR Prototype

*************** Beginning of data *******************************
 *                                                              *
 *  Prototype. . . :  DAYPR                                     *
 *  Text . . . . . :  Prototypes for DAYSVC                     *
 *                                                              *
 *  Author . . . . :  Alex Nubla                                *
 *  Creation Date. :  09/18/97                                  *
 *                                                              *
 *  Description. . :  These are prototypes used in the DAYSVC   *
 *                    procedures.  This prototype member must   *
 *                    be updated for any added subprocedure in  *
 *                    DAYSVC                                    *
 *                                                              *
 * MODIFICATION LOG :                                           *
 *                                                              *
 *            Task   Programmer/                                *
 *   Date      No.   Description                                *
 * ======== ======== ========================================== *
 * 09/18/97          Alex Nubla                                 *
 *                   Creation Date                              *
 *                                                              *
 * Prototype for f_AddToday
D f_AddToday      PR            10
D  Dt_Fmt                        4    Value
D  Dt_AddDay                     3S 0 Value
 * Prototype for f_SubToday
D f_SubToday      PR            10
D  Dt_Fmt2                       4    Value
D  Dt_SubDay                     3S 0 Value
****************** End of data **********************************

Top of Page

Figure 2 shows the ILE RPG/400 module with 4 subprocedures (2 for date service & 2 for day service). The modules do not have a main procedure, hence for the NOMAIN keyword. If you are planning on building built-in functions, it is good to make these modules NOMAIN modules except for the ones that actually contain program entry procedures. The lack of the main procedure reduces the actual size of the program. Note: you cannot use the CRTBNDRPG command to create a program. Instead, you must use the CRTPGM to bind the module with your NOMAIN module being your secondary module.

All subprocedures must have a corresponding prototype (see /COPY of DATEPR and Figure 3A) in the data definition (D specs). The prototype (PR on positions 24-25) is used by the compiler to call your procedure properly and to ensure that the calling module passes the correct parameters. If the prototype procedure has other call parameters or is returning value to the calling module, then the subprocedure must have a procedure interface definition. A procedure interface (PI on positions 24-25) is a duplicate of a prototype information within the subprocedure. It is used to define all parameter values for the procedure and to ensure that the definition of the subprocedure is the same as that of the external definition (from the prototype).

I made my prototype and procedure interface identical. In Figure 2A, my procedure interface defines Dt_Fmt as the parameter for f_CurrDate function and Dt_Fmt2 for f_PrevDate. There are 2 procedures for this module. Each starts with a Begin Procedure (B in position 24 of the procedure specification). The AS/400 treats all variables defined within each procedure separately. Any variables defined within the procedure are local. That is why you can see that all my variables for my Standalone fields are identical. You will also see that my local variable that I defined in the procedure interface is identical to the global variable defined on my Prototype. When the subprocedure is executed, any reference to that name in the subprocedure use the local variable definition (i.e. I could have named Dt_Fmt for my procedure interface for both f_CurrDate and f_PrevDate).

The VALUE keyword within the procedure interface indicates that a parameter is passed in. The parameter is return back to the calling module after the RETURN operation. Another keyword I forgot to mention earlier is the EXPORT keyword at the beginning of each procedure. This allows each procedure to be called by another module in the program.

To create the subprocedure DATESVC & DAYSVC modules, you use the Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD) command. Anytime you wish to use either of the functions, you will use the Create Program (CRTPGM) command to bind the module together with your primary module. DATESVC or DAYSVC must be the secondary module always.

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