Fourth Generation

Family of Samuel Buckalew , Sr. (6) & Mary Campbell

15. Andrew Buckalew. Born in 1731 in Nr Cranbury, South Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ. Andrew died in Garrett, Allegany Co., MD (Glades Area. ), on 19 February 1805; he was 74. Buried in Allegany Co., MD.

Andrew was probably born after 1700. Moved to Maryland-Virginia area. Brother John went to Pennsylvania area. Andrew died about 1805. Had two wives, son William being of the first.

Virginia Buckalew says that Andrew was born in 1731, rather than 1743. I question this because of the 12 year difference that would constitute between his and his brother John M.'s age. My forgotten source indicates that he and John M. were twins, born 14 Apr 1743 (the year that Virginia has already for John).

- 1758, There was an Andrew on the NJ militia list, but we don't know where he lived.

- 1774, An Andrew Buckalune filed suit in Loudoun Co., VA.

- 1775 Smith's Plantation, RI, Registered at Inn (signature) same night as Ben Franklin... Horse Trading trip.

"Andrew Buckalew did not serve in the (Revolutionary) War. It is said he accidently cut off part of his foot, maybe this kept him out. It is doubtful this had anything to do with his death. He probably died of an illness. He and his second wife, Jane, died within a few hours of each other in late 1804 or early 1805. (Helen Hutchinson has a receipt for two coffins and winding sheets for their burial)."

- 1785, Andrew Bucklew was on the Cameron Parish, Loudoun Co., VA tax list with one tithable. Also there, Samuel Bucklew, with two tithables.

- 1792, Andrew is said to have bought land in Allegany Co., MD. Our files do not have a copy of this record.

- 1800, Andrew is said to be in the Allegany Co., MD census.

- 1805, An inventory was taken of the property of Andrew, deceased. Apparently, only a portion of the estate papers were sent to me.

"One of the biggest controversies seems to center around the name of his first wife. Some say she was Sarah Parker. However, others say that was not her name, that some researcher made a mistake many years a go, and that it was taken for the gospel. I truly don't know, but it would be wonderful to either prove or disprove this theory."

Margaret B. Margrey: Gives 1731-1806 as Andrew's dates.

Married twice. Had 12 children.

Virginia Buckalew says that Andrew Buckalew and Sarah Parker had 11 children, and that those children settled in Ohio, Maryland, PA and VA (later W. VA). She states that there is evidence that Andrew had two wives (I presume one at a time), with son William being of the first.
Another source says that both he and his wife died from the same sickness.

1805, 19 Feb., Allegany Co., MD,Inventory, Andrew Buckloo estate: An inventory of the goods of Andrew Buckloo, late of Allegany Co. was appraised by Adam Ligler/Sigler & James Morrison, who valued the personal goods at $207.95. The list included one old Bible at 12 cents.

Colonial records: 1758, NJ; 1774 &1785, Loudoun Co., VA; 1792-1805, Allegany Co., MD.

Notes gleaned from various family group sheets: An Elizabeth Fling appears on the same Loudoun Co., VA, tithable list as Andrew Bucklew (in 1785) does, which helps confirm the marriage of Andrew to Jane. Also, Andrew is said to have bought coffins for himself and "Janie" in Allegany Co., MD, (apparently part of the papers in "Packet 53," Hall of Records, Annapolis). Andrew's son-in-law, David Tichenal, was appointed guardian of the four youngest girls. He is also said to have been Administrator of Andrew Bucklew's estate.

From Article "Home Sweet Holmes," HOLMES CO. HEIRS NEWSLETTERK, Holmes Co. Chapter OGS, PO Box 136, Millersburg, OH 44654 c/o Editor: "Andrew moved from NJ to Allegheny Co., MD, and from there to Coshocton Co., OH. Many of his children moved with him. Parker settled in Clark Twp. and John lived just below the village of Clark. Sons of Samuel and James moved into what is now Mechanic Twp., Holmes Co. Andrew returned to Preston Co., VA (Later WV) where he died in 1805."

From Charlene Erman, 28 Oct 1995, 108 E. Pleasant ST.; Coshocton, OH 43812: "Andrew's will, inventory, appointment of administrator and guardianship of young children can be found in Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD., in an envelope marked #53."

Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD: Allegany County Orphans' Court Proceedings, 1791-1830, Liber A ...
p. 62--"At an Orphan's Court held in the town of Cumberland in and for Allegany County on the 2nd Tuesday and 12 day of February, 1805, were present And. Bruce, Thomas Cresap and Thomas Thistles Esquires, Justices, and George Bruce Register."

p. 63--"David Tichneal hath this day made application for letters of Administration on the estate of Andrew Buchallieu, Deceased. Ordered that letters be granted accordingly."

p. 80--Orphans' Court, Wednesday Aprille 9th, 1806--"David Tichneal applies to be appointed guardian to Elizabeth Buckallew, Catherine Buckallew and Hannah Buckallew and that he appear next Court and give bond according to law."

p. 83--Orphans' Court, April 14, 1807--"This day David Tichneal makes application to have appraisers appointed to estimate the annual value of the real estate of Andrew Buckallieu, Dec'd. The court agree to appoint Adam Siglor and Michael Bean."

