It wasn't swamp gas!

Did you see it? What was that? Of course the first thing I would like to get straight is that there ARE UFO's.

UFO- Unidentified Flying Object

The term UFO is widely misused. Anything that isn't unidentified and is flying is a UFO. A frisbee, a F-16, even a pig. But the term that you really want to use is UFFO (Unidentified Foreign Flying Object). This does NOT mean a foreign plane. Like a soviet MiG, or a Chinese fighter. It means something that is foreign to our skies. Like this:

Now, you'll notice the X-Files sign in the lower-right, but this is still a cool picture. Now we've all heard the Roswell story. Of course the government has it's slips. If I may quote a military officer at Roswell, New Mexico the day of the remains of the so called "alien space craft" crash landed- "Something crashed in that field, and that is the only thing I am certain of."

Well, I'm certain of this, a lot of the sightings can't be explained, but most of them can. Natural causes are most of the sightings. And the others, well some are hoaxes (i.e."Alien Autopsy. Fact or Fiction?") and others may well be Zannith visiting from Mars, although it doesn't look like any life is on mars:

Maybe just a few rocks, but Mars isn't attacking very soon. At least, it sure doesn't look like it. But I'll tell you this, this picture is startling:

But, here I go, my explanation. Reasons this IS NOT a real UFFO:

  1. Proportion: The F-16 chasing after this UFO is much smaller than the UFO, it's not even half the size of the other craft.
  2. Light Aspect: The UFO has a shadow and can clearly be made out not to be American or any other nation's plane. But, the F-16, supposedly taken in the same picture as this UFO doesn't have a shadow, and does not match the way light is coming in on the UFO. If these objects were photographed at the same time, the light would reflect of the F-16 too.
  3. F-16 Flight Path: If indeed this F-16 was chasing the UFO as claimed by the photographer, why is it not turning. Now, I now a decent bit about planes and such. Even though I might not know the greatest amount, I can still tell you that the F-16 is NOT banking, and is just flying a straight course, in the OPPOSITE direction as the UFO. The F-16 is flying past the mountains at a high speed (visibility is low, so that can be assumed), and the UFO is already on this side of the mountain:

  4. The Focus: The focus of the picture is on the tree branches. The come in very clearly. The F-16 is a little blurred, but now too bad. The photographer probably had taken a picture of the F-16 an just imported in the UFO. My reasoning? The UFO is in perfect focus. Right? Well, two object can't be in focus unless they are at the same distance from the photographer. The F-16 wasn't in focus, because it was far away. Here's what I mean:

  5. The area around the top of the UFO has an area that has been fooled with. The color doesn't flow properly and it looks as if a string was used to hang this UFO.

Nice UFO, huh? Here's one that I made just to show you how easy it is to make a UFO picture. This one takes into consideration all accounts, though. It only took me 15 minutes to do this. With just a little bit of computer work, this one could be posted on the National Enquirer tomorrow.

Hey, want to see more about aliens and UFO's? Just click on the alien below and go to a good alien HTML.


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