(Note that middle names used here, raising question which is correct, Catherine Ann and/or Elizabeth Ann or Catherine Jane and/or Elizabeth Jane.)

Maryland Historical Society; Baltimore, Maryland. Reference: M F 187.A4.D23:
Alleghany County, Maryland Records 1787-1825. Compiled and Published by Daughters of The American Revolution, Cresay Chapter; Cumberland, MD, 1964.

Volume I, Wills--Index: p. 193, BUCKALOW (BUCHALLIUE), ANDREW; pp. 98, 99, 104, 107, 144, 153.

Pp. 98, 99; April 9, 1806; Buckllieu (Buckalew), Andrew, ESTATE, David Tichneal, Administrater--Accounts paid to: Levy Hilleary, Park BUCKALLIEU, Honces (?) Paugh, William McMahon, Duncan McVickers, Jacob Paugh, Thomas Stewart, Hugh Reynolds, David TICHNEAL, Pempleman & Crawford, Stephen TICHNEAL, David MacKentire, Joshua TICHNEAL.

P. 104--April 14, 1807; Buchallieu, Andrew, Estate; David Tichneal, Admin. Second Accounting: Account paid to Charles Snider.

P. 107; April 10, 1808; BUCKALLUE, Andrew, Estate; David Tichneal, Admin.
Third Accounting: Cash received from Norman B. Magruder. Accounts paid to: Matthew Ball, kSimpson & Morrison, Benjamine Brady, Jacob Husker, Daniel Rockaor, Jacob Hugler, James Morrison, Adam Sigler.

P. 144--August 10, 1819--Buckallue, Andrew, Estate; David Tichneal, Admin. Fourth Accounting: Account paid to Nicholas Sturm.

P. 153--February 13, 1821--BUCKALEU Estate; David Tichneal, Admin.

"The Buckalews... lived a few miles south of what is now Bloomington near what was once called Coal Hill. It may be on what is now known as Old Bloomington road. As opposed to Bloomington Hill Road, Route #135."

In 1758 when Andrew was 27, he first married Sarah Parker, daughter of James Parker, in NJ. Born about 1733. Sarah died before 1780; she was 47.

They had the following children:
40 i. Rachel (~1760-1867)
41 ii. Samuel (1761-1843)
42 iii. Hopeful (1765-1849)
43 iv. Mary (1768-1826)
44 v. William (1770-1844)
45 vi. Nathan Parker (1771-1844)
46 vii. Sarah

About 1780 when Andrew was 49, he second married Jane Fling, daughter of William Fling & Elizabeth. Jane died in 1805 in Allegany Co., MD.

Both she and her husband died from the same sickness at Allegany Co., MD

They had the following children:
47 i. George (~1781-1873)
48 ii. James (1783-1842)
49 iii. John (1785-1863)
50 iv. Margaret (1791-)
51 v. Jane (1793-1830)
52 vi. Ann (1796-1888)
53 vii. Hannah (~1801-)

16. John M. Buckalew. Born on 14 April 1743 in South Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ. At the age of <1, John M. was baptized in Old Tennent Ch., on 12 June 1743. John M. died in Fishingcreek, Columbia Co., PA, on 3 July 1833; he was 90. Occupation: Millwright, miller.

Virginia Buckalew has John M.'s birthday as 14 Nov rather than 14 Apr.

Another source gives John a birthmonth and year of October 1754.

Millwright and miller.

Private, Revolutionary War.

Moved from South Amboy to the site of Muncy, in Lycoming County, PA, in the 1770s shortly after his marriage; 1776 Northumberland Co., PA; later to Md; then back to Northumberland; to Columbia Co.

On Feb. 8, 1776, was appointed a member of the Committee of Safety for Turbut township, Northumberland County (under Franklin's central committee at Philadelphia), and was associated with the famous Capt. "Jim" Brady, was a member of the militia and took his turn doing scouting duty. As his brother-in-law was away fighting the British he had to remain home to protect both families. In 1778 or 1779, he moved to Harford County, MD, settling at Rock Run, where he "ground flour for the Continental Army" without pay.

Returned to PA in 1785.

From an undated transcribed letter, written by John W. Buckalew to his niece, Mrs. Marinda Jones: "Our family has been always noted for the honesty and probity of its members, persons of strong, clear judgments and great moral honesty. "Gilbert and Francis Boileau, two Hugenot brothers, left France in 1663 in consequence of the continued persecutions of the Roman Catholic Church which commenced upon the revocation of the "Edict of Nantes" and continued for near 200 years. Family traditions say the family of which these two young men were members kept their Bible fastened to the bottom of one of the heavy clumsy chairs of the period with the curtains handing down conceling it. When they wished to read it one or more members of the family were places as sentinels outside, to guard aginst surprise by the Maligant Priesthood or their more ignorant and brutal assistant, the penalty of death by torture or imprisonment and confiscation of property directed by all the malevolence the followers of the Christ upon Earth could inflict.

"The sentinels placed, some members of the family would turn up the chair, read a portion of the scriptures and conduct the services... The above two brothers settled on Long Island near where the city of Brooklyn now stands, at the time owned by the Dutch, there being but one church at that time in 'Nie Yorck.'

"Gilbert remained near New York and retained the name of Boileau while Francis, my great-great grandfather, removed and settled near South Amboy, Middlesex Co., NY, where his name changed to Buckalow, I suppose by the uncouth mouthing of the natives (Dutch & Swedes) of that barbarous land. Francis Buckalow was born in France in the year 1640 and died at South Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ. in 1750, aged 110 years. He married a French Huguenot woman in America by whom he had the aforementioned four sons and I do not know whether any daughters or not. Samuel Buckalow, his son, is believed to have been born at South Amboy in 1677. He married a Scotch woman, Mary Campbell by name, by whom he had three daughters and two sons, Andrew and John Buckalow. He died at South Amboy in 1782, aged 105 year. Andrew, his son, removed to VA at a date unknown.
"John Buckalow, son of Samuel, your great grandfather, was born at South Amboy, NJ, in 1743. He married Mary McKinney, a Scotch-Irish woman, in 1771 and the following year moved to Northumberland Co., PA, accompanied by his father-in-law McKinney and settled near where the town of Muncy still stands.

From "Book of Biographies -- Seventeenth Congressional Dist": ... born in October, 1754. He was a millwright and miller by trade and followed those occupations in Muncy, Pa., for several years. In 1873 he was joined in marriage to Mary McKenney, who was born in 1754. In 1776, under the Franklin Central Committee of Philadelphia, he was appointed one of the committee of safety for Turbot township, Northumberland County, and in 1778 he obliged to leave that county on account of trouble with the Indians. He accordingly moved to Maryland and rented a mill at Rock Run, which he operated until the close of the Revolutionary War, when he returned to Northumberland County and settled on Chillisquaque Creek. He passed his remaining days there, dying July 3, 1833; his wife passed from this life November 25, 1829.

On 21 October 1773 when John M. was 30, he married Mary McKinney. Born on 5 October 1754. Mary died in Prb.Columbia Co., PA, on 25 November 1829; she was 75.

They had the following children:
54 i. Agnes (1774-1775)
55 ii. Sarah F. or P. (?) (1776-1843)
56 iii. Nancy (1777-1865)
57 iv. Mary (1779-1872)
58 v. Amos (1781-1816)
59 vi. Rachel (1784-1871)
60 vii. John McKinney (1786-1859)
61 viii. William (1789-1789)
62 ix. Rebecca (1791-1882)
63 x. James (1793-~1873)
64 xi. Elizabeth (1796-1873)
65 xii. Mordicai (1798-)

17. Samuel Buckalew Jr.

18. Joseph Buckalew. Born in 1747-65 in NJ. Joseph died in Briarcreek Twp, Columbia Co., PA, on 31 August 1834; he was 87.

That Joseph was son of Samuel is purely a conjecture on my part which I will gladly confirm or revise when other information is received. It is based on two things primarily, i.e., tha biblical naming pattern of Samuel's family, and the arrival in in Columbia Co., PA of other relatives and descendants of Samuel Buckalew.

1790s: In NJ.per Genealogical Magazine of NJ, Vol. 9, p. 49.

1793: In NJ.

1804; Sold land in Bethlehem Twp; Hunterdon Co., NJ.

abt 1804: Moved to PA.

1810 Wilkes-Barre Twp; Luzerne Co., PA census.

1816-34: Briar Creek Twp; Columbia Co., PA tax records.

Much of the initial information about the descendants of Joseph and Catherine (Gulick) Buckalew was provided by Terrence "Terry" Buckaloo; 215 E. Fellows; Dixon, IL 61021 <>

Before April 1798 when Joseph was 51, he married Catherine Gulick, daughter of Hendrick Gulick (1733-) & Mary Williamson. Born on 1 November 1768.

They had the following children:
66 i. Jonathan (-<1823)
67 ii. Polly
68 iii. Isaac (~1798-)
69 iv. Charity (~1802-1875)
70 v. Jane (1804-1854)
71 vi. Thomas Joseph (1811-1852)

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Thank you for allowing us to be part of your life these past six years. - Les Buckalew